Individuals in 1873 Diary of Isaac McComas; Baltimore, Frederick and Carroll Counties, Maryland Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Charles McComas Robb Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* Individuals in the 1873 Diary Bayne, Bro. joined the church 1/8/73, Marysville Barnes, Bro. Marysville Beam, Mr. Joseph Miller at Hood’s Mill Bell, Miss married 11/20/73 Bowen, Dr. J.S. Mt. Pleasant, Md. Brandenberg, William sold logs to the saw mill Brian’s house Maryalnd Brook, Mr. joined Baptist church 1/18/73, Marysville Chadwick, A. sold to mill Charlie Charles Slicer McComas, Isaac’s son Cleary, W. railroad agent at Woodstock, sold to mill Cummings, Bro. Marysville Cunningham, Bill Jacob’s relative by marriage Cunningham, Ginnie Jacob’s relative by marriage Cunningham, Sadie Jacob’s relative by marriage Day, R.O. mill customer Dinglas, John joined Baptist church 1/18/73, Marysville Dorsey, Judge, John A. Howard County, Maryland Dorsey, J. married 11/20/73 Dorsey, J.M. sold to mill Ealerman (?), Past-Master Marysville Eaton, Bro. church member, Marysville Eden, Mr. sold to mill Eliza Isaac’s sister, Eliza Spaulding Ellis, Mr. W.T. employed Isaac, Marysville Ellison, Eliza near Hood’s Mill Ellison, Mrs near Hood’s Mill Fifer, Jacob sold to mill Fisher, Bro. Baptist preacher, Marysville Fisher, Charles joined Baptist church 1/12/73, Marysville Fordham, J.F. Chico, Ca. Forsyth, A. Howard County Forsyth, Henry Howard County Fuller, R.M. mill customer Fuller, Rev. Dr. Baltimore Gage, Rev. Mr. M.D. Baptist Minister, Marysville Gary, Mr. Alberton, Maryland Gees Sallie’s sister’s family Gosnell, David near Hood’s Mill Hatfield, Tom mill customer Hall, T.M. mill customer Hatch, Col. Collusa, Ca. Hildreth, Rev. Mr. Baptist preacher, Marysville Hunt, Thomas. H. sold general merchandise, Ellicott City, Maryland Hyams, Bro. Marysville Jacob Jacob Taylor McComas, Isaac’s brother, Hood’s Mill, Md. James James Allen McComas, Isaac’s brother, Baltimore Kerr, Bill worked with Isaac, Marysville Knight, W. employed Isaac, Marysville Leisher, A. sold to mill Leishear, J.H. Ellicott City, Mill customer Little, Mr. joined Baptist church 1/18/73, Marysville Lizzie Elizabeth McDonald, Sallie’s sister, Baltimore Mathews, Wm. General merchandise, Cooksville Maudie Maud, Isaac’s daughter McCenon, Flora joined Baptist church 1/11/73, Marysville McDonald, Lisabeth Sallie’s sister, Pratt Street, Baltimore McDonald, Willie Sallie’s sister’s husband Meeks, Mr. E.E. employed Isaac, Marysville Mercer, Azel mill customer Mercer, Capt. near Hood’s Mill Morehead, Dr. near Hood’s Mill Mother Margaret Widdifield Slicer, Sallie’s mother, Baltimore Mercer, John near hood’s Mill Parmer (Palmer?), Mr. friend of Jacob’s Patton, W. employed Isaac, Marysville Payne, Joseph Frederick, sold barrels Peat, Rev. Mr. Marysville Reed, Mr. joined Baptist church 1/18/73, Marysville Rich, Rev. Mr. Methodist Minister, Marysville Ridgely, Mr. Howard County, Maryland Ridgely, H.K. sold to mill Ridgley, William.A. Glenwood, Maryland Ross, E.C. Marysville Sadie Sarah Amanda McComas, Jacob’s daughter Sallie Sarah Slicer McComas, Isaac’s wife Selby, L.H. worked at Hood’s Mill Selby, William did repairs at mill Shole, Mr. employed Isaac, Marysville Slicer, Louis Sallie’s paternal uncle, Baltimore Slicer, Mr. Sallie’s grandfather Slicer, Mrs. Henry died 11/10/73, Baltimore Smith, Oster Spaulding, S.S. Samuel Spaulding, Isaac’s brother-in-law, Hood’s Mill, Md. Stanwood, Mr. employed Isaac, Marysville Stone, Mr. carpenter, Marysville Stricker, Mr. sold to mill Taft, G. sold wheat to mill Thompson, Rev. Mr. Baptist Minister, Maryland Thurkle(?), Rev. Mr. near Hood’s Mill Traynor, Johnie Marysville Traynor, Ross Marysville Turner, W. Preston mill customer Wagner, John worked at mill Wagner, Marion worked at mill Waters, Mr. near Hood’s Mill Westernhaur, Mr. Willie William Gees McComas, Isaac’s son