Will of John B. ABELL (1886); St. Mary’s County, Maryland This file was contributed by Judith Burger. ************************************************************************ * USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. ************************************************************************ John B. Abell Signed: July 01, 1886 Proved: July 27, 1886 Last Will and Testament Of John B. Abell I John B. Abell of St. Mary's County State of Maryland being of Sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding do make this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills and testaments heretofore made by me. / / Item 1st After my just debts are paid by my Executor hereinafter named, I desire and I hereby direct that the balance of my estate shall be divided among my heirs in the proportion to which each shall be entitled under the law whenever and at such time or times, as my Executor shall dispose of any or all of my property, exercising their best judgment in the disposition of same. Item 2nd I give and devise unto my executors the amount or distribution in my estate that may be coming to my son Robert A. Abell in trust to holding them for the benefit of the children of Said Robert A. Abell and to use the Same for them in my way and at such time or times as they in their judgement shall deem best for their interest and advantage. Item 3rd I give devise and bequeath unto James F. Abell and George C. Abell my Executors herein after named all my real Estate Consisting of farms and Lots in Trust to hold, sell or dispose of in any way either for the payment of debts or for distribution at any time or times. They in their judgment shall deem best for interest either at public or private sale with or without notice as to them shall seem best and convey the same to the purchase thereof. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint James F. Abell and George C. Abell my brother and Son respectively my Executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and affix my seal to this my last will and testament the 1st day of July, in the year Eighteen hundred and Eighty six. John B. Abell (((Seal))) Signed sealed published and Declared by the above named testator John B. Abell at and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who at his request and in his Presence, and in the presence of each Other have here unto subscribed Our names as witnesses thereto. J. J. Jarboe Jas. A. Camalier B. Harris Camalier Saint Mary's County SS, On the 27th July 1886 Came James F. Abell and George C. Abell and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God. That they do not know of any wills or codicil of John B. Abell late of St. Mary's County deceased other than the above testament of writing here presented for the Orphan's Court for St. Mary's County. Test Jasm. W. Raley Register for St. Mary's County St. Mary's County towit; The 27th July 1886 The last Will and Testament of John B. Abell late of St. Mary's County, deceased, being that day presented in the Orphan's court for probate, and the written consent of Violet A. Abell the widow being filed in the Court for herself and children and no objection being made or caveat filed against the same. The Orphan's Court for St. Mary's County ordered the probate thereto accordingly. Test Jasm W Raley Register for St. Mary's County. St. Mary's County, S. S. On the 27th day of July 1886 Came J. J. Jarboe John A. Camalier & B. Harris Camalier subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last Will and Testament of John B. Abell late of said County, deceased and Made Oath On The Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator sign and seal this Will; that they heard him publish pronounce and and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament, that at the time of his sodoing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing, mind, memory and understanding and that they subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other. Certified by Jasm W. Raley Reg of Wills for St. Mary's County ******************************************************************************** ******************************* Transcribed by Judith A. Burger March 29, 2001 from a photocopy of the original court record, JBA 1, 119-120-121, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good, but the writing extremely distorted and difficult to read. I could not be sure of the initial of the son John Abell. I made no corrections of any kind.