Will of John BAILYE (1712/3); St. Mary’s County, Maryland This file was contributed by Judith Burger. ************************************************************************ * USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. ************************************************************************ John Bailye Signed January 15, 1712/13 Proved February 16, 1712/13 In the name of God amen. I John Bailye of Clements Bay in St. Mary's County, being weake of body, tho of good memory and understanding, thanks be to God, doo make this my last will and Testament, and doo hereby Recall Revolke and disanull, all other wills, or testaments heretofore by me made, or pretend as to be made, and doo ordaine & appoint this to be my Wholo Solo, & last Will~~ Imprimis, I doo Recommend my soul to almighty God hoping by the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour that I shall Enjoy my God for ever hereafter, Secondly I doo order my body to be decently buried, on my own plantation, and as for what estate, it has pleased the Allmighty to bestow on me, I doo dispose of the same, in manner following~~ first I doo give & bequeath unto my daughter Charity Thompson, that tract or parcell whereon, she now liveth, being all the Land, I have on that side of the Run, whair they Dwell, to her & her heirs for ever, and to my Said Daughters four Children, namely Mary Thompson, & Arthur Thompson, Charity Thompson & Monica Thompson first I doo give and bequeath to each of them, one Ewe to be delivered to them as soon as they are Brought to appraisment~~~2ly I give & bequeath unto my son William Bailye that tract or parcell of Land, whereon he now liveth, all Rady marked and bounded to him & his heirs for ever & unto my said son Williams two Children, Namely John Bailye & Elizabeth Bailye Each of them one ewe to be delivered to them as soon as they are appraised and one Cow and calf to be delivered at the first convenient Season, after appraismt to be for the use of all my Sons Children to be equally divided among them 3dly I give and bequeath, unto my son John, Bailye, that tract or parcell of Land, whereon he now lives & doo likewise give & bequeath unto him another parcell of Land Joyning to the said Land he now lives on, Containing ninety five acres, being Land I bought of Richard Shippy to him & his heirs for ever, which Said Land first named whereon he now lives, with a line of marked trees from William Baylyes corner white oake, to the main Swamp. I likewise give unto him my negro Jack, and my bead I lye on with the furniture & one heifer big with calfe, to be delivered soon after appraisement~~4thly I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Shanks, two hundred acres of Land, whereon she now lives to her & her heirs for ever. I likewise give unto her my negro woman called Nann. 5thly I doo give unto my Granddaughter, Susanna Shanks fifty acres, which I took up adjoyning to her mothers Land known by the name of the bottom to her & her heirs for ever. 6thly I doo give unto my Granddaughter Mary Bailye, fifty acres of Land, being part of a hundred acres of Land I took up, which other fifty acres I willed to my Granddaughter Susanna Shanks known by the name of the bottom, which said fifty acres of Land, I doo give, unto her ye Said Mary Bailye, and her heirs for ever. 7thly & lastly I doo give & bequeath unto my son James Bailye, the tract of Land or plantation, I now live on being the Remaining part of the Said already bequeathed, or devided unto him & his heirs for ever. I doo likewise Bequeath and give unto him my negro man called Thomas. I doo give & bequeath unto my said son, James Bailye, all the remaining part of my estate which is not within mentioned, and doo ordain the Said James Bailye to be the wholo and solo Executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whaire of I hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and twelve thirteen~~~~~~~~~~ John Bailey (((seal))) Sealed Signed and delivered In the presence of us John + Hiltson John B Brown Joseph Stratfoord James Thompson February 16, 1712 Then came John Hiltson, John Brown and Joseph Stratford and James Thompson the witnesses to the within will, and made Oath that they Saw the within named, John Bailye Signe Seale, and declare the same to be his last will, and Testament~~~~~~~~~ Wm Aisquithe Dept Comisser~~~ ******************************************************************************** ******************************* Transcribed by Judith A. Burger from a photocopy of an original court document, Libra P. C. No. 1, p. 191-192, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, St. Mary's County, Maryland, February 2, 2001. The photocopy was good, the writing very small and distorted. I made no corrections of any kind.