Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Goodwin Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 24, 2008, 11:20 pm Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine GOODWIN. Samuel Goodwin, probably son of Thomas and Hannah (Wells) Goodwin of Wells, Me., was born about 1738 and married (1) 26 Nov. 1761 Elizabeth Libby of Scarboro, where their first three children were baptized. He was living on the County Road next to Freeport line earlier than 1780. His name appears on the Alarm List in 1787. He married (2) 13 April 1791 Margaret Haskell and died in 1806, leaving, in his will, his small farm to six children after the decease of his wife Margaret. After her death, later than 1821, the farm passed into the possession of Josiah Burnham. GEORGE b. 12 April 1762; see below. MARY b. 11 April 1765; m. 30 Nov. 1786 John Vining; d. 14 Nov. 1839. SAMUEL bap. 5 June 1768; was in the training band in 1787; owned a farm in Durham in 1820. WILLIAM (?) said to have died at sea. If so, before 1806. ELIZABETH m. 28 Jan. 1791 John Cushing; d. 26 May 1843, aged 76 yrs. JONATHAN m. 26 April 1793 Persis, dau. of Jeremiah Smith. She was born 9 Feb. 1778. He was taxed in Durham only in 1794. Persis Goodwin m. 30 July 1811 Russel Hinkley in Lisbon. DANIEL m. 1 Mch. 1801 Sarah Haskell; d. at St. Albans, Me. George Goodwin, soldier of the Revolution, m. in No. Yarmouth 24 Sept. 1786 Mary Davis. Both were then of Royalsborough. She was born Oct. 1763 at Cape Ann and died at Avon 10 Oct. 1839. He died at Avon 7 July l855. His second wife was ____ Jones of Avon. He lived in Durham near Methodist Corner and moved to Avon about 1820. SAMUEL b. 1790; m. 24 Jan. 1813 Wealthy Jones; 9 ch.; moved to Phillips. ELIZABETH m. Reuben True (?) SALLY m. (1) 1S17 Reuben Roberts and went West; m. (2) Daniel Miller. ABIGAIL m. 1812 Rev. Daniel Roberts. HANNAH b. 16 July 1797; m. in Avon, Samuel Jacobs. ANDREW DAVIS b. 2 Feb. 1800; m. 15 May 1828 in Avon, Jane Smith; d. 3 April 1875 in Farmington. Benjamin Goodwin of Farmington, Register of Deeds, is his son. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb