Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Businesses .....Leeds, 1883-1884 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 27, 2007, 7:55 pm LEEDS Fifteen miles N. E. from Auburn. On Me. Central R. R. Incorp. the 128th town Feb. 16, 1801. Former name Llttleborough, in honor of Col. Moses Little. Contains 22,000 acres. First settled by Thomas and Rodger Stinchfield, 1779. Baptist society incorp. Feb. 16, 1801. Rev. Thomas Francis, first representative to general court in 1804. Population-1790, 263; 1850,1652; 1860,1390; 1870, 1288; 1880, 1194. Valuation. 1860-Polls, 330; Esates, $333,035; 1870-Polls, 420; Estates, $456,348; 1880-Polls, 340; Estates, $415,486. Postmasters-Center, Willard Lothrop; North, Louisa Woodman; Curtis' Corner, H. M. Brewster; West, S. R. Deane; South, Greenlief Parker. Selectmen-East Turner P. O., I. B. Additon; West, John F. Jennings; Junction, Joseph Moody. Town Clerk-Center, G. W. Lane. Treasurer-Center, G. W. Lane. Collector and Constable-Center, T. H. Boothby. School Committee-G. W. Lane, G. W. Bates, J. C. Wing. Clergymen-North, vacant. F. Sap.; supplies, Meth.; Center, A. Snyder (Wayne), Bap.; Greenwood Gordon, Chris.; South, John P. Cole, Meth. Physicians-Center, E. S. Loring, Oliver Parsons, All. Justices-H. M. Brewster, March 7, 1877, Quorum: C. B. Lane, Mar. 14, 1879; Henry M. Brewster, Feb. 11, 1880, Trial. Merchants-North, Louisa Woodman, T. C. Foss, general stores; B. F. Trask, J. R. Millett, butchers; Center, C. H. Lane, general stores; B. Turner, butcher; Curtis' Corner, H. M. Brewster, general stores; H. F. Pettengill, butcher; West, W. A. Andrews, R. Jennings, general stores. Manufacturers-Center, C. H. Lane, boards and shingles; T. C. Libby, L. Sampson, carpenters; West, B. C. Thomas, smith; R. Jennings, grist and saw-mill; North, E. F. Walton, smith; Curtis Corner, Pettengill & Swain, N. W. Coffin, boards and shingles; B. Pettengill, carriages and repairer; J. Borneman, cooper. Station Agents-Center, G. W. Lane; North, A. C. Foss; Curtis Corner, H. M. Brewster. Additional Comments: Extracted from: MAINE STATE YEAR-BOOK, AND LEGISLATIVE MANUAL, FOR THE YEAR 1883-84, FROM APRIL 1, 1883, TO APRIL 1, 1884, BY EDMUND S. HOYT. PREPARED PURSUANT TO ORDERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. PORTLAND: HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, 193 MIDDLE STREET. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1883, by HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb