St. Mary's County MD Archives Wills.....Ubgatt (Upgate) REEVES, January 9, 1724 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson April 11, 2012, 7:59 pm Source: Online Scans From Original Will Books At Written: January 9, 1724 Recorded: February 6, 1738 St. Mary’s County, Maryland Will Book TA1, Page 106-107 The Last Will of } In the name of God Amen I Ubgate Reeves of St Marys Cty Ubgate Reeves } Gent being Sick & weak in body, but of perfect mind & memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, I therefore give & bequeath my soul into the hands of God that gave it in hopes at the great Day Answer for or give Acct for the Transgressions here on Earth, and my body I Recommend to the Earth and to be buried in a Christian Like & decent manner which I leave to the Discretion of my Executors - Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved son Thomas Reeves, all that Tract or parcel of Land whereon he now Dwelleth at porttobacco called & known by the name of Casheans Manor containing about one hundred and thirty five Acres more or Less to him the said Thomas Reeves and his heirs for ever, being Lawfully begotten of his body, Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Reeves, and his heirs Lawfully begotten of his body for ever, after his mothers decease this plantation where I now Dwell in St Marys County, as Likewise fifty acres of Land lying in Charles County, near Porttobacco Creek, called and known by Reeves’ Range, being part of one hundred Acres known as aforesaid, the other fifty acres I give to my Daughter Mary Reeves heirs lawfully begotten forever, Joining situate Equally the whole hundred Acres to be divided between them, Item I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Reeves a Sealed Ring, which I now Weare, as also all my wearing apparel - I give and bequeath likewise all the personal Estate, unto my aforesaid son, Thomas Reeves, as goods Brass & pewter a Bed which I have already given him, and all the household stuff, which are in his possession, one Cow and the one half of the hogs which belong to me at Porttobacco freely by him to be possessed and Enjoyed ~ All the Rest of my personal and Real Estate, as well things moveable and immovable either in Maryland or Virginia, St Marys Cty or Charles Cty as Debts Moneys, or Effects, whatsoever appertaining unto me. I give and bequeath unto my Dearly beloved wife, Jane Reeves, my son John Reeves, and my Daughter Mary Reeves Equally to be Divided among them, I likewise Leave my son Thomas Reeves William Willis, and John Maddox Trustees, and Guardians over my Children to see & Take Care that they are Brought up in Church of England Faith and no others, until they arrive unto the age of Twenty one, and to take into their possession, the Estate or effects that are belonging unto my said Dear Children, for and to the use and Behoof of them if they see a Lawfull occasion, as not being brought up in ye faith aforesd I appoint ordain and Constitute my dear wife Jane Reeves; and my son Thomas Reeves Executors of this my Last Will, and Testament, Ratifying and confirming and allowing the same, and Disannulling all other former wills, and bequests by me before made and allowing this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament, In witness Whereof being as aforesd in perfect mind & memory, I have hereunto set my hand Seal, this ninth Day of January Annoq Domini, one Thousand Seven hundred & twenty four- 5 (?) ~ Ubgatt Reeves (Seal) Sign.d Seal.d & Delivered } Feby ye 6th 1738 in presence of us } George Wallis Philip Dorey two of the subscribing Philip Dorey } witnesses to the foregoing will, being duly and Wm Willis Teste } solomnly Sworn on the holy Evangels of almighty George (mark) Walliss } God, Depose and say that they Saw the Testator Ubgatt Reeves Sign the foregoing Will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his Last Will and Testement, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they subscribed their Respective names as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the said Testator, and at his Request ~ Sworn to before me Tho; Aisquith Depty Comissy of St Marys County This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.6 Kb This file is located at: