Land Records: Wicomico Hundred Rent Rolls (1642-1753): Charles County, MD Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Mike Marshall, ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Wicomico Hundred Rent Rolls 1642-1753 =============================================================================== Record Format 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Charles County MD Hundred: Rent Roll page/Sequence: Rent_Roll_Page-Sequence: tract_name: acres acres; Possession of - Possession_1: Full_Description_of_Tract: Other Tracts Mentioned: Other_mentioned_Tracts_1; Other_mentioned_Tracts_2; Other_mentioned_Tracts_3; other notes - 1642_1753_Note_1, 1642_1753_Note_2,1642_1753_Note_3, 1642_1753_Note_4, 1642_1753_Note_5, 1642_1753_Note_6, 1642_1753_Note_7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 283-1: WOLLASTON MANOR: 2000 acres; Possession of - 1000 Acres - Neale, Anthony : Surveyed 29 Oct 1642 for James Neale Gent: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 500 acres - James Neale Jr. from James Neale Sr. 26 April 1716, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 283-2: GILLS LAND: 1220 acres; Possession of - 1220 Acres - Neale, James: Surveyed 15 Aug 1646 for Benjamin Gill lying upon Wicomico River near the land of James Neale Gent. Resurveyed in his name and found to be 1220 acres: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 500 acres - James Neale Jr. from James Neale Sr. 26 April 1716, 500 acres - Benjamin Neale from James Neale 25 Feb 1724.,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 283-3: DUKE: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Escheat: Surveyed 25 Aug 1649 for Richard Duke assigned of Thomas Conley esq. Lying near Posey's Creek Escheat: Other Tracts Mentioned: PEER; ; ; other notes - This land is said to be escheat, Included in resurvey of Peco (?) or Peer, folio 452 (check spelling),, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 283-4: BEECH: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Yates, Robert : Surveyed 22 Aug 1650 for John Hatch on the South side of Hatches Creek: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Robert Yates for Hatchers Heirs, Francis Hamersley from Thomas Hawson 23 May 1737,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 283-6: COURTS: 200 acres; Possession of - 200 Acres - Maddox, John: Surveyed 23 Aug 1650 for John Courts near a marsh called Courts Marsh: Other Tracts Mentioned: MADDOX TROUBLE; ; ; other notes - Included in Resurvey of MADDOX TROUBLE, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-7: SMOOTELY: 400 acres; Possession of - 400 Acres - Warren, John: Surveyed 25 Jan 1652 for William Smoote on the West side Wicomico River beginning at a marked oak the boundary tree of John Hatch: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - John Warren, son of Humphrey Warren, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-8: MANSELL: 500 acres; Possession of - 200 Acres - Herbert, William: Surveyed 3 June 1651 for John Mansell near the land of James Neale: Other Tracts Mentioned: PENNSYLVANIA; NEW YORK; ; other notes - 290 Acres - Escheated into PENNSYLVANIA 19 Sept 1719, 210 Acres - Escheated into NEW YORK 19 Sept 1719,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-9: NEALES GIFT: 500 acres; Possession of - 500 Acres - Neale, Anthony: Surveyed 8 Feb 1652 for Xph (Christopher) Russell on the west side of Wicomico River, this land was granted to Anthony Neale. upon a resurvey made the 1st of August 1682 & new patent to him issued and found to be 500 acres: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 494 Acres - James Neale from Anthony and Raphael Neale 13 Nov 1716, Resurveyed into NEALE'S GIFT, folio 428,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-10: SMOOTEWOOD: 240 acres; Possession of - 240 Acres - Warren, John: Surveyed (blank) for William Smoote the patent of which bears date 26 May 1648 on the West side of Wicomico river: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - John Warren, son of Humphrey Warren, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-11: SCOTT: 200 acres; Possession of - 200 Acres - Douglass, Joseph: Surveyed (blank) for William Smoote on the West side of Wicomico river the patent bears date 26 May 1658 but not the record: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 200 Acres - John Mellor from John Fairfax 14 March 1720 {mm note: John Miller}, This land Can't be found (Liber 2 Folio 42),, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-12: MARSH: 200 acres; Possession of - 200 Acres - Hawton, William: Surveyed 29 May 1658 for John Courts on the west side Wicomico river beginning at Court Marsh: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - , ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 284-13: PEER: 150 acres; Possession of - 150 Acres - Digges, Charles: Surveyed 11 May 1658 Henry Peer on the S.W. Side Wicomico River on the South side Posey's Creek: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Resurveyed into PEER Folio 452, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-14: WEST HATTON: 500 acres; Possession of - 500 Acres - Warren, John: Surveyed 22 June 1663 for Thomas Hatton on the West side of Wicomico River.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 500 Acres - John Bruce from Judith Warren 21 Jan 1715, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-15: FRAILTY: 300 acres; Possession of - 300 Acres - Warren, Thomas: Surveyed 22 June 1663 for Humphrey Warren on the West side Wicomico River: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Included in Resurvey of Frailty Folio 420, 3 Nov 1730, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-16: WICOMICO FIELDS: 500 acres; Possession of - 200 Acres - Contee, John : Surveyed 7 April 1666 for Thomas Smoote on the West side. this land was first taken up by Thomas Gerrard. Resurveyed by Smoote.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Included in Resurvey of WICCOCOMICO FIELDS, folio 444, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-17: GWINNS HOPE: 30 acres; Possession of - 30 Acres - Morris, Richard: Surveyed 16 Sep 1668 for John Gwinn at a bound pock hiccory near a bound tree of Thomas Smoote & John Morris: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 10 Acres - Samuel Hanson from Edward Anderson 22 Sep 1720, 10 Acres - Edward Anderson from Samuel Hanson 23 Sep 1720,30 Acres - Mark Penn from John Gwinn, 12 May 1724, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-18: SMOOTE PURCHASE: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Warren, John: Surveyed 9 July 1673 for Richard Smoote at a bound black oak the first bound tree of the land of WICCOCOMICO FIELDS.: Other Tracts Mentioned: WICCOCOMICO FIELDS; ; ; other notes - John Warren, son of Humphrey Warren, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-19: BERGEN OP LOEM: 300 acres; Possession of - 300 Acres - Morris, Richard: Surveyed 22 Aug 1673 for Robert Rowland at a locust post in the line of Thomas Smoote called the HILLS, binding upon the aforesaid land N.E.: Other Tracts Mentioned: HILLS; ; ; other notes - 100 Acres - Samuel Hanson from Edward Anderson 22 Sep 1720, 100 Acres - Edward Anderson from Samuel Hanson 23 Sep 1720,30 Acres - Mark Penn from Cleborne Lomax, 19 Dec 1724, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 285-20: TOMKINS PURCHASE: 185 acres; Possession of - 185 Acres - Tomkins, Sarah: Re-Surveyed 20 July 1674 for Giles Tomkins on the North side Potomac River on the East side of St. Raphael's or Neale's Back Neck.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Sarah Tomkins in right of John Tomkins, 150 Acres - James Howard from Newman Tomkins 3 Oct 1735,100 Acres - George Dent from Newman Tomkins 18 Aug 1737, Resurveyed into TOMKINS PURCHASE, 16 Sep 1735 folio 426, , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-21: ARTHUR HOPE: 700 acres; Possession of - 700 Acres - Disclaimed: Surveyed 22 March 1648 for Francis Posey & John Burlaine on the West side Wicomico River: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - This land is disclaimed, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-22: SLINGSBY: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Newman, George: Surveyed 25 Aug 1649 Thomas Mitchell lying near Neale's Creek: Other Tracts Mentioned: PARTNERS PURCHASE; ; ; other notes - Resurveyed into PARTNERS PURCHASE, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-23: CHARLES TOWN: 700 acres; Possession of - 700 Acres - Digges, Elizabeth (Madam): Surveyed 2 Aug 1650 for Walter Bayne on the West side Wicomico River near the mouth of Hatch's Creek: Other Tracts Mentioned: DIGGES SETTLEMENT; ; ; other notes - Resurveyed into Digges SETTLEMENT alias No Name, 13 Jan 1713 folio 383., ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-24: NEALES DESIRE: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Neale, James: Surveyed 21 April 1658 for Walter Gweston (sp?) on the West side Wicomico River adjoining to Christopher Russell land and resurveyed by James Neale July 17th, 1683 and found to be 125 acres: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Joseph Allen jr from Joseph Allen Sr. 6 Nov 1729, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-25: FREE BOOTY: 50 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Warren, John: Surveyed 7 April 1666 for Richard Smoote on the West side Wicomico River near the line of Thomas Smoote.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - , ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-26: HARRISONS VENTURE: 50 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Cole, Jeffery: Surveyed 14 April 1671 for Richard Harrison at bound Red Oak on the South side of a forked Creek run near the marsh: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 50 Acres - Joan Decregae from Jeffery Cole, 27 Feb 1707, 50 Acres - Johannah Decregae from Thomas Harrison 22 Aug 1718,50 Acres - John Scroggins from William Decreagae 23 Oct 1722, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 286-27: WATER BEECH: 100 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Hawton, William : Surveyed 21 April 1675 for John Hatch on the West side Wicomico River near the head of Hatch's Creek on the South side of a fresh run. (additional 50 acres) surveyed for him on the West side Wicomico River next adjoining to the land formerly granted to John courts; This land was not to be found): Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Joint possession by Robert Yates and William Hawton, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-28: RATHER: 55 acres; Possession of - 55 Acres - Escheat: Surveyed 21 Sep 1673 for Mathew Brooks at a bound White Oak on the N.W. side of a branch of Smoote's Creek near a small marsh. Escheat: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - This land is said to be escheat, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-29: GOULDSBROUGH: 150 acres; Possession of - 150 Acres - Disclaimed: Surveyed 20 April 1658 for John Goldsmith on the West side of Wicomico River beginning at a marked popular tree by a fresh run near the head of a branch.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Disclaimed, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-30: DIGGES ADDITION: 295 acres; Possession of - 295 Acres - Digges, Elizabeth (Madam): Surveyed 16 Aug 1682 for Col. William Digges on the West side of Wicomico River beginning near the mouth of Hatch's Creek where Digges PURCHASE begins.: Other Tracts Mentioned: DIGGES PURCHASE; ; ; other notes - 134 Acres - Thomas Turner from William Digges 23 June 1719, Dorothy Perry from Thomas Turner 12 Nov 1719,Thomas Perry from Robert Hanson, 17 Mar 1720, Thomas Perry from Robert Hanson, 13 July 1721, Resurveyed into Digges SETTLEMENT alias No Name 13 Jan 1713, folio 383, Philip Key from Thomas Perry 13 Dec 1737, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-31: DIGGES PURCHASE: 401 acres; Possession of - 401 Acres - Digges, Elizabeth (Madam): Surveyed 10 July 1683 for Col. William Digges near Hatch's Creek, the land formerly in 2 tracts in the possession of Josiah Fendall: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - Resurveyed into Digges SETTLEMENT alias No Name 13 Jan 1713, folio 383, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-32: SMOOTES CHANCE: 160 acres; Possession of - 160 Acres - Wilders, John: Surveyed 15 April 1687 for Thomas Smoote: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 160 Acres - Charles Smoot from Thomas Smoot 18 Nov 1728, 26 Acres - John Baptist Boarman from Charles Smoot, 12 April 1743,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-33: NEVILL: 500 acres; Possession of - 250 Acres - Fanning, : Surveyed 9 Feb 1652 John Nevill on the West side of Wicomico River: Other Tracts Mentioned: NEW HORSESHOE; ; ; other notes - Escheated into NEW HORSESHOE, 25 Sep 1720 folio 410, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-34: MITCHELLS PLATT: 300 acres; Possession of - 300 Acres - Maddox, William: Surveyed 19 Aug 1658 for Thomas Mitchell on the West side of Wicomico River: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 108 Acres - John Gwinn from William Cage, 5 Dec 1719, 170 Acres - Edward Ford from William Cage, 22 Aug 1726,58 Acres - John Gwinn from William Cage, 28 April 1727, 40 Acres - Edward Ford from William Cage, 14 Feb 1729, , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 287-35: RUSSELL: 200 acres; Possession of - 200 Acres - Byas, Moses: Surveyed 12 Aug 1658 for Christopher Russell, beginning at a marked oak standing by Wicomico River: Other Tracts Mentioned: YATES HOPE; ; ; other notes - Moses Byas for Mary Atte (sp?), Escheated into YATES HOPE, 25 Nov 1720, Folio 411,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 383-49: DIGGES SETTLEMENT: 658 acres; Possession of - 658 Acres - Digges, Charles : Re-Surveyed 13 Jan 1713 for Charles Digges formerly lying in 3 tracts & belonging to the said Digges but now