GRAVESTONES AT "CLAYLANDS" FERRY NECK, BELLEVUE, TALBOT Co. MD. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Iva S. Thompson, *********************************************************************** Note: "Claylands" is in St. Michaels Second District of Talbot County. The property is now owned by John N. and Eileen H. Camper, who purchased it from Bessie (Mrs. A. C.) Newmam. James Wiley, son of James & Mary E. Valliant, Born Sept. 14, 1852, Died, Nov'r 25, 1876 Beloved by all who knew him Clarence, Son of James and Mary E. Valliant, Born March 4, 1860 - Died Feb.'y 9, 1872 Aged 11 yrs. 11 months & 5 days A pure and spotless character beloved by all who knew him In memory of Gertrude, daughter of James & Mary Valliant, Died July 18, 1854, Aged 9 weeks. Of such is the kingdom of Heaven In memory of Clara Louisa daughter of James & Mary E. Valliant, Died July 21st 1852, Aged 22 months 6 days. Though lost to sight to memory dear John Valliant, Died Sept. 6, 1851, Aged 57 years Mary Glendenin(?) Wife of John Valliant Born July 27, 1810, Died Oct. 28, 1870 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes In memory of George Valliant who departed this life July 26th, 1858 In the 15th year of his age In memory of Hugh Valliant Died July 8, 1869 In the 69th year of his age In memory of Rebecca A. Wife of Hugh Valliant Died June 30th, 1855. In the 42nd year of her age Fannie V. Turner 1853-1930 Wilsie May Valliant 1861-1941 Alexine Lecompte 1832-1921 Wife of William W. Valliant William W. Valliant 1829-1882 Nancy F. Valliant Born April 18, 1806 Died June 30, 1857 (on same monument) Rigby Valliant, Born April 6,1799 Died March 28, 1858 Blessed are the dead which are dead in the Lord In memory of my beloved wife. Mary E. Valliant Born Jan.1st, 1832 Married Nov. 1l(?) Died Nov. 11 1860, Aged 28 years, 9 mos & 21 days In memory of John Valliant, Died Dec. 25th, 1802 In the 34th year of his age In memory of Ellen Jenkins. Widow of John Valliant, Died June 11, 1842 In the 76th year of her age Eleanor Amelia daughter ofi Jno. & Mary Valliant, Died June 28, 1817. Aged 1 year Sophia Ellen died Oct. 23. 1836, Aged 8 years; Mary Amelia died Oct. 23, 1836Aged 5 years 10 mos.; Adam James died Oct. 24 18(?,), Aged 1 yr. 1 mo. (probably 1836 also); John Henry Clay died Oct. 30. 1836, Aged 3 yrs,. 6 mos. These names are all on one large gravestone: The children of Jno. & Mary Valliant. Etta Denny, Born Feb 10 1851, Died Aug. 21, 1851; Clarence Valliant, Born July 2. 1856, Died Oct. 28, 1856; William Benjamin, Born May 22, 1852, Died Jan. 6, 1857. Children of J. S. and Anna S. Willis (All on same monument) Anna Storks Valliant, Wife of Rev. J. S. Willis, Born Aug. 10, 1833, Died March 31, 1862 Tombstone inscriptions as published in The Maryland and Delaware Genealogist, Vol. X, No. 3, July 1969, pp. 66-67 Contributed by Mrs. Arthur N. Starin, P. 0. Box 135, Royal Oak, Maryland, 21662. Raymond B. Clark, Editor