Allegany County MD Archives Marriages.....Peaslee, Mrs. Adelaide B. - Hollis, Robert Harry October 17, 1930 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kathy Heare-Watts April 28, 2009, 3:47 pm CUMBERLAND EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, October 20, 1930 Hollis-Peaslee Mrs. Adelaide B. Peaslee became the bride of Robert Harry Hollis at Kingwood M. E. parsonage Friday evening, the Rev. T. E. Maness officiating. The couple were attended by the bride's daughter and nephew Miss Ethel Peaslee and Dennis B. Cobun. Mrs. Hollis is the daughter of Mrs. Amanda Bolyard, one of twelve children and a pioneer family in Preston county, and has been a school teacher 17 years. The Hollls family were among the early settlers" of Rowlesburg. Mr. Hollis is president of the People's National Bank of Rowelsburg, and is a senior partner of the H. R. Hollis Company, one of the largest merchantile establishments in the county. He has been active in Republican politics for many years. Saturday evening several hundred young folks assembled bearing noisemakers, ranging from trumpets to tin pans and proceeded to give the bride and groom a good serenading. After they were generously treated and had dispersed, a group of fellow business men and neighbors, some one hundred strong, came with the big truck belonging to George Deets, and took the couple for a tour of the town and showered them with old shoes and rice. The serenade lasted until near midnight. Tuesday evening about twenty five ladies assembled at the Methodist Protestant Church door and proceeded to the residence and showered them with an array of remembrances. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb