Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Douglas Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 22, 2008, 2:50 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine DOUGLAS. This family is of Scotch descent, claiming connection with the old Earls of Angus. John Douglas, born in 1695, was the first emigrant to America and settled in Middleborough, Mass. His oldest son Elijah b. about 1720 in Middleborough, m. (1) 27 April 1742 Phebe Taylor and had three sons; (2) Elizabeth dau. of Edward and Patience Estes, born in Hanover, Mass. 7 April 1731 and had 8 children. Lived in Harpswell for a while and settled in Royalsborough in 1775 on the Meadow Road. He died in 1814, aged 94. He was the first of the name to unite with the Society of Friends, having joined them at Falmouth 29 June 1754. Cornelius Douglas, son of John, was born in Middleborough, Mass., 12 Sept. 1749; m. 10 Nov. 1767 Ann, dau. of Edward and Patience Estes, who was born in Hanover, Mass., 14 March J735. She was sister to his stepmother. He moved to Royalsborough in 1773 and bought Lot 28. His log house is said to have been the fifth built in Royalsborough, but this is doubted. It was on a little hillock some distance from where the highway now is. His wife d. 28 Jan. 1790. He m. 23 June 1791 Lydia, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Buffum of Berwick, Me. He was a Friend. Died in Durham 20 June 1821. His second wife died 31 Aug. 1837. Children by first wife. JOHN b. 8 Sept. 1768; m. 14 Mch. 1791 Judith Collins, d. in Brunswick 17 June 1820. EDWARD b. 30 June 1770; m. 4 May 1797 Esther Collins. PHEBE b. 12 Nov. 1772; m. 24 Jan. 1793 Ebenezer Austin; d. 15 Jan. 1817. JOSEPH b. 1 Aug. 1774 in Royalsborough; d. 6 June 1782. Children by second wife. ANNA b. 15 July 1792; m. 7 Feb. 1822 Saml. Goddard; d. 4 Oct. 1840. JOSEPH b. 28 May 1793; drowned at Hebron 27 Aug. 1814. JOSHUA b. 8 Sept. 1794; m. (1) Jane Adams; (2) Lucy Beal. DAVID, b. 16 July 1796; m. (1) Hannah Davis; (2) Chloe Davis. CORNELIUS b. 12 June 1798; m. 27 Jan. 1820 Phebe Nichols of Berwick. See: t LYDIA b. 28 Dec. 1799; m. 15 Nov. 1827 George W. Morse; d. 29 Nov. 1843. PATIENCE b. 15 Feb. 1803; m. 31 Dec. 1829 Benjamin Davis; d. 24 Apr. 1887. Joseph Douglas, brother of Cornelius and son of Elijah, was born in North Yarmouth (now Harpswell) 8 April 1753; m. 4 Sept. 1773 Mary McFall who was born 31 Dec. 1751. In 1781 he bought a farm of Stephen Chase in Royalsborough for £213 6s. 18d. in depreciated currency. The farm was 100 acres, half of lots 5 and 12. Here he built a log house. He was a powerful preacher in the Society of Friends, and a man of natural ability and deep piety. He died 22 Dec. 1821. 6 ch. ELIJAH b. 24 June 1775; d. young. DAVID b. n July 1779; m. Waite Hawkes. MOSES b. 28 July 1784. Unm. ELIZABETH b. 20 May 1786. Unm. RACHEL b. 29 June 1788; m. 30 Oct. 1823 Hanson Hussey of Albion. REBECCA b. 29 May 1790. Unm. John Douglas, son of Elijah, b. in Harpswell, 8 Nov. 1774; m. (1) 5 Aug. 1796 Sarah Booker; (2) Catherine (Briry) Booker. Settled on a part of his father's farm in Durham. In 1820 bought a farm near the River. Died in Brunswick 18 Oct. 1853. POLLY b. 16 May-1797; d. same day. ELIZABETH b. 18 June 1798; d. 5 April 1814. HUGH b. 18 Aug. 1800; m. Julia A. Goddard. JOHN b. 21 Mch. 1803; d. Sept. 1820. JOANNA b. 20 Aug. 1805; d. 1808. NANCY B. b. 6 Feb. 1808; m. 8 Mch. 1829 John B. Douglas. ISAAC b. 7 Feb. 1811; m. Abigail K. Webber. SALLY b. 30 Jan. 1814. Children by second wife. ENOS b. 2 Sept. 1816; m. Nov. 1842 Nancy M. Jordan; m. (2) Sept. 1895 Mrs. Hannah (Foss) Hanscomb. Res. Lewiston. WAITSTILL WEBBER, b. 1 Nov. 1818; m. Jane Day; d. 1 Apr. 1876. Joshua Douglas, son of Cornelius and grandson of Elijah, was born in Royalsborough 8 Sept. 1794; m. (1) 11 June 1818 Jane, dau. of Andrew and Ruth (Lufkin) Adams; (2) 29 Aug. 1839, Lucy, dau. of Jonathan and Lucy Beal of Durham. Bought his father-in-law's farm near Gerrish's mill in 1818, which he sold in 1835 to Henry Plummer and bought of Caleb Jones a farm on the River. He died 21 Jan. 1881. He was an excellent man, a worthy minister of the Society of Friends. JOSEPH b. 24 Mch. 1819, m. Ann G. Beal. ELIZA JANE b. 28 Feb. 1822; 111. James Goddard. GEORGE b. n May 1825; m. Elizabeth A. Prescott; d. 20 April 1888. JOHN b. 26 Feb. 1828; m. Ann Maria Hamblin. CHARLES b. 24 Aug. 1830; m. Annie E. Fisher. JOSHUA LUFKIN b. 17 April 1833; m. Helen L. Harvey. Res. Bath. WM. HENRY b. 13 Oct. 1847; m. (1) Ella H. Rolfe; (2) Mrs. Eliza B. (Tibbetts) Clason. As an excellent Genealogy and History of the Douglas family has been published by Joshua Lufkin Douglas, of Bath, it is not deemed necessary to give further particulars about this family. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.7 Kb