Maryland Gazette Transcription for January 8, 1795 Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by BJ Peters [] Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************** An html version of these transcriptions can be found at: ------------------------ T H E M A R Y L A N D G A Z E T T E. ================================ T H U R S D A Y January 8, 1795 [No. 2504] An ACT to appoint an agent for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety- five. E IT ENACTED, by the general assembly of Maryland, That Randolph Brandt Latimer be agent of this state, to execute the trust and power reposed in him by virtue of this act, from the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, until the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six. II. And be it enaacted, That the said agent superintend the collection of all arrearages and balances due from the several collectors of the respective counties within this state, appointed since the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-three; and the said agent is hereby authorised and and required to call upon the treasurers of the respective shores for an accurate statement of all arrearages and balances due from such collectors, and such account shall be furnished by the said treasurers accordingly. III. And be it enacted, That the said agent be authorised to superintend the collection of all balances due to the state on the auditor's books, or on open account; and the said agent shall have power to require payment of, and if necessary to sue for and recover the same; and the said agent, with the approbation of the governor and council, may make composition with any such debtors, and take bonds to the state, with sufficient security, and give time for payment, not exceeding three years from the first day of December, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, always requiring annual payment of the interest, and equal annual payments of the principal. IV. And be it enacted, That the said agent be authorised to superintend the collection of all monies due to the state for duties, fines, penalties, forfeitures and amerciaments, and forteited recognizances, and for ordinary retailers and marriage licences, and to require payment and (if necessary) sue for and recover the same; and the said agent may allow for insolvencies, and credit any money that the party is not chargeable with by law; and for his information of the law he may take advice of the attorney general in writing. V. And be it enacted, That whenever there shall be occasion to expose to public sale the property of any collector, or his securities, by virtue of any execution already issued, or to be directed for this purpose, the agent shall cause public notice to be given of such sale, and shall attend the same, and if it shall appear that there is danger of losing any part of the debt due to the state, and not otherwise, shall purchase any property so exposed to sale for the use of the state, in payment, or part payment, as the case may be, of the arrearages due by the collectors whose property may be so purchased; and any property so purchased for the use of the state, the said agent may again expose to public auction on the most advantageous terms for the use of the state, and if the same be sold on credit, the said agent shall take bond, with good and sufficient security, to be approved of the treasurer of the western shore, from the purchasers of such property; and all bonds by him so taken shall be deposited, with an accurate list thereof subscribed by him, into the treasury of the western shore, and shall be a lien upon the real property of such purchasers and their securities from the respective dates, or so much thereof as if mentioned in the schedule thereto annexed: VI. And be it enacted, That the said agent shall have power to dispose of all confiscated British property that remains unsold, except the property of Edmond- Jennings, of the city of London, and of Thomas Digges, formerly of Maryland, but now residing in Europe, and take bonds to the state, with sufficient security, and give time for payment, not exceeding three years from the first day of December, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, always requiring annual payment of the interest, and equal annual payments of the principal. VII. And be it enacted, That the governor and council be authorised to require new bond and security from every purchaser of confiscated or other property sold by this state, who has not heretofore installed for the same; and provided the said purchaser or his securities, or either of them, do not, on or before the first day of May next, of which two months notice at least shall be given in the Annapolis, Easton, Frederick, and one of the Baltimore news-papers, come in and instal the same with the agent of this state, that then in all such cases it shall and may be lawful for the agent, and he is hereby authorised and required, to enter upon and take back the said property to and for the use of the state and as early as practicable thereafter to dispose of the same, on a credit of three years from the first day of December next, always requiring annual payments of the whole interest and equal annual payments of the principal; which bonds, when taken, shall be a lien on the real estate of the purchaser and his securities; and the said agent shall lay before the legislature, at their next session, a list of all persons from whom property shall be taken back in virtue of this act, the amount of the former sales, and also the amount of sales in pursuance of this act; and the said agent, with the approbation of the governor and council, may make composition with the purchasers of said property so taken back, for the value of the annual use of the said land while in the possession of such purchases or purchasers; and in cases where the said purchaser is of sufficient ability to pay for the use of the land so purchased, and shall neglect to come in and compromise the same, the agent is hereby required to institute suits for the recovery thereof. VIII. And be it enacted, that the agent shall immediately call on and request the attorney-general to commence, and prosecute to final determination as speedily as possible, the state's right to all confiscated property which hath been or may be made known and discovered to the said agent; and the said agent shall report to the next session of assembly such suits as are or may be depending to recover the same, and also such as may then not be commenced, with the reasons assigned by the attorney-general why the same have not been commenced. IX. And be it enacted, That if any body debtor to the state, for confiscated property purchased, or otherwise, shall neglect to make payment, agreeably to the condition of his bond, and sundry resolves of the general assembly, the said agent shall cause process to issue for the whole principal and interest then due, or shall proceed on any execution already issued and served and suspended, as occasion may require, or under the direction, and with the approbation of, the governor and council, he is hereby authorised to delay any execution as long as they may think expedient and necessary. X. And be it enacted, That the said agent be authorised to superintend the collection of all balances due on bonds taken for taxes due before the first of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-three; and the said agent shall also superintend the collection of all balances due on bonds installed, or otherwise, for the _missions of paper money of seventeen hundred and sixty-nine and seventeen hundred and seventy-three. XI. And be it enacted, That no process shall issue against any of the public debtors, unless by the discretion of the said agent. XII. And be it enacted, That the said agent shall have power to fix such days for the sale of property, taken by fieri (or sieri) facias (or sacias). at the suit of the state, as he may think proper, always taking care to give at least twenty days public notice thereof; and the said agent shall also have power to suspend the sales, from time to time, as he may think most to the advantage of the state. XIII. And be it enacted, That the said agent shall pay into the treasury, in specie, the amount of all specia by him received in the discharge of the duties of this act. XIV. And be it enacted, That in all cases where bonds shall be taken in virtue of this act, the bonds shall be a lien on all the real property of the obligors from the date thereof, or on so much of the said real property as the governor and the council shall think sufficient, to be particularly mentioned in a schedule to be annexed to the said bony, in which case it shall be a lien on the property contained in such schedule, and no more, such bond and schedule to be lodged with the treasurer of the western shore. XIV. And be it enacted, That in all cases where bonds shall be taken in virtue of this act, the bonds shall be a lien on all the real property of the obligors from the date thereof, or on so much of the said real property as the governor and the council shall think sufficient, to be particularly mentioned in a schedule to be annexed to the said bond, in which case it shall be a lien on the property contained in such schedule, and no more, such bond and schedule to be lodged with the treasurer of the western shore. XV. And be it enacted, That all bonds taken in virtue of this act shall express the county in which the obligors respectively reside, and the treasurer of the western shore shall, within one month after he receives respectively, cause them, with the schedule annexed to them, to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the general court of the western shore at the expence of the obligors; and a copy of the said record certified under the hand and official seal of the said clerk, shall be as good evidence in any court of law or equity in this state as the original bond would be if it was produced; and if any of the obligors in any such bonds reside on the eastern shore, the said treasurer shall, within six months from the time he receives the same respectively, transmit to the clerk of the general court of the eastern shore, in the same manner as papers on public service are transmitted, a copy of such bonds and schedules, certified as aforesaid by the clerk of the general court of the western shore, to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the general court of the eastern shore, at the expence of the obligors, and in such case a copy of the said record, certified as aforesaid by the said clerk of the general court of the eastern shore, shall be good evidence as aforesaid. XVI. And be it enacted, That the said agent shall render a fair and full account of his several proceedings under the authority of this act, to the general asembly at their next session, and shall be allowed for his services the following commissions, to wit: For all payments made to either of the treasurers on bonds for confiscated property, one per cent, for all bonds with security, taken by the said agent on resales of confiscated property in virtue of this act, two and one half per cent, for all monies collected on open accounts, not including monies arising from fines, forfeitures and americaments, ordinary, retailers, marriage, hawkers and pedlars licences, which have become due since the first day of January, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, six per cent, and for all other monies by him actually received and paid into the treasury, three per cent, and for all other bonds taken in virtue of this act, one per cent. XVII. And be it enacted, That the said agent, before he enters upon the execution of the duties of this act, shall give bond to the state, before the governor and the council, in the penalty of twenty thousand pounds current money, with such security as the governor and council shall approve, for the faithful performance of the said duties, which bond shall be lodged with the treasurer of the western shore, and shall also take an oath before the chancellor, that he will well and faithfully discharge the duties of agent, under the act, entitled, "An act to appoint an agent for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five." to the best of his skill and judgment; the certificate of which oath shall be annexed to, or endorsed on, the said bond. XVIII. And be it enacted, That is the said agent shall not accept his appointment, or if after acceptance he shall not give bond and take the oath aforesaid before the first day of February next, or shall die, the governor and the council are hereby authorised and requested to appoint a fit and proper person in his place, who shall have and execute all the authorities and powers vested in the said Randolph Brandt Latimer by this act, such person first giving security and taking the oath aforesaid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In C O U N C I L, January 5, 1795. ORDERED, That the act of the last session of assembly "to appoint an agent for the year 1795," be published eight weeks successively in the Annapolis, Easton, and Frederick news-papers, and Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Universal Daily Advertiser, and that all purchasers of confiscated or other property sold by this state, who have not heretofore installed their debts, be and they are hereby required to instal the same with the agent of this state, on or before the first day of May next, in the manner proscribed by the seventh section of the said act. Extract from the minutes. JOHN KILTY, Clk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the House of Delegates, December 26, 1795 1. RESOLVED, That the agent of the state immediately demand a return of the amount of the tax for the year seventeen hundred and ninety-one from the commisioners of the tax in those counties where the same hath not been returned, and report to the next session of assembly such as refuse to make return. 2. RESOLVED, That the agent be instructed to put in suit the bonds of the clerks of the respective counties who have heretofore neglected, or who may hereafter neglect, to pay the taxes by them received for ordinary, retailers and marriage licences, on the day appointed for payment of the same, and in no case to remit the penalty of fifteen per cent, imposed by law, and accruing on such their neglect of payment. 3. RESOLVED, That the agent reduce to bond, as speedily as possible, all balances on oen account due to the state in cases where the same is practicable. 4. RESOLVED, That the agent immediately call on the supervisors of the roads of the several counties of this state, who have before the first day of January, 1785, received advances of public money, and omitted to account therefore, to render an immediate account of their receipts and disbursements, with the balance remaining due, and the said agent is hereby directed to report thereon to the general assembly, at their next session. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE several county clerks who have not made their annual returns and payments on the first day of November, agreeably to law; are requested to attend to the second resolution published above. Suits will certainly be commenced against every delinquent on the 10th day of Frebruary next. The late sheriffs of the several counties are also requested to attend to their payments, or suits will be instituted against them on the aforesaid day; The debtors to the state of Maryland for confiscated property purchased, and others who have installed their debts, are also informed that process will issue against every delinquent on the aforesaid 10th day of February next, without respect to persons. The agent sincerely hopes that more attention will be paid to this than to his former notices, and that it will be received by the parties interested as it is intended, that is, to save them a considerable expence, and himself the disagreeable necessity of enforcing payment. RANDOLPH B. LATIMER, Agent of the State of Maryland Annapolis, January 6, 1795 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSTON, November 17. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Europe __ his correspondent in this town, dated London 1*th October, 1794. "Through I often pay my respects to Mr. Jay, when all present are in the American interest, yet we, none of us, ever could get from him any thing respecting the stage or forwardness of his business, and from the necessity alone of the British cabinet's granting all and even more than he at one time would have exacted, we have reason to suppose he will bye and bye, return back, and be heartily welcomed by his fellow citizens. It is rumoured and not without some truth, that the British cabinet never had a harder or tougher hand to deal with than they find in citizen Jay; this, with the critical situation of Great- Britain just now, will insure him success, and it has been mentioned in circles where I have been, who are not in the American interest, that he, Mr. Jay, is embracing the present opportunity, and will obtain the privilege of the carrying trade to the West-Indies, so far as that the United States shall have access to all the islands with free liberty to carry and bring any thing to and from them they please: - For instance, a vessel not exceeding 120 tons burthen, may go from Boston, with a cargo of any thing, to the island of Jamaica; there sell and purchase a cargo of sugar, and carry it back to Boston, land it, and then, if you please, reship it in any size vessel, and carry it to any European market, except Great Britain and Ireland. This point gained, as the United States can carry, in times of peace, for about one half what Great-Britain can, she will go near to make a monopoly of the whole carrying business. Although Mr. Jay, as before observed, is close in the extreme, yet from this leaking out of the other party, I hardly doubt its truth and Great-Britain must be at peace with the United States, she will just now grant almost any thing Mr. Jay may demand, and I do not think he will be wanting or sparing in his exertions. "To attempt to give you an account of the political world at this time, would be endless and needless as you will doubtless have things fully detailed in your own papers; and give me leave to observe, generally, that France is every where successful, and such extraordinary genius and evergy does she possess, that if the executive of that country should declare they would build a bridge from Calais to Dover, I should think it accomplished. Going on for three months more as they have for the three past, they will have all the cannon in Europe, and half the merchant vessels of Great-Britain. Holland must either make a separate peace or be conquered is all the present month; and in either case, France will have the Dutch navy in _________, and then, by next spring she will be both disposed and able to break the back of the British navy; of such importance does France conceive this object to be, that she will not make peace till it is accomplished." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILADELPHIA, December 27. Extract of a letter from London, dated October 2. "The policy that has actuated the administration of this country towards yours is but too true, but I have reason to believe, (although much secrecy is observed) that since the arrival of Mr. Jay they have been convinced of their error, and seem well disposed to continue a friendly intercourse, which I pray God may long continue, and that we may soon see an end to this cruel war. So far as the West-India body of planters and merchants have any weight with administration, it has been universally used in every interview, and application to __em in favour of extending the commerce of the West-Indies with the American states, and we have solicited in the strongest terms, to admit North American vessels of a certain burthen to carry the produce of the American states direct to our islands, and to receive the produce of our islands in return; this I am sure is very much to be wished for, on the _core of humanity, as well as policy, and I cannot see how it can __tently interfere with our navigation ___, so much dreaded by our cabinet ministers, but I am happy to observe that of late, most of these ministers are satisfied with the great benefit that would result from such an int__ourse. One lord only excepted, to whose opinion hitherto, much difference has been paid in matters of commercial regulation." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annapolis, January 8. Lines written on the decease of Major NICHOLAS WATKINS, December 14, 1794. SWEET spring advance, and deck with flowrets gay, The tomb where Watkin's remains are laid, Ye muses there your cons__nt vigils pay, And guard from ills the consecrated shade. Ye tree protect your worthy patrons grave, He once from ruin sav'd your leafy charms, Then to his honour bid your green tops wave, And fold his urn in your embracing arms. Around the sod may __forever bloom, And lilies pour their aromatic tide. May a kind friend the mournful ____ assume, And some few tears be offer'd at his side. Lost to his country and his mournful friends, His last address was with a feeble pen, He now assumes a more exalted strain, And quits, for angels, the pursuits of men. Adieu! My friend, long may thy mem'ry live, Thy country grateful - long thy merits own, This artless verse is all a friend can give, 'Tis for that country __ erect the stone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, A PROCLAMATION. WHEN we review the calamities which afflict so many other nations, the present condition of the United States affords much ma_er of consolation and satisfaction. Our exemption hitherto from foreign war; an increasing prospect of the continuance of that exemption; the great degree of internal tranquility by the suppression of an insurrection which so wantonly threatened it; the hap_y course of our public affairs in general; the unexamp_ed prosperity of all classes of our citizens - are circumstances which perculiarly mark our situation with indi_ations of the Divine Beneficence towards us. In such a state of things it is, in an especial manner, our duty as a people, with devout reverence and affectionate gratitude, to acknowledge our many and great obligations to Almighty God, and to implore him to continue and confirm the blessings we experience. Deeply penetrated with this sentiment, I, George Washington, president of the United States, do recommend to all religious societies and denominations, and to all persons whomsoever within the United States, to set apart and observe Thursday the nineteenth day of February next, as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer; and on that day to meet together and render their sincere and hearty thanks to the Great Ruler of nations, for the manifold and signal-mercies, which distinguish our lot as a nation; particularly for the possession of constitutions of government which unite, and by their union establish liberty with order for the preservation of our peace foreign and domestic; for the reasonable control which has been given to a spirit of disorder, in the suppression of the late insurrection; and generally for the prosperous course of our affairs, public and private, and at the same time humbly and fervently to beseech the kind author of these blessings graciously to prolong them to us - to imprint on our hearts a deep and solemn sense of our obligations to him for them - to teach us rightly to estimate their immense value - to preserve us from the arrogance of prosperity, and from hazarding the advantages we enjoy by delusive pursuits - to dispose us to merit the continuance of his favours, by not abusing them, by our gratitutde for them, and by a correspondent conduct as citizen's and as men - to render this country more and more a safe and propitious asylum for the unfortunate of other countries - to extend among us true and useful knowledge - to diffuse and establish habits of sobriety, order, morality and piety; and finally to impart all, the blessings we possess, or ask for ourselves, to the whole family of mankind. (L.S.) In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with my hand. Done at the city of Philadelphia, the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and of the independence of the United States the nineteenth. G. WASHINGTON. By the President, EDM. RANDOLPH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In CHANCERY, December 30, 1794 On application to the Chancellor, by a petition, in writing, of WILLIAM FOXCROFT, an insolvent debtor, praying the benefit of an act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and offering, agreeably to the said act, to deliver up, to the use of his creditors, all his property, real, personal, or mixed, to which he is any way entitled, and a list of his creditors, and a scedule of his property, so far as he can ascertain, on oath, being annexed to the said petition; it is thereupon by the chancellor adjudged and ordered, that the said William Foxcroft appear before the chancellor, in the chancery office, in the city of Annapolis, on the second day of February next, for the purpose of taking, in the presence of such of his creditors as shall attend in person, or by their agents or attornies, the oath by the said act prescribed for delivering up his property as aforesaid, and that in the mean time he give notice to his creditors of his application aforesaid, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in the Maryland Gazette, on or before the eighth of January next, and continued therein the three following weeks. Tst. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Reg. C_r. Can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE, the subscribers, do hereby give notice, that we intend to apply, by petition in writing, to Frederick county court, at March term, 1795, for a commision to mark and bound the out lines of all such part of the tract of land called CARROLLSBURG, as lies in the state of Maryland, and county aforesaid, according to the act of assembly, entitled, An act for marking and bounding lands, and the act, entitled, A further supplement to an act, entitled, An act for marking and bounding lands. JAMES YOUNG CHARLES ROBERTSON Frederick county, December 31, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS is to give notice to all persons who have claims against the estate of SOLOMON GROVES, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceased, to bring them in, legally authenticated, and all those who are indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to JOHN GROVES, Administrator January 5, 1795 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In virtue of an order from the orphans court of Anne-Arundel county, will be EXPOSED at PUBLIC SALE, on the 23d day of January next, for ready money, at the house of the subscriber, near Lyon's creek. ONE negro woman, and two female children, two feather beds, and one mare. The sale to commence at eleven o'clock. JOHN FRAIZER, Administrator of WILLIAM FRAIZER Calvert county, December 18, 1794. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N O T I C E, THAT the LANDS advertised by the subscribers, in this paper of the 1_th inst. for sale, was unavoidably postponed on that day until Thursday the 15th of January next, when they will certainly be sold, if the day is fair, if not the first fair day, at twelve o'clock, on the same terms as mentioned in the former advertisement. THOMAS TONGUE, JOSEPH COWMAN, Trustees. December 23, 1794. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be SOLD, at the late dwelling of SAMUEL SHEKLES, in the Manor, on the 8th day of January next, if fair, if not the first fair day, at 11 o'clock, A.M. for cash. ONE negro woman and three children, twenty barrels of Indian corn, some cattle, hogs, household furniture, and plantation utensils. RICHARD SHEKLES, THOMAS PARKER, Executors. All persons having claims against the above estate are desired to make them known, on or before the day of sale, and those indebted are desired to make immediate payment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By his EXCELLENCY JOHN HOSKINS STONE, Esquire Governor of MARYLAND, In COUNCIL, A PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS the General Assembly of Maryland did, by an act passed at November session, 1790, entitled, "An act directing the times, places and manner, of holding elections for representatives of this state, in the congress of the United States, and for appointing electors on the part of this state for choosing a president and vice-president of the United States, and for the regulation of the said elections, and also to repeal the act of assembly therein mentioned," direct, that the governor and council, after having received the returns, papers and instruments, containing the number of votes for each candidate for representatives of this state, in the congress of the United States, should enumerate and ascertain the number of votes for each and every candidate and person chosen as representatives, and by proclamation, signed by the governor, and dispersed through the state, declare the names of the persons duly elected as representatives; We, in pursuance of the directions of the said act, do, by this our proclamation, declare, that by the returns made to us it appears, that George Dent, Gabriel Duvall, Jeremiah Crabb, Thomas Sprigg, Samuel Smith, Gabriel Christie, William Hindman, and William Van_ Murray, Esquires, are duly elected representatives of this state, in the congress of the United States. Given, in council, at the city of Annapolis, under the great seal of the state of Maryland, this twenty-seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. J. H. STONE By order of the board, JOHN KILTY, Clerk of the council. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL persons indebted to the estate of Mr. THOMAS McPHERSON, late of Charles county, deceased, or to the subscriber, are requested to settle their accounts. WILLIAM H. McPHERSON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMITTED to my custody as a runaway, a negro man named JAMES, that says he belongs to JOHN CLAIR, of Calvert county. His master is here - b_ requested to take him away, or he will be sold in two months from this date, for his prison fees and other expences, agreeable to law. RICHARD HARWOOD, Sheriff of Anne-Arundel county. Annapolis, December 20, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEACHERS OF MUSIC. ANY person well qualified to teach the HARPSICORD and FORTE PIANO, will meet with encouragement in this city. Annapolis, October 12th, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAME to the plantation of the subscriber, living near Leonard-town, in St. Mary's county, about a week ago, a sorrel HORSE, with several white hairs interspersed, about fifteen hands high, supposed to be about eight or nine years old, has a large star in his forehead, his off hind foot white, shod before, has no perceivable brand. The owner is desired to come, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. AUSTIN JENKINS December 4, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W A N T E D A MULATTO YOUTH, from seventeen to twenty years of age. A generous price will be given for one who can be well recommended for honesty and sobriety. Inquire of the PRINTERS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL persons indebted to JOHN PETTY, late of Annapolis, deceased, on his own account, are requested to pay the same to PHILIP BARTON KEY, of Annapolis, and all persons having claims against the estate are requested to lodge their claims, properly authenticated, with the same gentleman, as soon as possible; and all creditors are desired to take notice, that the subscriber will, on the second Monday in May next, at the house of ____ GEORGE MANN, in the city of Annapolis, proceed to make a dividend of the assets on hand in part satisfaction of the debts. WILLIAM PETTY, Executor of JOHN PETTY, deceased. Annapolis, November 13, 1794. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor's office, Baltimore, December 20, 1794. PROPROSALS WILL be received at this office, until the first day of January next, for supplying the troops stationed at the forts at Whetstone Point and at Annapolis, as well as the recruiting parties for the said garrisons, with rations, commissaries and quartermasters articles, during the year 1795. The garrison at each fort will probably consist of about thirty men. The rations to be furnished, are One pound of bread, or flour. One pound of beef, or [1/2?] pound of pork. Half a gill of rum, brandy, or whiskey. [In a bracket the following appear that are designated "per 100 rations.] One quart of salt, Two quarts of vinegar, Two pounds of soap, One pound of candles. GEO. GALE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For SALE at PUBLIC VENDUE, on the premises, on the third Wednesday in January next, for CASH, or NEGROES. ALL that valuable lot of GROUND, No. 75, together with the improvements thereon, consisting of two dwelling houses, (one of brick, the other frame) kitchens, etc. with every thing convenient for families, lying in Annapolis, on the north side of the state-house, late the property of Mr. ONNER WILKINS, deceased, and now in the possession of Richard Ridgely and Jonathan Pinkney, Esquires. Said lot fronts to the north-west on Tabernacle-street, and to the south-east on the state-house circle, and will admit of divisions, as may best suit the purchasers. An indisputable title will be given to the purchasers, by REZIN DAVIDGE. N.B. Wanted, several negro boys, about the age of 12 or 15, as apprentices to the nail business. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N O T I C E ALL persons having any demands of whatever kind soever against the estate of Dr. MICHAEL WALLACE, deceased, late of Cecil county, Maryland and formerly of Baltimore-town, Annapolis and Prince-George's county, are requested to bring or send them in at or before the first day of March, 1795, legally attested as no interest will be allowed after that date on demands not rendered. All persons indebted to the partnership of KENNEDY and WALLACE, of Annapolis, are requested to be in readiness to settle their accounts, as the long indulgence they have had will be a sufficient apology for immediately having their accounts closed. Also all persons indebted to Doctor MICHAEL WALLACE, of Prince George's county, are requested to be in readiness to settle their accounts, as there is a necessity of closing them, and the indulgence they have had is a sufficient apology for giving this public notice; added to this the distance the administrators live from Annapolis and Prince-George's county. Tis hoped all persons concerned will pay that attention to this notice that the urgency of the business requires, and in so doing will oblige their humble servants. THOMAS WALLACE and SAMUEL P. WALLACE, Administrators. Cecil county, Maryland, November 23, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE subscriber having full power and authority to settle the concerns of YATES and PETTY, and YATES, PETTY and YATES, gives this public notice to all persons who have claims against the said concerns, or either of them, to make the same known that they may be immediately adjusted; and those who are indebted to said concerns are required to make immediate payment to Mr. HENRY BARNES, at Port Tobacco , for dealings there, to Mr. ROBERT MOORE, of Hunting-town, Calvert county, for dealings at Lower Marlborough, and to myself at Mr. George Mann's, in the city of Annapolis, for all other dealings, as no indulgence can be given. JOSEPH YATES. Annapolis, December 11, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Post-Office, Port-Tobacco, which will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters, if not taken up before the first day of February next. ROBERT BRENT Alexander Crain (2) Robert Crain Thomas C. Clemmons (2) Samuel T. Dyson (2) Allen's Fresh Robert Ferguson, merchant Ralph L. Roy, Esq John Thomas, Esq, Port-Tobacco William Hanson McPherson George Lee Susanna Smith, Charles county Mr. Charles Jones, living near Broad creek church, Prince-George's county Josias Langley, Cob Neck Henry Lyons, Benedict John Baker Wathen, Newport. ELEAZAR DAVIS, D.P.M. December 2, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L O S T, ON the road between Mr. RICHARD DORSEY'S and Mr. ROYSTON's a woman's POCKET, in which were a bond, between forty and fifty pounds due on the same, several receipts, and about five or six shillings in cash; likewise a pair of new stuff shoes, which never had been worn, a pair of country knit stockings, about half worn, a pair of store mittens, and several other articles too tedious to mention. Whoever finds the same and delivers it to the Printers, shall receive the sum of SEVENTEEN SHILLINGS and SIX-PENCE, on delivery of same. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE, A TRACT of LAND, containing 900 acres, in the county of Harrison, and state of Virginia, within a few miles of the town of Clarksburgh. For terms aply to JESSE DEWEES. Annapolis, December 4, 1793. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL persons having claims against the estate of JAMES MAYO, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceased, are requested to bring them in, legally attested, for payment, and all those indebted to the said estate are desired to make immediate payment, to SUSAN MAYO, Administratrix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office, Upper Marlborough, and if not taken up before the first day of April next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. JOHN ADDISON, Esq:; John Armitage, Miss Sarah Allen, Mount Airy Mess. Jordon and Alston, St. Mary's county Nicholas Brooke Levin Belt, two letters Thomas Boyd, jun. John Betts, Maryland Doctr. John Debuts Wm. D. Beals, Esq. Samuel Ryan, Petersburg Capt. James Belt, Queen Anne Robt. Brown, Queen Anne's county The Commissioners of the tax for Prince-George's county Mess. O. Carr, Hanson, and Addison Thomas J. Clagett, bishop, two letters James Clark, Esq, Park Hall, two letters Thomas Clark, Esq Ov. Carr, Esq Margret Cherb Charles Clagett, P.G. county Capt. Fielder Dorsett Thomas Duckett, Esq Peter Emmerson, Esq., two letters, Calvert county Mr. Peregrine Fitzhugh, Queen-Anne's county James Gray, Hunting-town Col. Thomas Harwood William Gover Francis Hamilton, P. Geo. county Capt. Hilliary, near Queen-Anne Thomas Harrison, Calvert county Thomas Lyles Abraham Law, blacksmith Joel Monson, singing master John R. Magruder, Esq John Mancommitte Ben Oden, Esq Doct. Robt. Pallenger Saml Perry, Esq Volentine Reintzel, Chaptico Andrew Scolfield William H. Smith, Pig-point Ralph Tanney John Thompson, mill-wright, St. Mary's county Peter Thompson Francis H. Rozer, Esq Edwd. Welsh, Fell's-point Mess. Joseph and Bennet Walkers, Clement's Bay John Weems, Esq, Calvert county John Weems, Esq, Weems forest Daniel Wolstenholme, Esq, St. Mary's county Edwd. Wall, Esq, Queen-Anne's county Mrs. Violette Weems, Billingly Maj. Stephen West, Wood-yard. S. HAMILTON, P.M. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In virtue of an act of assembly, passed at the present session, empowering the subscriber, as administrator of John Rogers and Margaret Lee Rogers, deceased, to sell the personal estate of the said John and M.K. Rogers, on credit, for the benefit of their children, and to invest the money arising thereon, according to the provisions in the said act. NOTICE is hereby given, that on Friday the 23d day of January, 1795, the following property will be offered at public sale, on the late plantation of the said John Rogers, about two miles from Upper Marlborough, in Prince-George's county, to wit: twenty-three likely young country born SLAVES, consisting of men, women and children, among which are some valuable house servants, and others accustomed to plantation business, horses and cattle, among the latter some valuable steers, an ox-cart, with yokes and chain, and sundry plantation utensils, a quantity of corn, fodder and hay, and tobacco unstripped. The sale will continue (if it should be necessary) during the next day, but will commence on that day if the weather should, on the former, be uncommonly severe. And, on Monday the 26th day of January, 1795, the following property will be offered at public sale, at the late dwelling of Mrs. M.L. Rogers, in Upper Marlborough, to wit: a considerable stock of valuable household furniture, among which are several handsome bedsteads, curtains, beds, mattrasses, and bedding, a quantity of table linen, tables, chairs, and a variety of other articles, together with the kitchen furniture; also a handsome chariot and a phaeton, with harness to each. A credit of three years will be given on the following conditions: each purchaser to give bond, with two securities, to the subscriber, as guardian to the aforesaid children. The interest to be annually paid, or the credit to be forfeited, and the bonds liable to be put in suit. The securities to be approved by the orphans court of Prince George's county, and these terms must be complied with before the property is delivered. The latter sale will likewise be continued during the next day, if it should be necessary, with the same provision as the former, in case of extreme bad weather. The sales will commence at each place in the forenoon, at eleven o'clock. The subscriber offers to rent the above-mentioned plantation and dwelling house separately, to be entered on when the sales are completed. WILLIAM KILTY December 20, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *.* ALMANAC for the year 1795, for SALE at this OFFICE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eight Dollars Reward Ran away, about the ______day of November, 1794, negro Ben, a black well set fellow, aged about 25 years, five and an half feet high, has large small [ sounds strange, but that's what it reads] to his legs, has lost his lower foreteeth, and has a scar on the right side of his upper lip, had on and took with him when he went away, the following old cloaths, to wit: a round searnought waistcoat and overalls, an old blue coat, with the skirts cut off, one pair of buff casimer small cloaths, one pair of black ____ but may have changed them, and may have a pass, as one of my people had done a few years past, from ill minded men. Whoever brings the said negro home to the subscriber, shall have the above reward. THOMAS BOYD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Came to the plantation of the subscriber, living on the Head of South river, in Anne Arundel county, about the last of August, a red and white STEER, supposed to be about three years old next spring, has a crop and slit in the right ear, _____ crop and two slits in the left. The owner is desired to come, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. ROBERT JOHN SMITH December 29, 1794. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The subscriber, intending to decline business the ensuing spring, once more earnestly solicits all those who are indebted to him to make immediate payment, as he is determined, without respect to persons, to bring suits to the next county court against all those who shall neglect to discharge their accounts, previous to that period. WILLIAM CATON. Annapolis, December 24, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The subscriber has for private sale the following SLAVES, one negro boy, about nineteen years of age, a complete gentleman and ladies hair dresser, one negro woman about twenty-five years old, and child about three years old, one negro girl, about fifteen years old, one complete house wench, aged about twenty-six years, and her four children, the eldest a girl about eight years of age, the youngest a boy of three years old, and a mulatto boy, who can comb and dress hair pretty well, about fifteen years old. The subscriber will sell the above slaves cheap for cash. WILLIAM CATON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In CHANCERY, December 20, 1794. Philip Ford vs. Valentine Murray The complainant applies for a decree to record a deed on the 8th day of December, 1789, by VALENTINE MURRAY, for conveying to him, the said PHILIP FORD, and his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, all his title, etc. of, in, or into, fifty acres of land due to him, the said Murray, for services as a soldier, that is to say, lot No. 404, beginning and laid off as in the said deed described. The bill states, that the said Murray hath, since the execution of the said deed, removed from the state; it is thereupon adjudged and ordered, that the complainant cause a copy of this order to be inserted in the Maryland Gazette, at least four times before the 13th day of February next, to the intent that the said Valentine Murray, or his heirs, devisees, or representatives, or any other person that may conceive himself interested, may have notice of the complainant's application, and may be warned to appear here on the first Tuesday in May next, to shew cause, if any there be, wherefore a decree should not pass agreeably to the prayer of the complainant. Test. SAMUEL H. HOWARD, Reg. Cor. Can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthew and John Beard, HAVE JUST RECEIVED And now OPENING for SALE, at their STORE at Beard's Point warehouse, on South river, A variety of GOODS suitable for the present season, amongst which are, SUPERFINE, second and coarse clothes; valencias; royal ribs; satinets; lasting; a variety of fashionable coloured casimers; stuffs of all kinds; mens worsted hose, womens cotton ditto; Irish linens; chintzes and calicoes of the most approved figures; cloth coloured sewing silk and threads; osnabrig and other threads; muslins and muslinets; black mode; black, white, and blue Persians; cambrick; humhums; Marseilles quilting; Russia sheering; ditto duck; ticklenburg; osnabrigs; rolles; German dowlass; Haerlem stripes; matchcoat and rose blankets; mens coarse and fine hats; ladies black and white ditto; checks; drillings; bed-ticking; elegant vests patterns; muslin cravats; pocket handkerchiefs; tapes; worsted binding; broad and narrow ribands; fashionable shoe and knee buckles; coat and vest buttons, etc. etc. Also spirit; West India rum; old peach brandy; sherry wine; red port ditto; molasses; loaf and brown sugars; hyson and congo teas; coffee; chocolate; pepper; allspice; salt-petre; pounded ginger; raisins; cheese; rice; St. Ubes salt; window glass; 8d, 10d, 12d, and 20d nails; iron pots; Dutch ovens; spades; narrow axes; cart-wheel boxes; hand and sash-____; screw augers; hinges and screws; stock locks; drawing knives; joiner's glue; West-India cotton; scrubbing brushes; tea china; glass ware; queen's ware; tea trays; hand-boards; spoons; cafe knives and forks, etc. etc. all of which they will sell on the most reasonable terms, as usual. November 9, 1674. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J U S T P U B L I S H E D, And to be SOLD at this PRINTING OFFICE, S T U E B E N 's MILITARY EXERCISE. To which is added, THE ACT TO REGULATE AND DISCIPLINE THE MILITIA OF THIS STATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Prince-George's county, near Upper- Marlborough, on Tuesday the 22d of July, a negro man named NED, of a very black complexion, twenty eight years of age, about five feet ten or eleven inches high, he has lost two of his upper fore teeth; had on and took with him a mixed coloured broad cloth coat, a pair of green cotton trousers, a pair of green breeches, a white cotton jacket, a white linen shirt, and man other cloaths not sufficiently known to be described. Whoever apprehends the said fellow and secures him, so that I get him again, shall receive a reward of TEN DOLLARS, and if the distance exceeds twenty miles TWENTY DOLLARS, and all reasonable expences, if brought home. EDWARD HENRY CALVERT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDWARDS's BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER has been considerably enlarged within these few weeks past, and is now little inferior to any daily publication on the continent. The earliest and most authentic information, both foreign and domestic, shall be given in this paper, and from its very extensive circulation throughout the union, it is presumed to be an important vehicle for advertisements, etc. etc. Subscriptions for the above at SIX DOLLARS per annum (one half to be paid on subscribing,) are taken in at the Printing office of F. and S. Green, in Annapolis, and by the editor, Philip Edwards, in Market-street, Baltimore. *.* Advertisements not exceeding a square, inserted four times for one dollar, and for every continuance thereafter, eighteen cents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAN away from the subscriber, living at the lower ferry of Patapsco, some time in June past, a bright mulatto man named GEORGE, about twenty years of age, five feet eight or nine inches high, with long bushy wool, he is very fond of strong drink, and when in liquor is very talkative; his cloathing is unknown; he has rowed in the ferry boat at the lower ferry of Patapsco these five or six years, and is known by a great number of people that have crossed that ferry. Whoever takes up said runaway, and secures him in any gaol (jail), so that I get him again, shall receive SIX DOLLARS REWARD, and if brought home all seasonable charges, by ANNE MERCER, Administratrix of Peregrine Mercer, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceased. July 15, 1794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P R O P O S A L S FOR PRINTING, by SUBSCRIPTION, A NOVEL, In ONE VOLUME; Duodecim_, ENTITLED M A R I A: _n, The TRIUMPH of PERSEVERANCE. By a CITIZEN of MARYLAND. THE work is to printed on good paper, in a neat type, price to subscriber in boards, or handsomely bound, to be paid on the delivery of the book. Subscriptions taken in by the Printers hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has received, and added to his former assortment of MEDICINES, as follows, Sago, tamarinds, sugar candy, Spanish liquorice, Hungary water, pungent smelling bottles, British oil, Anderson's pills, eau de luce, eau de luce in cut bottles, ground stoppers, cephalic snuff, essential salt of lemon, Windsor soap, arnetto, patent blacking, white wax, court plaister, essence of burgamor, lavender, lemon, marechal, ambragris, oriental, imperial, royal violet, and Asiatic tooth powders, tooth brushes, etc. with a variety of other medicines too tedious to enumerate, all of which he will dispose of, on the most reasonable terms, at his medicinal shop; in Church-street, near the market. THOMAS EDGAR November 4, 1794. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH given for Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS at the Printing Office -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A N N A P O L I S: Printed by FREDERICK and SAMUEL GREEN.