Will of William H. Downes, 1867 (Queen Anns County, MD) Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Downes [Cathy_Downes@msn.com] Copyright. All Rights Reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/md/mdfiles.htm ********************************************************* WILLIAM H. DOWNES Will of William H. Downes from Register of Wills, Queen Anne's County, Centreville, Maryland, 1867 In the name of God, Amen, I William H. Downes of Queen Anne's County in the State of Maryland, being weak in body, but of sound, disposing mind, memory and understanding, considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call one hence do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament, in the manner and form following that is to say. First and principally I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my...to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named and after my debts and financial charges are paid. I devise, Bequeath and charge as follows, that is to say. Item. It is my will and desire for all my children to share my estate, both real and personal equally, and I laid out and expended considerable amounts of money upon my older children for their education.__ which I shall not be spared to bestow upon the younger ones, therefore I make the following charge that they shall bring the several sums of money thus charged into my estate before distribution by the Orphan's Court and that the same shall be a lien upon the land hereinafter devised to them until accounted for to my estate; that is to say, 1st . I have laid out and expended upon my son Philip W. Downes the sum of two thousand ($2,000) for his Education and I hereby express charge the real estate hereinafter devised to him, with the payment of that amount to my estate; but this does and is not apply to any monies I am owing to him at the time of my decease. 2nd. I have laid out and expended upon my son Dr. William H. Downes, the sum of two thousand and five hundred ($2500) dollars, for his education, and I hereby expressly charge the real estate herinafter devised to him the payment of that amount of money into my estate. 3rd. I have laid out and expended upon my son Reynor B. Downes the sum of one thousand ($1000) dollars for his education, farming implements, stock, seed wheat and fertilizers, and I hereby expressly charge the real estate hereinafter devised to him with the payment of the amount of money into my estate. 4th. I have laid out and expended upon my daughter Francis L. Downes the sum of one thousand ($1000) for her education, and I hereby expressly charge, the real estate here in after devised to her with the payment of that amount of money into my estate. 5th. I have laid out and expended upon my daughter Annie L. Downes the sum of one thousand ($1000) dollars for her education, and hereby expressly charge the real estate hereinafter devised to her with the payment of that amount of money unto my estate. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my eldest son, Philip W. Downes, my Keene's Crop Road farm, situated in Caroline County n the South side of the main county road leading from Beaver Dams to Templeville and on the East side of the County road leading Peters Corner to Melville, purchased by me of A.S. Godwin and containing the quantity of two hundred and thirty acres, more or less, and I value the same at the sum of five thousand seven hundred and fifty ($5750) dollars. Item. I give , devise and bequeath unto my son Dr. William H. Downes, the Pratt land purchased by me (from) D.L. H. Emory, Trustee and containing the quantity of two hundred and nineteen acres of land more or less and I value the same at the sum of three thousand two hundred and eighty five (3285 00/100) dollars. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Reynor B. Downes a part of the Peter Hardcastle Tract, purchased by me of James L. Bartol, as Trustee, and a small lot of land I have since added to the Peter Hardcastle Tract purchased by me of R? Jones as follows: all and singular all the arable land of said tracts, situate lying and being adjacent to the lands of Dr. Alex Hardcastle, and now used and occupied by the said Reynor B. Downes, and that the division fence as it now stands beginning at a gate post on the line between this farm and R.E. Hardcastle's home farm running with said division fence as it now stands to the farm of the late Nataline Raynard, shall be the Northern boundary thereof, together with one third of the woodland belonging to the said Peter Hardcastle Tract, and said woodland I want and hereby fully authorize said empower my brother John H. Bennett Downes, to divided into three equal parts between said Reynor B. Downes, and the lands I hereinafter devise unto my daughters Francis L. Downes and Anna L. Downes, thus divided this tract contains two hundred and ten acres of land, more or less and I value the same at eight thousand and four hundred ($8400) dollars. Item. I give and devise unto my daughter Francis L. Downes, that part of the arable land enclosed land of the Peter Hardcastle Tract, situate lying and being adjacent to the Nataline Baynard farm, and now used and occupied by John Clark as tenant, and the division fence as it now stands between this and the tract whereon Wm. Sherwood lives shall be the western boundary thereof, together one third of the woodland belonging to the said Peter Hardcastle tract to be divided as hereinbefore mentioned ., thus divided this tract contains two hundred and ten acres of land, more or less, and I value the same at the sum of five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($5250). Item. I give and devise unto my daughter Annie L. Downes, all the residue of the arable land of the Peter Hardcastle as now used and occupied by James H. Sherwood, as tenant together with one third of the woodland of the said Peter Hardcastle Tract to (be) divided as aforesaid; thus divided the tract contains two hundred and ten acres of land more or less and I value at the sum of five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Item. I give and devise to Oliver Cork and Kitty ___ my wife's former servants in consideration of their fidelity and good character, or the survivor of them during their natural lives, a house and lot on the said Peter Hardcastle tract on the main County Road running along the woodland of the said Peter Hardcastle tract with the privilege of getting all the rails necessary to keep the enclosure around said lot and firewood for their own consumption, anywhere on the woodland of the Peter Hardcastle Tract heretofore devised to my son Reynor and my daughters Frances & Annie and after their death; the said house and lot I devise and bequeath to my daughter Annie L. Downes. Item. I have sold to James Mathews all the woodland on the North side of county road running along the Peter Hardcastle Tract of woodland, and when he pays the residue of the purchase money, I hereby empower my Executor to give him a good Deed for the same, it contains about four acres of Land. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my two sons Stephen R. Downes and Ernest Downes a small tract of land called Squirrell Swamp, a portion of which was presented to me by my Brother Bennett Downes, and the residue I took at Henry Hughes bid at the sale of commisioners of John Thawley's; Real Estate, containing the quantity of twenty-five acres, and I value the same at two hundred and sixty four dollars. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Stephen R. Downes, that tract of commonly called and known (land) by the name of Church Fields situate on the north side of the County road leading from Bridgetown to Ruthsburg which I purchased (at) the commissioners sale of the Real Estate of John Thawley, dec. together with ten acres of woodland to be taken from the Brown farm which I purchased of the heirs of James Baynard, on the right hand side of the road to Hattie Hardcastle's farm, and containing in the aggregate the quantity of two hundred and fourteen acres of land, which I value at six thousand, four hundred and twenty dollars. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Ernest Downes, that tract of land, situate on the East side of the County road leading from Bridgetown M.E. Church to Beaver Dams and immediately adjacent to the church which I also purchased at the commissioners sale of John Thawley's real estate and whereon Thomas Cahal now resides as tenant together with ten acres of woodland to be taken from the Brown farm, immediately adjoining and on the same side of the road as that I devised to my son Stephen R. Downes, making in the aggregate the quantity of one hundred and eighty six acres of land more or less, and I value the same at five thousand, five hundred and eighty dollars. Item. I give and devise and bequeath unto my daughters Ida Downes and Clara Downes and my two sons Emmett Downes and Eldridge Downes as tenants in common the farm whereon, I now reside, commonly called and known by the name of the Baynard Farm, situate, lying and being on the South side of the main County road leading from Bridgetown to Ruthsburg, and the Brown farm situate on the North side of the same Road with Hattie Hardcastle's Land on the East and the land of the heirs of John B. Thomas, on the west, being the lands that I purchased of James Baynard's heirs and I value the same at twenty three thousand, three hundred and twenty dollars. Item. It is my will and desire to make my children equal and share alike in my real estate and the money valuations, that I have placed upon my real estate make in the aggregate the sum of sixty three thousand five hundred and nineteen dollars and the interest or share of each child in my real estate makes the sum of five thousand, seven hundred and seventy four 45/100 dollars, according the money valuation I have placed upon it, and I hereby expressly charge that each shall pay to the other such amounts of money as may be necessary to make them equal and share alike, on said money valuation and the same is hereby made a lien upon the land of the several legatees until it shall be paid. Item. It is my will and desire that after the payment of my debts, my personal estate shall (be) divided equally between my children and the guardians appointed by the Orphan's court for those of tender years, shall pay out of the monies coming due by a distribution of my personal estate, to the other heirs any money that may be due by any infants on the real estate devised to any infants and to get a full release from the encumbrances on the land and have the same duly recorded; and likewise for their guardian to receive and invest under the order of the Orphan's Court in some good and safe mortgage any monies that may be due and owing to any of the infants from any of the legatees. Item. It is my will and desire that my beloved wife Sarah M. Downes, shall have her legal rights in my estate; and lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons Philip W. Downes and Dr. William H. Downes to be the Executors of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this twenty second day of March in the year eighteen hundred and sixty seven. Wm. H. Downes (seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared by William H. Downes, the above named Testator, as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. James A. Richardson Daker Booker Benjamin Coursey Queen Anne's County, ___ June 4th 1867 Then came James A. Richardson, Daker Booker and Benjamin Coursey, the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, and made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God, that they did see William H. Downes the within named Testator sign his name to the foregoing will, that they heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and Testament, that at the time of so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, that they subscribed their names, as witnesses to the said will in the presence of each other, in the presence of the Testator and at his request. W.A. Johnson, Reg. Wills for Queen Anne's County Queen Anne's County, ___ June 4th Anno Domini 1867 Then came Philip W. Downes one of the Executors herein named (the other having renounced) and made oath on the Holy Evangelly of Almighty God, that the foregoing Instrument of writing, is the true and whole last will and testament of William H. Downes late of Queen Anne's County, deceased, and that he doth not know of any other. W.A. Johnson, Reg. Wills To the Judges of the Orphan's Court for Queen Anne's County, I hereby renounce the Executorship of the last will & testament of W.H. Downes, decd June 4th, 1867 Wm. H Downes MD