Land: Mortgage by Samuel and Annetta Crossan to Mollie D. Arbuckle (1894), Cecil County, MD Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Doug Arbuckle ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Cecil County Land Record Book, Liber JTG, Number 6, Folio 426 This Mortgage made the Fourteenth day of April in the year one thousand Eight hundred and ninety four between Samuel Crossan and Annetta Crossan his wife of Cecil County in the State of Maryland of the first part, and Mollie D Arbuckle of the same County and State of the Second part. Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part in Consideration of the sum of two hundred Dollars, lawful money of the United States to them duly paid has sold and by these presents does grant and convey to the said party of the Second part all that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Fourth Election District of Cecil County in the State of Maryland, adjoining the lands of Mrs Emily Reed and others and contains Twenty acres of land, be the same more or less, and being more particularly described in a deed from William J J Jones, Trustee to Julianna Scott bearing date the 8th day of April AD eighteen hundred and Seventy two properly Executed and acknowledged and Recorded in Liber DS No 6 folio 187, one of the land Record Books for cecil County aforesaid, the tract or parcel of land hereby intended to by(sic) conveyed is that part of the whole tract of land Conveyed by the Said last mentioned deed which remained after deducting the twelve acres of land more or less which was heretofore, to wit on the nineth day of April AD eighteen hundred and Seventy two. Sold and Conveyed unto a certain John W McDaniel by Julianna Scott by deed of the last mentioned date properly Executed acknowledged and Recorded in Liber DS No 6 folio 188, the Land Record Books aforesaid. This grant is intended as a Security for the payment of Two Hundred Dollars, on the fourteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and ninety four with interest thereon payable annually at the rate of six per Cent per annum which payment if duly made will render this conveyance void, and if default shall be made in the payment of the principal or interest above mentioned then the said party of the Second part and his heirs or assigns are hereby authorized to Sell the premises above granted or so much thereof as will be necessary to Satisfy the amount then due with the cost and Expenses allowed by law, in witness whereof the parties of these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above mentioned. Samuel Crossan Annetta Crossan Test Jno Partridge State of Maryland Cecil County Sct: I hereby Cirtify(sic) that on this fourteenth day of April in the year 1894, before me the subscriber a justice of the Peace of the said State of Maryland in and for Cecil County personally appeared Samuel Crossan, and Annetta Crossan his wife and did each acknowledge the foregoing Mortgage to be their respective act and deed. Jno Partridge State of Maryland Cecil County to wit: I hereby Certify that on this Fourteenth day of April AD eighteen Hundred and ninety four,, before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace of the said State in and for said County personally appeared Paul T Arbuckle, agent for the party Mortgagee to the aforegoing Mortgage is true and bona fide as therein set forth and he is the agent of the Said Mollie D Arbuckle, Mortgagee and is duly authorized to make affidavit. Jno Partridge JP Recorded April 14th 1894 and Examined Del’d to P T Arbuckle Jun 9th 1894 Per James T Graham, Clk April 24th 1899 the original mortgage was returned to the office with the following release endorsed thereon: We hereby release the foregoing Mortgage. Witness our hands and seals this 24th day of April AD 1899 Mollie D Arbuckle Paul T Arbuckle Witness David T Devlin, Jr See the following Web site for more info on Mollie D Arbuckle and relatives