Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Bliss Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 20, 2008, 9:51 pm Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine BLISS. The name of the first American ancestor of the Bliss family of Durham was Elias. His son Samuel was born at Columbia, Conn., in 1758 and died in 1834. He was with his father at Valley Forge, his father being a Captain in the Army. He married, in 1780, Sarah Loomis, and had eleven children, of whom three lived in Durham, viz. Sophia b. 9 June 1790, d. 25 April 1845; Achsah b. 3 Jan. 1793, d. 30 May 1886; and Charles b. at Columbia, Conn., 1800, d. at Durham in 1873. The latter moved to Durham in 1836 and bought the old O. Israel Bag-ley farm. The house is the oldest one in Durham, and is still a fine building of heavy timbers and curious finish. Charles Bliss m. (1) 1825, Mary Webster of Conn. She died 13 Oct. 1833, leaving two daughters. CLARINDA b. 16 Aug. 1826; m. Win. B. Thomas of Durham. MARTHA b. 11 April 1829; d. 15 Sept. 1S48. He married (2) 1843, Lydia E. Cox of Brunswick who was born 29 Sept. 1814 and died 13 Oct. 1896. They had four children. MARY R. b. 1 Nov. 1844; d. 15 July 1856. CHARLES O. b. 9 July 1846; d. 16 Jan. 1847. HARRIET S. b. 13 Mch. 1848; d. 3 Aug. 1852. CHARLES H. b. 28 Aug. 1850; m. 6 April 1873 Etta L. Tracy, b. at Durham 3 June 1853. Lives on the homestead. Eight children. The first two died in infancy. Henry P. b. 13 Oct. 1875; Charles Fred b. 10 Feb. 1878; George Warren b. 20 Oct. 1879; Emma Tracy b. 17 Mch. 1S83; Mary Fannie b. 31 Oct. 1885; Louisa Loring b. 28 Feb. and d. 9 Nov. 1892. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb