Allegany County MD Archives Marriages.....Ross, Elizabeth - Col;eman, Clarence E. January 26, 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Wendroth August 29, 2008, 4:27 pm Evening Times (Cumberland, Maryland) January 28, 1908 Pg. 2 Wedding Bells - Mr. Clarence E. Coleman and Miss Elizabeth Ross were united in marriage Sunday afternoon at the parsonage of the First English Baptist Church, the Rev. Edward C. Allard, pastor, officiating. The groom is one of Frostburg's most promising young business men, being proprietor of the Frostburg Novelty Store. He is also president of the new organization known as the Harmony Club. The bride is one of Barton's fair daughters who will be a welcome addition to Frostburg society as they will reside here. After the ceremony, a reception was held at Mr. Coleman's rooms at which a number of his friends were present. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.2 Kb