Will of Marthy ABELL (1821); St. Mary’s County, Maryland This file was contributed by Judith Burger. ************************************************************************ * USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. ************************************************************************ Marthy Abell Signed: October 28, 1821 Proved: November 20, 1821 Marthy Abell’s Last Will & Testament In the name of God Amen. This twenty Eighth day of October Eighteen hundred & twenty one I Marthy Abell of Saint Mary’s County and State of Maryland, being in low state of health at present but of sound mind memory and understanding thanks be to God for it, so make and ordain this my last will and testament, First and principally, I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God, and my body to the Earth to be decently buried by my Executor herein after to be mentioned ~ and also my worldly wealth which it has pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose of in the following maner ~~ 1st (item) I give and bequeath to my two nieces namely Ann Abell and Elizabeth Abell daughters of Thomas Abell, one Negro boy named Ignatius jointly to them and their heirs forever ~~~~ 2nd Item I give and bequeath to my friend Eleanor Mills wife of Joseph Mills one arm chair and one teapot to her and her heirs forever ~~~~ 3rd Item I give and bequeath and my desire is that that all the remaining part of my estate namely one red cow one heifer yearling one bull yearling five last springs calves seven sheep 14 hogs ~ two pair of woolling cards a small tub of feathers, all my wheat in the House or on hand all my crop of Tobacco of eighteen hundred and twenty and twenty one all my crop of fodder all my crop of flax and cotton raid and spun fourteen yards of cotton and thread cloth, all the bacon and lard in the house also the butter, one cowbell & all the remaining part of my Estate, to be sold immediately after my death and the money arissing from the sale to be applied by my Executor herein after named towards the finishing and decorating the new Chappell cauled Saint Johns Frances Regis ~ to be paid to the trustees of Saint John Frances Regis congregation then residing ~~~~ 4th and lastly, I nominate and appoint William F. Greenwell my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and testament ~~ And I do hereby disanull and revoke all former Wills testaments legasies bequeaths and Executors by me maid ~~ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and testament the day and year above written Marthy X Abell (((Seal))) Signed Sealed published and declared tobe her last Will and Testament in presence of us ~~ John B. Bassell, James Mills Saint Mary’s County, towit; The 20th day of November 1821 ~ Then came William F Greenwell and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the aforegoing instrument of writing is the true, and whole last will and testament of Marthy Abell late of Saint Mary’s County diceased that hath come to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of any other ~~~Certified by James Forrest Reg. Wills for St. Mary’s County Saint Mary’s County, towit: the 24th day of November 1821. Then came James Mills one of the two Subscribing Witnesses to the aforegoing last will and testament of Marthy Abell late of Saint Mary’s County deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the Testatrix therein named sign and Seal this will, and that he heard her publish, pronounce and declare the same to be her last Will and testament That at the time of her so doing she was to the best of his apprehensions of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding; and that he subscribed his name as a witness to this Will in the presence and at the request of the Said Testatrix ~ Also that he did see John B. Bassell the other witness to this Will Subscribe his name as such in the presence and at the request of the Said Testatrix. ~~~~~~~~~~ Certified by James Forrest Reg Wills for St. Mary’s County ******************************************************************************** ******************************* Transcribed by Judith A. Burger April 18, 2001 from a photocopy of the original court record, JF 1, 40-41, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, Saint Mary’s County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing legible. I made no corrections of any kind.