This is the Will for Marmaduke SEMMES (SIMMS): WILL OF MARMADUKE SEMMES, ST. MARY'S COUNTY, VOLUME 6, PAGE 33 HALL OF RECORDS, MARYLAND STATE ARCHIVES, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND In the Name of God Aman I Marmaduk Simms of St. Marys County in the Province of Maryland plantor being sick & weake in body but blessed bee almighty God of Good & Sound & perfect memory Knowing there is a time for all men to die doe make ordaine & appoint this my last Will & Testament to be my whole & Sole Will & Testament revoaking all formar Wills Verball & in Writeings & this onely to Stand in force first my Will is I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God from whome I received it & my boddie to the earth from whence it came to bee buried at the discretion of my Executrs hereafter named Fourton Simms my is that my just Debts bee fully Discharged & paid Soe Soon as possible... Impris Item I give & bequeath to my Loveing Sonne Anthony Simms two hundred Acres of Land out of my Tract of land I bought of Mr. Thomas Lying in St. Marys County & take his length binding upon Westwood Mannor to my Exterior tree of that north Line & Soe binding upon Majr Boarman & my long line to West Wood Mannor to make up his two hundred Acres... Item I alsoe give & bequeath unto my Loveing Sonne Anthony Simms foure hundred Acres of land Lyeing in Cecill County & called Simms Forest this Tract of land with the other two hundred Acres above written I give to my Sonne Anthony his heirs & assignes for Ever... Item My will is that my Loveing Wife Fortune Simms Enjoys the plantation I now live on with all the rest of the Land belonging with Said Land Except what I had Given my Son Anthony Dureing her naturall Life... Item I give & bequeath unto my Sonne James Simms three hundred Acres of Land I bought of Andrew Woodberry lying in Cecill County & Commonly known & Called Middle plantation to my Sonne James his heirs & assigns for Ever... Item I give & bequeath unto my Loveing Sonnes John Simms & Marmaduke Simms after the decease of my Loveing Wife & there Loveing Mother fortune Simms all the remainder of my tract of land I now live on which is unbequeathed to bee Equally divided Between my sd: Sonns John & Marmaduke to be Equally divided between them at their Comeing to age My Sonne John haveing his first Choice to them & their heirs for Ever... Item My will is that as to the Personal Estate goods & Chattels it hath pleased the Almighty God to bestow upon mee that they bee Equally divided between my Loveing wife fortune Sonne Anthony Sonne James Sonne John & Sonne Marmaduke Revoakeing all former Wills to this only & sitt my hand & Seale this 14th of August 1690. MARMADU (SEALE) Signed Sealed & Declared in the Psence of John Cornish, Tho. Simpson, Sarah (her mark) Graves, Richard Edelen Memdm....whereas in this my Written Will I have Made my loveing Wife & Loveing Children Equall partners in my goods & Chattels my will is & would have this soe taken to bee my Will that my Sonne Anthony has noe Share noe part of my House or money as Wittness my hand this 14th of August 1690... MARMADUKE SEMME Testes: Richard Edelen, Thomas Cullam These are to certifie that there Came before me (viz) Richard Edelen on the fourth day of this instant March & also John Cornish & Thomas Simpson on the Twentieth of the month & there tooke their Corporall Oathes that the Within Ritten Will & Testament & that they knew noe other as Witnesses my hand this 20th day of March 1692/3. PHILLIP BRIS... The forth Day of This Instant march 1692/3 Came before me Richard Edelen & Thomas Cullum & tooke Their Corporall Oathes that the memorandum on the back of this Will was ye will of the Testator as Wittness my hand the day & yeare first above Written. PHILLIP BRIS... =========================================================================== File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Elizabeth F. Randolph USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations.