Last Will and Testament of William COMEGYS (1735); Kent Co., MD Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* Will of William Comegys Will written - 5 June 1735 Will proven - 22 May 1736 Kent County Maryland Wills Book 21 pages 657 & 658 In the Name of God Amen June the 5th Day in the Year of our Lord one thousand seventeen hundred and thirty five I William Comegys of Kent County in the Province of Maryland Planter being in perfect health & memory Thanks be unto Almighty God for the same Doe make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following first and Chiefly I bequeath my Soul unto Almighty God for the Same Doo make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and Chiefly I bequeath my soul unto almighty God that gave it --- praying that through the merriterius ------ & P------ of Jesus Christ my savior to receive & --- and fully pardon of all my Sinns and Transgressions and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in Decent manner at the Discretion of my Exor's hereafter nominated and appointed and as to what Worldly goods it hath pleased God to ------ me with I give and bequeath in manner & form following ~~~~~ Imprimis Part of a tract of land called the reserve and part of another tract called the mainder I give and bequeath to my Eldest son Wm Comegys of the County afs'd dureing his life and at his decease to be given among his children and a third part of an Island of Marsh in manner and form aforesaid ~~~ Item I give to my son Cornelius Comegys in the Cty aforesaid one hundred acres of Land called the Little forrest to him and his heirs forever ~~~~ Item I now give to my youngest son Edward Comegys my now dwelling Plantation with all the land thereunto belonging viz; - -------- Little Worth and chance with the third part of an Island Marsh and being part of a tract of said in Queen Anne County called Sandy ---- to him and his heirs forever the other third part of the aforesaid Marsh I give to my daughter Anne Spencer and to her heirs forever , as Touching my personal Estate I give and bequeath in the manner following ~~~~ Item I give to my son Wm Comegys one Negro man named Prince Item I give to my son Cornelius Comegys one Negro man named Thos~ and one Negro Woman named Sue and one Negro Girle named Rachell ~~~~~~~~ Item I give to my daughter Eliz'th Brisko one Negro man named Sambo and one Negro Boy named Michael ~~~~~~ Item I give to my daughter Anne Spencer one Negro man named Chester Item I give to my daughter Hannah Freemont one Negro boy named Ned Item I give to my son Edward Comegys four Negroes named Dick Joseph ___ and Jacob Item To my Eldest Grandson William Comegys I give one Negro girle called Esther I give to my eldest son Wm. Comegys one cow and calf and my Silver handled cane and my silver seal Item I give to my three daughters to each a Silver Spoon and I further ordain that after my decease my Negro William to be free after the crop is finished that I shall have begun. And all the rest of my Estate I give and bequeath to my son Edward Comegys he paying all the debts due from and to any others and I appoint my son Edward Comegys my sole Executor In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal on this fifth day of June one thousand seventeen hundred and thirty five. Wm. Comegys {seal} Signed Sealed and Declared in presence of us John Hart Jno Dickson Da--- Bird On the 22nd day of May 1736 Came John Hurt John Dickson and Daniel Bird the three subscribing witnesses to the Last Will & Testament of William Comegys late of Calvert County dec'd who being duly and Solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God Dispose and say that they saw the testator Wm Comegys sign and Seal and heard him publish pronounce and declare the Testament of writing hereto Annexed as his Last Will and Testament and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their knowledge and apprehension of Sound and Disposing mind and memory and that the aforesaid John Hunt John Dickson and Dann'll Bird as Witnesses Subscribed the said Will in the presence and the request of the said testator Sworn before me D Dulany C------