comprised in one. beginning at a bound hiccory standing on the South side of a creek issuing out of Wicomico River at Hatches at Hatton's Creek it being the beginning on one of the said tracts called DIGGES ADDITION patent 10 March 1714: Other Tracts Mentioned: DIGGES ADDITION; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, also Charlestown see chancery liber 40-121,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 390-86: PENNSYLVANIA RESURVEY: 290 acres; Possession of - 290 Acres - Penn, William : Re-Surveyed 19 Sept 1719 for William Penn escheat, including 2 parts of a tract of land containing 500 Acres granted John Mansell, anno 1651, beginning at bounded White Oak standing near the head of a marsh commonly known by the name of Neale's marsh and the narrows of the neck being the first bounded tree of the said tract.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 398-134: NEW YORK RESURVEY: 350 acres; Possession of - 350 Acres - Edelen, Richard : Re-Surveyed 19 Sept 1719 for Benjamin Douglas on Cuckold Creek beginning at a bounded oak.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, Bennett Hoskins from Benjamin Douglas; 20 Aug 1730,180 Acres - Richard Edelen from Benjamin Douglas; 20 Aug 1732, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 415-260: MARROWBONE LANE: 43 acres; Possession of - 43 Acres - Chandler, John: Surveyed for John Chandler, 23 June 1726 lying on the West side of the Wicomico river, Patented to said Chandler, 24 July 1732.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 418-278: NEALES DESERT: acres; Possession of - Acres - Wood, Benjamin: Surveyed for Benjamin Wood, 1 Oct 1725, lying on the South side of Piles Swamp.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 420-304: FRAILTY: acres; Possession of - Acres - Warring, Barton: Originally so called, Re-Surveyed, 3 Nov 1730 for Barton Warring: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 424-325: MONDAYS DISAPPOINTMENT: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Smoote, Thomas: Surveyed 7 Jan 1729 for Thomas Smoote: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 428-357: NEALES GIFT: 624 acres; Possession of - 624 Acres - Lemaster, John: Originally so called, Re-Surveyed 28 June 1737 for John Lancaster [Lemaster] and Elizabeth his wife.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 428-359: MADDOX TROUBLE: 236 acres; Possession of - 236 Acres - Maddox, John: Originally NO NAME, it was granted in court in 1650 for 200 Acres, Re-surveyed 28 June 1737 for John Maddox: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 432-393: DENTS ADDITION: 40 acres; Possession of - 40 Acres - Dent, George, Col: Surveyed 30 Nov 1730 for Col George Dent.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 433-394: DENTS MARSH ADDITION: 35 acres; Possession of - 35 Acres - Dent, George, Col: Surveyed 30 Nov 1730 for Col George Dent.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 433-398: SMOOTES SWAMP: 35 acres; Possession of - 35 Acres - Smoote, Barton: Surveyed 10 Oct 1739 for Capt Barton Smoote: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 441-448: MITCHELLS DELIGHT: 50 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Mitchell, Thomas: Surveyed for Thomas Mitchell 19 Jan 1742 adjoining two tracts of land called PHILLIPS TOWN and WHEELERS DELIGHT, beginning at a bounded red oak standing in the West North West line of WHEELERS DELIGHT: Other Tracts Mentioned: PHILLIPS TOWN; WHEELERS DELIGHT; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, 50 Acres - Ignatius Mitchell from Thomas Mitchell Jr.; 6 Jan 1747,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 444-464: WICOMICO FIELDS: 585 acres; Possession of - 585 Acres - Maddox, Notley; Courts, John; Groves, John; Penn, John: Originally so called, Notley Maddox, John Courts, John Groves, John Penn, 17 Feb 1741, beginning at a forked locust post now set up at the root of an ancient bounded oak, the beginning tree of the HILLS, patented to Notley Warren, John Courts, Lydia O'Kane, and Edward Smoote., 10 Sept 1744.: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, ,, , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 452-506: PEER: 291 acres; Possession of - 291 Acres - Digges, Charles: Composed of two parcels of land, one called PEER and the other called DUKES LAND, Escheat by and Resurveyed for Charles Digges, 7 March 1743, beginning at a bounded cedar standing on a point called Persimmon Point, Patented 7 March 1743.: Other Tracts Mentioned: DUKES LAND; ; ; other notes - {mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract.}, 291 Acres - William Neale from William Diggs; 12 March 1744,, , , ,