Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Gerrish Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 24, 2008, 10:40 pm Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine GERRISH. Capt. William Gerrish, born in Bristol, Eng., 20 Aug. 1617, came to New England as early as 1639 and settled in Newbury, Mass. He m. (1) 17 April 1645, Joanna, widow of John Oliver and dau. of Percival Lowle. She died 14 June 1677. He moved to Boston and m. (2) Ann, widow of John Manning. He died in Salem, Mass. 9 Aug. 1687. His oldest son John, born 15 May 1646, married in 1665 Elizabeth, dau. of Major Richard Waldron of Dover, N. H., where he settled and became a prominent citizen. He died in 1714. Of his ten children Nathaniel was born in 1672 and married Bridget, dau. of Hon. Wni, Vaughn of Portsmouth. They had children Nathaniel, William, CHARLES, George, Richard and Bridget.* *For Genealogy of early Gerrishes see N. E. Register Vol. VI. p. 258 and Vol. LI. p. 67. Charles Gerrish, born in Berwick, 1716, married Mary Frost. See: t Their first two children were born in Berwick; the rest, in old Falmouth. WILLIAM b. 27 June 1744. CHARLES b. 18 Oct. 1746. NATHANIEL b. 7 April 1751. GEORGE b. 16 June 1753. JAMES died in the Revolutionary Army, at age of 20 yrs. MARY, m. Abner, son of Lawrence Harris of Lewiston, Int. Rec. in N. Yarmouth 2 Mch. 1782. Ten children. The parents moved to Ohio in 1813 and died soon after. Lt. William Gerrish, son of Major Charles, married 3 April 1767 Esther Parker of N. Yarmouth b. 6 Feb. 1745. He settled on lots 73 and 74 Durham. He died there 6 June 1812 and is buried in the cemetery near by. His wife died 14 April 1839. NATHANIEL b. 29 Aug. 1767. See below. BETSEY b. and d. 3 Oct. 1769. RICHARD b. 10 Jan. 1772; settled in Aroostook Co. BENJAMIN b. 22 April 1774. See below. JANE b. 29 May 1776; m. 26 Aug. 1796 Dr. Symonds Baker. JAMES b. 16 Sept. 1778. See below. SARAH b. 13 Sept. 1781; m. 12 April 1801 Meshack Purington. MOLLY b. 25 June 1783; m. 29 Nov. 1802 John Hoyt. WILLIAM b. 20 May 1786. See below. Charles Gerrish, son of Major Charles, married 7 Aug. 1770 Phebe Blethen. She was probably dau. of John Blethen. The marriage is recorded in Brunswick. They lived on the County Road, in Durham. Their children were. HULDAH b. 21 May 1771; BETSEY b. 1 Oct. 1772 m. 4 Oct. 1789 Henry Warren of Freeport; JEREMIAH b. 10 Oct. 1774; see p. 190; MARY b. 4 Jan. 1778; CHARLES b. 9 Mch. 1780; WILLIAM b. 25 July 1782; MARGARET b. 25 Mch. 1785; SALLY b. 4 Feb. 1789. Nathaniel Gerrish, son of Major Charles, married 30 Oct. 1777 Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Abigail (Hanscom) Marriner of Cape Elizabeth, born 27 Aug. 1757. They lived on the County Road. He was a Revolutionary soldier, was for several years on the Board of Selectmen, and was Capt. of Militia at the time of his death 28 Nov. 1799. An iron rail surrounds his grave in the cemetery near that of the North