Kent County MD Archives Deed..... Isaac CAULK to Board Of County School Commissioners of Kent County, January 29, 1887 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jeanette Sherbondy June 29, 2013, 6:22 pm [Morgnec] Written: January 29, 1887 Recorded: February 16, 1887 "Isaac Caulk et al To The Board of County School Commissioners of Kent County Be it remembered that on this 16th day of February A.D. 1887 there was brought to be recorded among the Land Records Books for Kent County a Deed which is in the words following, to wit: This Deed, made this twenty ninth day of January in the year eighteen hundred and eighty seven by Isaac Caulk, Marshall Jones and Julia E. Jones his wife, formerly Julia E. Caulk William Dunn and Annie Dunn his wife Richard Robinson and Tempa A. Robinson, his wife, formerly Tempa Cotton, Joseph I. Caulk/Albert Caulk. Joseph Thomas and Mary F. Thomas his wife formerly Mary [] Caulk, of Baltimore City, and State aforesaid, the heirs at law of Joshua Caulk late of Kent County aforesaid deceased. Witnesseth, that in consideration of the sum of one dollar legal money of the United States to them in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents, by the Board of County School Commissioners of Kent County, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said Isaac Caulk, Marshal Jones and Julia E. Jones his wife William Dun ad Richard Robinson and Tempa A. Robinson, his wife, Joseph Cotton, Joshua T. Caulk, Albert Caulk, Joseph Thomas and Mary F. Thomas his[omitted /wife/] have granted bargained and sold, aliened enfeoffed and confirmed; and by these presents, do grant, bargain and sell, alien, enfeoff and confirm unto the said Board of County School Commissioners of Kent County, al that lot of land in the South Easterly side of the Public road leading from Chestertown to Millington known as the river road, Beginning at a stone in the road leading into the Jacob Barkman farm and at the corner of Charles Jones’ [sic] lot and running with the line of said Jones lot West by five degrees North, one hundred and sixty three feet six inches (163 ft 6 in) to a large Mulberry Stump; thence from said stump North by thirteen degrees West on the line of said Jones lot, in line with a forked white oak a distance of sixty nine feet two inches (69 ft 2 in) thence by a line parallel to first line, to the line on the Barkman road, thence by line on said road, North by thirteen degrees East, to a Stone on a line of Charles Jones land sixty nine feet, two inches (69 ft 2 in) and being a part of the land which descended to the said heirs at law of Joshua Caulk late of Kent County deceased. Together with the improvements thereon, and the rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining. To have and to hold the above granted property, unto the said Board of County School Commissioners and their assigns forever in fee simple. And the said parties grantors do hereby covenant that they will warrant generally the property hereby conveyed and that they will execute such further assurances of said land as may be requisite. As witness our hands and seals. Changes in date made before signing Test: Jos. N. Wheatley Isaac his+mark Caulk seal Marshall his+mark Jones seal Julia E her+mark Jones seal Richard his+mark Robinson seal Tempa her+mark Robinson seal William his+mark Dunn seal Joseph his+mark Cotton seal/ Test as to Joseph Thomas Mary F. Thomas Joshua T. Caulk Albert Caulk Is S.G. Tall Mary F. Thomas seal Joseph his+mark Thomas seal Joshua T. Caulk seal Albert Caulk seal State of Maryland Kent County to wit: I hereby certify that on this twenty ninth day of January in the year Eighteen hundred and eighty seven before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland in and for Kent County personally appeared Isaac Caulk Marshal Jones and Julia E. Jones, William Dunn and [blank space] Dun, Richard Robinson and Tempa A. Robinson and Joseph Cotton of Kent County aforesaid eight of the grantors within named and did each acknowledge the foregoing instrument of writing to be their respective act and deed Chas W.C. Johnson J.P. State of Maryland, Baltimore City, to wit: I hereby certify that on this third day of January in the year eighteen hundred and eighty seven, before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and for Baltimore City, aforesaid, personally appeared, Joshua T. Caulk, Albert Caulk Joseph Thomas and Mary F. Thomas of said City four of the grantors within named and did each acknowledge the foregoing instrument of writing to be their respective act and deed S.C. Tall J.P. State of Maryland, Baltimore City, Sct: I hereby certify, that Sylvester C. Tall Esquire, before whom the annexed acknowledgments [sic] were made and who has thereto subscribed his name, was, at the time of so doing, a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and for the City of Baltimore, duly commissioned and sworn, and authorized by law to administer oaths and take acknowledgements. I further certify that I am acquainted with the handwriting of the said Justice and verily believe the signature [sic] to be his genuine signature. [big seal] In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of the Superior Court of Baltimore City this 6 day of January A.D. 1887 Jas. Bond Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City. And was duly recorded by Samuel Beck, Clerk" Additional Comments: Transcription by Jeanette E. Sherbondy This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.8 Kb This file is located at: