Will of John CLARKE (1685); St. Mary’s County, Maryland This file was contributed by Jerry L. Clark . ************************************************************************ * USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. ************************************************************************ Wills Liber PC 1 p. 60 St. Mary's County The will of John Clarke In the name of God Amen, the last will and testament of Mr. John Clarke late of St. Mary's County being in perfectt sence and memory; my last will & desirous as followeth. 1st I bequeath my soule unto the hands of my blessed Redeemar Jesus Christ hoping through the blessed passion, and suffering, one the crosses, to have salvation for my soule. I bequeath my body to the earth, from whence I had it, and to be decently buried, according to the discreation of my wife; and as for my worldly goods, my disire is that they are disposed of as followeth. My land that is at Notting containing one thousand acres, I desire may be equally divided, among my five children, __losed, John, Robert, Benjamin, Francis and Ann, but if any of my said children, shall dye before they come to age of eighteen years, then his or her part of the above said land, to fall to the next aire, or in the case they by after the age of 18 years, and have no issue, then their part of said Land, to fall to the next aire. It. For all other Lands, or tenements, I give to my dear; and well beloved wife Ann Clarke, for to order and dispose of as shee shall think fitt, but if my wife, should dye without selling the land or tenements, then they to fall to the Eldest son that shall be then living, as allso I make my wife sole Executrix of all my goods and Chattles. She paying all my just debts as witness my hand, and seale, this 28th day of November 1685 John Clarke (((Seal))) signed and delivered in presents of us Thomas Clarke the mark of George C. Turner the mark of Lewis Gest Thomas Clarke, Lewis Gest & George Turner, Sworn before me, this day sayeth that Mr. John Clarke deceased, did in his life time, signe & seale the within will being then of perfect sense & memory May the 6th, anno 1685/86 John Pile