Meeting-House. His wife died 27 July 1831. GEORGE b. 24 Jan. 1779. See below. HANNAH b. 18 Jan. 1781; m. 18 Jan. 1803 Peter Sanborn. She died 10 May 1849. For family see Hist. of Litchfield. JOSEPH MARRINER b. 24 March 1783. See pp. below and LORUHAMAH b. 9 Oct. 1785; m. 27 Nov. 1806 Joseph Osgood; d. 18 Sept. 1864. SARAH b. 27 Feb. 1788; m. 26 Nov. 1807 Sam'l G. Osgood; d. 30 Sept. 1837. ABIGAIL b. 16 April 1790; m. 25 Nov. 1813 Stephen Sylvester. THIRZA b. 26 April 1792; m. 1 Jan. 1815 Christopher Lincoln. MOSES b. 9 Aug. 1794. NATHANIEL b. 16 Dec. 1797. Settled in Michigan. George Gerrish, son of Major Charles, married 20 Dec. 1781 Mary Mitchell of Freeport, who was born 21 June 1758 and died 7 Dec. 1816. He lived on the original Gerrish homestead and cared for his father in old age. Died 23 May 1814. SUSANNAH b. 10 Sept. 1782; m. 22 Mch. 1801 Thomas Bagley; moved to Troy, Me. Died June 1868. JAMES b. 22 Nov. 1784. See below. JOHN b. 10 June 1787. See below. CHARLES b. 7 Aug. 1789; m. 23 April 1812 Betsey Woodbury; moved to N. Y. State and died there. Three ch. MARY b. 3 Feb. 1792; m. 18 May 1817 Thomas Winslow of Freeport. Died 7 May 1819. Nathaniel, son of Lt. William Gerrish, married in Harpswell, 1791, Sarah, widow of Lemuel McGray and dau. of Joshua Strout. He built the house where Prescott Strout now lives at S. W. Bend and kept hotel there in 1812. Moved to Lisbon Factory in 1817 where he owned a mill and kept hotel. His wife died 17 Nov. 1829 and he married (2) Phoebe Weymouth, who died 8 June 1856, aged 64 yrs. He died 8 Jan. 1856. ELIZABETH b. 11 Jan. 1792; m. 13 Feb. 1813 Joseph H. Hoyt. JOSHUA STROUT b. 2"] May 1794; m. 21 Oct. 1817 Charlotte Sydleman. Died in Lisbon 23 Sept. 1875. His wife died 22 Jan. 1879. Ch. Everett of Lisbon, Edward H. of Lewiston and Charlotte who m. Dr. David B. Sawyer. ESTHER b. 9 April 1799; m. Zadock Jones and d. in W. Bowdoin. SOPHIA b. 7 May 1803; m. Caleb Jones. Died in China, Me. MARY b. 26 July 1806; m. David McFarland of Lisbon. JOSEPH b. 26 July 1806; d. 16 Jan. 1807. Children by second marriage. CHARLES WM. b. 19 Sept. 1830; d. in Lisbon. ALPHEUS S. b. 18 June 1836. Lives in Nevada. Benjamin, son of Lt. William Gerrish, married 28 Nov. 1798 Sally True. Lived on a portion of his father's farm. Died 20 Aug. 1854. His wife died 26 June 1852, aged 74 yrs. ALMIRA b. 6 July 1799; m. 1817 Abram True and moved to Ohio. ARZILLA b. 9 Feb. 1801; m. 1820, Andrew Blethen. HANNAH b. 9 Jan. 1803; m. 13 Aug. 1823 James Strout; d. 7 May 1881. MARY b. 13 Jan. 1805; m. 4 April 1832 Jeremiah B. Day. SALLY m. 23 June 1836 Greenfield H. Harris. ABIGAIL b. 9 Sept. 1814; m. 1 May 1853 Leonard Macomber; d. Mch. 1868. DAVID T. b. 3 Sept. 1815; see below. CAROLINE m. 1 Jan. 1840 Jeremiah Day; d. 29 Oct. 1840, aged 30 yrs. 4 mos. James, son of Lt. William Gerrish, married 26 Nov. 1801 Susanna Roberts. He lived on a portion of the homestead. Died 8 Oct. 1865. His wife died 27 Aug. 