Allegany County MD Archives Marriages.....Meister, Ann E. - Bloom, Hubert R. November 25, 1937 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Wendroth August 14, 2008, 12:12 pm Cumberland Evening Times November 26, 1937 Miss Ann E. Meister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Meister, 919 Harding avenue, and Hubert R. Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Bloom, Allegany Grove, were married yesterday morning at Emmanuel Episcopal Church by Rev. David C. Clark, rector. The ring ceremony was used. The bride wore sapphire blue velvet with a gold Juliet cap and a corsage of gardenias. The bridesmaid, Miss Alta Bonner, wore Dubonnet crepe with hat to match and a corsage of Talisman roses. Aloysius Maysfield, Connellsville, Pa., was best man. The bride was given away by her father. Among those attending were Miss Virginia Rebok, Miss Jaquelyne Kerfoot, and Mrs. Eleanor Hazelton, Uniontown, Pa.; Mrs. Mae Weaver, Mrs. G. N. Wood and Dale Patterson, Connellsville; Kenneth Crowe, Frostburg; William Kelley, Lonaconing, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meister, Philadelphia. A dinner at the home of Mr. Bloom's parents followe the wedding. The couple left on a honeymoon and will be at home in LaVale after December 1. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb