Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Businesses .....Minot, 1883-1884 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 27, 2007, 11:43 pm MINOT. Five miles W. of Auburn. On Grand Trunk and Rumford Falls & Buckfield Railroads. Formerly a part of Poland. Incorporated the 129th town, Feb. 18, 1802. Divided, and Auburn incorporated, 1842. Population-1850, 1734; 1860, 1799; 1870, 1569; 1880, 1763. Valuation, 1860-Polls, 403; Estates, $546,581. 1870-Polls, 384; Estates, $610,511. 1880, 473; Estates, $720,549. Postmasters-Mrs. R. F. Rounds; West, Gideon Bearce; Mechanic Falls, F. E. Dwinal. Selectmen- West, Gideon Bearce; Mechanic Falls, P. R. Cobb; Minot P. O., N. P. Downing. Treasurer and Town Clerk-Mechanic Falls, C. H. Dwinal. Constable and Collector-Mechanic Falls, P. O., O. B. Dwinal. Constable-Mechanic Falls, Asa L. Downs. School Supervisor-Mechanic Falls. David Church. Clergymen-L. Reynolds (Anburn), Cong.; Geo. Hoit, Meth.; West, vacant, Union church; Mechanic Falls, D. Church, Meth.; vacant, F. Bap.; vacant, Bap. Physicians-E. W. Russell, All.; Mechanic Falls, Charles H. Tobie, J. Walker, All. Dentist-A. W. Butler. Justice-S. W. Shaw, March 15, 1876, Quorum. Merchants-W. & R. P. Rounds, general stores. West. Moses Young, general stores; West Minot Grange, L. T. Millett, agent, groceries, boots and shoes; J. Parsons, corn and flour. Mechanic Falls, J. D. Curtis, dry goods, boots and shoes; J. A. Bucknam & Co., general stores; J. C. Walker, E. A. Thomas, apothecaries, books and stationery; C. E. Stevens, boots, shoes, crockery, and groceries; W. A. Tobie, A. G. Tinkham, groceries: Mrs. S. K. Nichols, Miss S. C. Thayer & Co., Mrs. S. R. Edwards, millinery and fancy goods; O. B. & C. H. Dwinal, ready-made clothing, boots and shoes; C. B. Adams, fruit and confectionery; Andrew W. Bridge, confectionery and news dealer; Charles O. Cole, confectionery; Hawkes & Whitney, stoves, tin and hardware, and agricultural implements; J. A. Bucknam & Co., merchant tailors and furnishing goods; J. A. Bucknam & Co., Davis sewing machines, pianos and organs. Manufacturers-Freeman & Nelson, grist-mill; John H. Ayer, A. R. Giddings, smiths; Benjamin Pulsifer, harnesses; Burnham & Morrill, corn packing: W. H. True, carriages and lumber; John Massie, shoemaker. West, J. Parsons, flour and corn; L. Dunham, S. DeCoster, A. E. DeCoster, carriages; F. E. Rowe, saw and shingle mill; West Minot Cheese Factory; E. K. Verrill, smith; L. T. Millett, loose and pressed hops. Mechanic Falls, E. F. Stevens, harness-maker; J. A. Bucknam & Co., clothing; J. A. Bucknam, grist, saw and box mill; J. W. PENNEY, engineer and machinist; manufacturer of steam engines and wood working machinery; Loring Edgcomb, carriages; G. H. Butler, E. A. Saunders, smiths; Charles Harris, painter; J. A. York, carriage and sign painter; Mrs. A. C. Horner, Mrs. J. N. Nason, Miss D. Wilson, Mrs. E. A. Jordan, dressmakers; Hackett, Churchill & Co., ice; E. L. Bailey & Co., butchers. Barber-Mechanic Falls, C. O. Cole. Insurance-Mechanic Falls, J. A. Bucknam & Co. Livery Stables-Mechanic Falls-P. R. COBB, teams for travelling men and tourists, Waterman & Jordan, Jas. N. Nason. Asso'tns-I. O. O. F.-Monami, Monday; Orion, 2d & 4th Wed. Orion Encampment-No. 27, 2d and 4th Wed. G. A. R.-Tues. I. O. G. T.-Garfield, Monday. West-P. of H.-West Minot Grange. Farmers' and Mechanics' Club of Minot and Bebron-S. P. Cushman, president. West Minot Dairying Association-S. B. Atwood, president, G. Bearce, treas. Hall-Mechanic Falls, Perkins, D. S. Perkins, proprietor. West, West Minot-J. R. Bearce, janitor. Hotels-Mechanic Falls, Cobb's Hotel, P. R. Cobb. Additional Comments: Extracted from: MAINE STATE YEAR-BOOK, AND LEGISLATIVE MANUAL, FOR THE YEAR 1883-84, FROM APRIL 1, 1883, TO APRIL 1, 1884, BY EDMUND S. HOYT. PREPARED PURSUANT TO ORDERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. PORTLAND: HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, 193 MIDDLE STREET. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1883, by HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.6 Kb