1865. MERCY b. 4 May 1802; d. young. ANSEL b. 25 Feb. 1804; m. Phebe Beal; see t d. 19 Aug. 1859. SALLY b. 25 Sept. 1806; m. 20 Aug. 1831 John Marston 3d of N. Yarmouth. IRENA b. 31 Jan. 1809; d. young. SUSANNA b. 14 April 1812; m. Ammi Vining. ANGELINA b. 12 July 1813. Unm. SALINA b. 17 Jan. 1S16; m. 3 June 1845 Joel H. Trafton; d. 20 Aug. 1874 in Durham. MARY b. 29 April 1819; m. Merrill W. Strout; lives in Woburn, Mass. JAMES WM. b. 25 Dec. 1820; m. (1) Lucy Hersey; (2) Sarah West. Ch. by first marriage, John H. and Albertha m. John Allen. James W. Gerrish died at Auburn, Me., 6 Jan. 1899. JOHN b. 7 June 1825; d. 13 Nov. 1847. Unm. WILLIAM GERRISH, son of Lieut. Wm. and Esther (Parker) Gerrish was born in Royalsborough 20 May 1786; m. (1) 25 Nov. 1811, Mary Sydleman; (2) 13 May 1821 Sophia Thomas who died June 1835; (3) 1849 Mrs. (Hoyt) Adams of Readfield. He built the brick house where Andrew Fitz now lives about 1832. The bricks were made on the bank of the river in front of the house where he lived for many years. He died, in 1862, in Durham. Old residents will be glad to see his portrait. EMILY b. 1812; m. 29 Nov. 1837 Moses Atkinson; d. abt. 1850 in Hartland. JANE M. b. 1813; d. in infancy. WILLIAM b. April, 1815; m. 7 Dec. 1843 Rachel C. Whitney; both are living. ALBERT H. b. 8 Oct. 1816; m. 27 April 1843 Lydia Ann Lunt of Brunswick; lives at Berlin, N. H. MARY JANE b. 1818; m. 5 May 1850 Albert Wyer; d. in Lynn, Mass. abt. 1854. MARIA b. 1820; d. at age of four years. JABEZ WOODMAN b. 1824; m. 15 April 1849 Harriet J. Weston. Residence, Brockton, Mass. CHARLES b. 1826; d. abt. 1848. EDWIN b. 1829; d. in Berlin, N. H. 25 March, 1897. HENRY b. 1832; d. 1855. SOPHIA b. 1835; d. 1838. Jeremiah Gerrish, son of Charles, 2d, married, 7 Dec. 1800 Mary. Ditran. Lived near Pownal line in West Durham. Died 25 July 1822. His wife died 10 Sept. 1851, aged 80 years. HEZEKIAH b. 1 Nov. 1801; ni. 19 Mch. 1845 Mary Carsley of Pownal. MATTHEW b. 8 Mch. 1804; m. 11 Mch. 1833 Phebe Bishop of Freeport. ELSY b. 1 Oct. 1806; m. 13 May 1831 Nathl Osgood. SEWALL b. 17 Jan. 1809; d. 20 June 1849. PHEBE JANE m. 23 Nov. 1843 Ammi Loring of N. Yarmouth. SALLY b. 24 Jan. 1813; m. Ira B. Richards. George Gerrish, son of Nathaniel, married 24 Nov. 1805 Esther Woodbury. Besides one who died in infancy they had, ANGELINE b. 11 Mch. 1809; d. 7 Jan. 1817. GEO. WASHINGTON b. 10 May 1811. JOSEPH MARRINER b. 10 May 1811. PRISCILLA b. 19 Dec. 1812. REBECCA b. 27 Mch. 1815. ABNER HARRIS b. 27 Aug. 1817; lived in Lee, Me. James, son of George and Mary (Mitchell) Gerrish, born 22 Nov. 1784, married 8 Oct. 1808, Mary, dau. of Barstow Sylvester of Freeport. Lived near the homestead on County Road. Farmer. Died 8 June 1824. His wife, born 1787, died 20 Aug. 1859. HARRISON S. b. 27 Jan. 1810; m. Jane T. Small of Lisbon. Three-children grew up; Melissa Jane, born 29 Jan. 1836, m. Wm. T. Osgood of Durham; Charles Harrison b. 22 April 1838, m. 