Lists of Taxables in Octorara Hundred in 1766, Cecil County, Maryland Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Edgar Bralley Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* [Original Document in Maryland Historical Society Manuscript Division, MS 231.] Cecil County List of Taxables in Octorara Hundred in 1766 George Anderson Simond Allit Andrew Baxter John Braley Ezekiel Berry Jeams Clark John McCreary Daniel Calihon George Tailor (Beal) Thomas McDowel Patt Doyle Henry Dougherty Arsbald Dougherty James Downey Samuel Ewing Natt Ewing & 2 negroes William Ewing, Jr. Wm. Ewing, Sr. & 3 negroes Robert Ewing Jeams Elder Hugh Emison Francis Fulton Daniel McDaniel Samuel Fulton William Snodgrass Dinnis McFadding Robert Forcher [Fercher?] Samuel Gillespie Robert Gillespie Steaphen Gillespie & 3 negroes William Gillespie Samuel Gillespie, Jr. & 1 negro Richard Gay John McConigal Natt Gillespie Wm. Husband & 7 negroes Joseph Husband Whitten Rutter James Hunt Elihu Hall Joseph Hall & 9 negroes James Hagon Elihu Hall, Sr. & 10 negroes John Thieff [Thiess?] William Ewing (Beal) Thomas Love Robert Love & 1 negro Robert McMaster (Beal) Robert Maxfield Richard Gay (Beal) William Means Robert McMaster (Beal) James McLeer Thomas Porter Andrew McKinney John Sidwell William Mitchel James Porter George Porter John Tagert & 3 negroes Robert Porter Andrew Porter, Sr. Andrew Porter, Jr. John Porter James Carnihon & 2 slaves William Porter George Ewing Daniel Peacock William Porter, Sr. George Dalton John Hamelton Luke Peacock William Gash & 2 slaves Andrew Rogan John Sloan Robert Willson John Widdowfield Andrew Weer Robert Walker George Tailor Hans Becker[?] James Tomson John Anderson Thomas Moor Robert Porter (Beal) Daniel McCay [McCoy?] John Craig Andrey Craig Hezekiah Balch Mr. James Hunt (Beal) Samuel Ewing, Constable, August 5, 1766