Bill of Sale between John ALEXANDER and Jacob EGNOR (1817), Cecil Co., MD Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Doug Arbuckle Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* Cecil County Land Record Book, Liber JS, Number 13, Folio 256 Know all Men by these presents that I John Alexander of Cecil County for and in consideration of the Sum of fifty Dollars current money of Maryland to me in hand by Jacob Egnor of the same County the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain & sell unto the said Jacob Egnor One horse Colt about One year old and one brown Cow about seven years old. To have and to hold the said Colt and cow to him the said Jacob Egnor his heirs and assigns forever against me the said John Alexander and my hears and against all and every other person or persons claiming or to claim any right or title to the same by from or under me or my heirs. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of May Eighteen hundred & seventeen. John Alexander Signed sealed and delivered in presence of James Purnell Maryland, Cecil County, Sct. Be it remembered that on this 14th day of May 1817, personally appeared John Alexander before me the subscriber a Justice of the peace for Cecil County and acknowledged the above and foregoing Bill of Sale to be his Act and Deed and the property therein mentioned to be henceforth the property of the therein named Jacob Egnor his heirs & assigns forever; according to the true intent and meaning thereof and the Acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided. Acknowledged before me James Purnell Recorded 14th May 1817 & exam’d per See the following Web site for more info on Jacob Egnor and relatives