21 Sept. i860 Emily F. Chaffin oi Portland and d. there 9 Mch. 1864, leaving two ch., Charles Edward and Harry; Mary Adelaide, b. 27 Feb. 1841, m. Moses Osgood of Durham. GEORGE BARSTOW b. 3 July 1811; m. 17 Nov. 1841 Eliza Field. Died in Freeport 28 Aug. 1850. Two daughters. EMELINE b. 7 Mch. 1817; m. 29 Mch. 1840 Amos Field of Freeport. STEPHEN S. b. 23 Mch. 1820; m. 18 Oct. 1848 Harriet N. Conner of Troy, Me. Died in Canaan, Me. 6 May 1864. Six ch. JOHN JORDAN b. 21 Dec. 1821. See John, son of George and Mary (Mitchell) Gerrish, born 10 June 1787, m. 15 Sept. 1811 Joanna West of Freeport. Lived on the old homestead. Died 5 July 1821. LUCY B. b. 15 June 1813; m. 17 Jan. 1841 James Meguier of Portland. GEORGE b. 28 Dec. 1814; d. 13 Oct. 1839. MARY b. 20 Aug. 1816; d. 6 July 1817. ALBIN b. 1 May 1818; m. 16 May 1841 Julia Lane of Auburn. Died Jan. 1850. At his death the old Gerrish homestead, that had been held by the family 98 years, passed into other hands. LYDIA b. 29 April 1820; d. 3 Dec. 1820. Joseph Marriner, son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Marriner) Ger-rish, born 24 Mch. 1783, m. 25 Mch. 1807 (by the Rev. Samuel Deane D. D.) Barbara, dau. of Capt. John and Mary (Burnham) Scott. He married (2) 16 Nov. 1842 Mrs. Mary Ann Hersey, who died 28 Mch. 1897. He died in Portland 30 April 1853. See ADELINE b. 23 Dec. 1808; m. 2 Nov. 1828 Wm. E. Edwards of Portland. Died 11 Jan. 1875. He died 6 Sept. 1877. FRANCIS ANN b. 13 Oct. 1810; m. (1) 28 June 1842 Wm. Bartol; (2) Reuben Ordway. Died 30 Aug. 1895. JOSEPH FREDERICK AUGUSTUS b. 14 June 1812; d. 28 Sept. 1813. MARTHA MARTIN b. 10 Mch. 1814; m. 12 Aug. 1833 Rufus Read of Portland. Died 26 Sept. 1847. He died 9 Sept. 1848. ELLEN LUCRETIA b. 29 Feb. 1816; d. 11 Sept. 1817. JOSEPH b. 26 Dec. 1817; d. 26 Oct. 1836. EDWARD PAYSON b. 8 Nov. 1819; m. 9 May 1844 Julia W. Scott. Died 26 Nov. 1871. ELLEN LOUISE b. 8 Oct. 1821; m. 24 Dec. 1846 Henry W. Hersey. Died 27 Mch. 1898. He died 27 Mch. 1890. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS b. 30 July 1823; m. 25 Sept. 1849 Martha J. Ordway. Died 9 April 1873. She died 4 Oct. 1881. AUGUSTUS FRANKLIN b. 30 July 1823; m. 27 Dec. 1848 Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Col. James March of Gorham. She died 30 Nov. 1893. Fie lives in Portland. WM. OLIVER b. 3 Jan. 1827; d. 18 Oct. 1831. MARY KIDDER b. 28 Sept. 1828; d. 20 Oct. 1831. WM. SCOTT b. 28 June 1830; m. 1854 Hannah Bailey. Died 29 June 1S87. She died Mch. 1890. David, son of Benjamin and Sally (True) Gerrish, married S April 1849 Lorenda Wood. Lived many years on the homestead. Present residence, Somerville, Mass. FREDERICK HERBERT b. 6 Mch. 1850; d. 16 Sept. 1868. EMMA b. 22 Mch. 1853; d. 10 Mch. 1855. ELLA CAROLINE b. 29 Dec. 1855; m. 28 Sept. 1876 Daniel A. Bolton. ALMON ADELBERT b. 26 Mch. 1858; m. 24 Feb. 1891 Mary N. Arnold. Died 16 Feb. 1893. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 13.3 Kb