Deed by Isachar and Eli COULSON to Jacob JOB, Uriah BLACKBURN, Thomas FULTON, Cassandra COULSON & Lavinia COULSON (1818), Cecil County, MD Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Nancy Josue ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced In any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Cecil County, Maryland Land Deed Book, Volume JS 16, page 109 FHL Film # 0013840 This indenture made this fourteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, between Isachar Coulson and Eli Coulson, Executors of John Coulson deceased of the one part and Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson of the other part; Whereas the State of Maryland by patent bearing date the third day of November seventeen hundred and eighty nine did grant to the aforesaid John Coulson deceased a certain tract piece or parcel of land lying and being situated in Cecil County, called "Coulson's Old Garden," and Whereas the said John Coulson the Patentee as aforesaid being levied (?) in fee simple of the aforesaid Tract of Land called "Coulson's Old Garden" At Cecil County aforesaid made his will on the twenty second day of September eighteen hundred and eight whereby he appointed the aforesaid Issachar Coulson and Eli Coulson his executors; In which said will duly proven and recorded in the Registrar of Wills Office for Cecil County is contained the following clause to wit.- "As to the remaining part of my Plantationit is my will and I order the same to be sold by my executors in one year after my wife's decease to the highest bidder and do hereby authorise them or the suvivors of them to make and execute a deed or deeds for the same as good in law to all intents and purposes as I myself could do so." Which land this directed to be sold is a part of "Coulson's Old Garden" aforementioned and is contained within the following meets and bounds to wit: Beginning at a stone at the end of one hundred and thirty two perches and five thenths of a perch from the beginning Hickery tree on the first line of "Coulson's Old Garden" and aforesaid and running thence north three degrees and forty five minutes West one hundres and thirty nine perches to a stone south eighty seven degrees west one hundred and thirty three perches and five tenths of a perch to a stone South three degrees east eighty six perches and seven tenths of a perch to a stone _ North eighty seven degrees east ninteen perches to a stone_South two degrees east forty three perches to a stone thence with a straight line to the place of beginning containing one hundred and seven acres of Land be the same more or less as by reference to the said will and patent will more fully appear_Whereas the said Issachar Coulson and Eli Coulson executors aforesaid by virtue of the authority delegated to them by the said will and by order of the Orphan's Court of Cecil County aforesaid December Term Eighteen hundred and sixteen did on the seventeenth day of March eighteen hundred and seventeen at an adjourned publick sale expose the aforesaid parcel of land at publick sale at which said sale the said Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson being the highest bidders became the purchasers and said sale being confirmed by the said Orphan's Court at October term Eighteen Hundred and eighteen _ Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Issacher Coulson and Eli Coulson as executors aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of fiteen hundred and thirty five dollars and forty five cents current money to them in hand paid by the said Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold, assigned, inferred and confirmed unto them the said Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson their heirs and assigns forever, all that before mentioned and described tract piece or parcel of Land aforesaid being a part of "Coulson's Old Garden"._ To have and to hold the same to the said Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson their heirs and assigns to and for the only proper use and behoof of them the said acob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson their heirs and assigns and to and for no other use purpose or interest whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said Issachar Coulson and Eli Coulson have here unto to set their hands and affirm their seals the day and year first before mentioned. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of John Patterson. Rich.d Reynolds} Issachar Coulson Eli Coulson On the fourteenth day of November eighteen hundred eighteen received of Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson the sum of fifteen hundred thirty five dollars and forty five cents it being the amount of the consideration money mentioned in the above deed. Witness: John Patterson, Richard Reynolds Signed: Issachar Coulson, Eli Coulson Maryland Cecil County to wit: Be it remembered that on this fourteenth day of November Eighteen Hundred eighteen before us the subscribed Justices of the Peace for Cecil County, personally appears Issachar Coulson and Eli Coulson, property grantors above mentioned and acknowledged the foregoing deed or insturment of writing to be their act and deed and the Lands and tenements therein mentioned and contained to be the right interest and estate of Jacob Job, Uriah Blackburn, Thomas Fulton, Cassandra Coulson and Lavinia Coulson party grantees also therein named, their heirs and assigns, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and the acts of assembly in such case made and provided. Acknowledged before Richard Reynolds, John Patterson Recorded 25th January 1819