SAMUEL QUEEN'S WILL, RECORDED 18 MARCH 1711, VOLUME 13, PAGES 389, 390, 391, MARYLAND STATE ARCHIVES, HALL OF RECORDS, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND In the name of God Amen I Samuel Queen of St. Marys County Gent being Sick of body but of Sound and perfect Sence and memory thanks be to almighty God and Considering the uncertainty of this transitory Life we Live in do think Expedient and Necessary to Settle all Such Temporall benefitts wch pleased Almighty God hitherto to Endowe me with in order to wch do make this my will Renouncing Revokeing and makeing Void any will or wills heretofore by me made either Verball or in wrighting but this to be Effectually taken for my Last will and testament in Manner and form following viz 1st...First and principally I give and bequeath My Soul to almightly God that gave it firmly believing that through the Merritorious death & passion of my dear and blessed Saviour Jesus Christ I Shall Receive full pardon and remission of all my past sinns and my body I bequeath to ye Earth from whence it Came to be buryed in Decent manner according to the discretion of my exx and exr hereafter Specified and 2dly...I will and Desire that all Such Debts wch of right I owe to any person may be discharged within Some Reasonable time and 3dly...I give and bequeath to my beloved Sonn Saml Queen all and Singular that tract or parcell of Land Called Underwood Containing three hundred To have and to hold to him the Said Saml his heires & assignes for Ever 4thly...I give and bequeath to my Son Marsham Queen his heires and assignes for Ever all and Singular that tract or parcell of Land Called Hudsons range conta five hundred acres...and 5thly...I give and bequeath to my beloved Sonn Wm Queen his heires and assignes all and Singular that tract or parcell of Land Called or known to be part of a Certain Tract of Land Called Acchamack and my part of the Land now given to my Said Sonn Wm and his heires for Ever to Contain Seven hundred acres...and 6thly...I will and Desire that In Case Either of my afd Sonns Should happen to dye in his or their Minority or non age that then his or their parts to Rebound to the Surviveing brothers Equally or Brother wholly and in Case of the death of my three Sonns that then the afd Land to Rebound & be to my two daughters Kathr and Margt their heires and assignes for Ever and in Case of the death of my Said Daughters in their non age or without Issue that then the afd Land to rebound & be to the use & behoof of my beloved Wife Katherine Queen & my belov'd Son in Law Rd Brooke & their assignes for ever... 7thly...I Will & Desire that after a third part of thirteen Negroes be secluded & set apart for my wife that Then the remr part of sd negroes be Equally Devided to my afd five Children wn they arrive at or to ye age of Eighteen Yeares for the Male and female att sixteen if not wedded Before always observing in this behalf as afd in Case of ye Death of any of ym that the Decd part rebound to the survivr & further that the whole Stock of negroes Continue & remain in the hands of my sd Wife During the Childrens minority Except in Case of her Death in the mean Space & in Such Case my Son Saml to take Charge of the rest in Generall with the oversight of Such a friend as his mother should think fit to repose a trust in if need require 8thly...I Give & bequeath unto Mr Raphael Haywood the Sum or Quantity of Eight barrells of Indian Corn & my Riding Coat... 9thly...I give & bequeath to the widow Fearnly four barrells of Indian Corn... 10thly...I Give & bequeath to Saml Crown three Barrells of Indian Corne and a Sow wth pig & a young heifer 11thly...I Give to Mr. Nico Gulick the qty of twenty bushells of wheat... 12thly...I Will & Desire that in Case my hond Father in Law Mr Richd Marsham take upon him or think to Expose any of the afd tracts of Land to Sale & Expend or imploy The Value to the Education of my Children That it will be very Gratefull to me & then such Revision be made in the Other two tracts as may bear a Pportional or Collaterall part of the charge As to what Stock & moveables not herein Expressed after a third part Secluded the remr to rebound to my five Children by an Equal Division as above sd And for the due Execution and fullfilling of this my Last Will & Testamt I nominate Constitute & appoint My Hond Father in Law Mr Richard Marsham & my well beloved Wife Katherine Queen to be my Lawfull Exr and Exrx as witness my hand & Seale this tenth Day of January 1711-12 Signed Sealed & Deliver'd in the presence of us SAMLL QUEEN (Seal) Tho Dillan Cornelius Wildman Susanna (her mark) Langley On the back of the foregoing Will was thus endorsd, viz... March 18th 1711...Then Came Thomas Dillan and Susn Langley two of the witnesses to the within writing & made Oath that they Saw ye Wtin nam'd Saml Queen sign Seal & Deliver the Same as his Last Will & Testamt. Will Aisquith, Dy Comr =========================================================================== File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Elizabeth F. Randolph USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations.