Places and Things in 1854 Diary of Isaac McComas; Baltimore, Frederick and Carroll Counties, Maryland Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Charles McComas Robb Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* Places mentioned in 1854 Diary 132 Gay St. , Baltimore where Isaac boarded with Mrs Slicer 16th St. Baptist Church New York Adams & Co. Express and Banking Marysville African Church Marysville Bedford St. Church New York Beehive Hotel Marysville Blind Asylum New York Burying Ground Marysville Camptonsville near Marysville City Hall Maryville City Mission Society Baltimore Court House Baltimore Crystal Palace New York Davis & McDonald Isaac’s employer, Baltimore Davis Pain Killer for dysentery Downeysville near Marysville Dr. Fuller’s Church Baltimore Elizabeth Town, NJ Fairmount Baltimore Foster’s Barr near Marysville Fremont Hotel Marysville Frits Flat near Marysville Front St. Baltimore Grass Valley, Nevada Harford Co. Harry Jenkins ferry to Kent Island Jim Crow Canyon near Marysville Kent Island Lodge, The Baltimore Market House Marysville Market St. San Francisco Marysville Singing School Mission Road Catholic Church San Francisco Musical Hall San Francisco Northern Mines, the near Marysville Oddfellows Hall Baltimore Oddfellows Hall Marysville Oddfellows Hall San Francisco Oregon Mine Phoenix Division of the Sons of Temperance Marysville Presbyterian Church Marysville New Fort San Francisco Pavilion Hotel, Tabago Island Poudder House outside Marysville Poynt Conception Redwoods Landing near Marysville Secret Canyon near Marysville Shugar House balt Sierra County South Amboy, NJ smallpox Steamer California Steamer Independence Steamer George Law transported Isaac to Panama Steamer Golden Gate Steamer John P. Stevens transported Isaac to California Steamer John Potter Steamer Sierra Nevada Steamer W. F. Schott Steamer Yankee Blade Tabago Island Telegraph Hill San Francisco Trinity Church New York Western Hotel Marysville Williams Temperance House San Francisco wreck of the D. C. Oakes wreck of the E. L. Buel Yerba Buena Lodge Y. M. C. A San Francisco young men’s Libria San Francisco Yuba Lodge Yuba River Ferry