Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Cary Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 20, 2008, 10:39 pm Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine CARY. Nelson Howard Cary, son of Simeon, was born in Bridgwater, Mass. 5 Jan. 1807. He was descended from John Cary of Somerset, Eng., who came to America in 1634. See Hist, of Bridgewater. He graduated at the Medical School of Bowdoin College in 1828; married 13 Sept. 1829 Maria, dau. of William R. and Olive (True) Stockbridge of Yarmouth, who was born 1 Aug. 1806 and died in 1850. They were married at the Baptist Meeting House in Yarmouth. He practiced medicine successively in Gorham, Wayne, and Durham. He married (2) 1852, Julia Warren of Durham. He died in Durham 10 April 1877. His three sons were members of the 13th Regt. of Mass. Vols, in the Rebellion. Samuel was taken prisoner at the battle of Gettysburg and was twenty-one months in rebel prisons. Annie Louise Cary became the famous contralto. I remember in my childhood of hearing her sing in the choir of the Union church at S. W. Bend. She was thought then to possess a good strong voice, but most people can not tell diamond till it is polished. I remember, too, to have secured her services at the Commencement Concert at the time of my graduation at Bowdoin College in 1871, and I still preserve her autograph receipt for $250 paid. This was her first appearance in Maine as a singer, after her reputation had been established abroad and at home. Special trains -were run for that Concert from Bath and from Lewiston. There was a crowded and delighted house. Miss Cary's encores of old familiar songs produced the greatest applause. The cultured were satisfied; the uncritical were charmed. Since a long sketch of her musical career has recently been published in the History of Wayne, her native town, I need say no more here. Her sister, Mrs. Ada Sturgis, became a singer of no mean reputation. The following is Dr. Cary's family. WILLIAM H. b. 24 Aug. 1830. JOSEPH S. b. 16 May 1832; m. Flora E. Harlow; d. s. p. in Boston 25 April 1877. MARCIA A. b. 23 May 1834; m. 26 Jan. 1855 John Cushing Merrill; d. 26 June 1897. ELLEN M. b. 11 Oct. 1837; m. (1) 15 Nov. 1855 John Q. Warren: (2) the Rev. W. H. Haskell, now of West Falmouth. SAMUEL G. b. 25 Dec. 1839; m. 11 April 1871 Catherine Lanning of Boston. One child, Annie Louise, b. 12 May 1872. ANNIE LOUISE b. 22 Oct. 1842; m. 29 June 1882 Charles Monson Raymond, of New York. ADA was the only child by Dr. Cary's second marriage. She married Mr. Sturgis. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb