Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Herrick Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 25, 2008, 12:34 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine HERRICK. The Herrick Genealogy has been traced back to the twelfth century. The family is of Scandinavian origin. Sir William Herrick of Beau Manor, Leicester Co., Eng., was member of Parliament 1601-1630 and Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to the Sublime Porte. Henry, his fifth son, was born in 1604, and came to Salem, Mass. in 1629, where he married Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Laskin. They settled in what is now Beverly. They were among the founders of the first church in Salem in 1629 and of that in Beverly in 1667. Their fifth son, Joseph, married for his second wife Mary Endicott, whose sixth child, Martyn, married Ruth Endicott of Salem and settled at Lynnfield. Their second son Samuel, born 1713, married Elizabeth Jones of Wilmington in 1742. These were the parents of the Rev. Jacob Herrick. See t Mr. Herrick settled on that part of lot 67 which lies east of the County Road. Here he bought, 13 Mch. 1797. twenty-six acres of Capt. Wm. McGray. The deed says that the land sold began a "few rods eastward of my house and nearly the same distance from the Northwest corner of the Meeting House." The old Herrick parsonage was burned a few years ago. His children were as follows: SARAH b. 12 Feb. 1781; d. Oct. 1855. Unm. ELIZABETH died 1863. Unm. THOMAS, died young. THOMAS, m. 9 Sept. 1811 Catherine, dau. of Joseph Weeman of Durham. He died at Harmony, Me., 17 May 1867. Had been Representative to the Legislature. Twelve ch. JACOB b. 29 Mch. 1791. See The family of Jacob and Abigail (Scott) Herrick were, besides two who died in infancy: WILLIAM BENTLY b. 20 Sept. 1813. Studied medicine. Surgeon in Mexican War. Professor of Anatomy in Rush Medical College, Chicago. Married Martha Seward of Hillsboro, Ill. His two sons, John J. and William J. are lawyers in Chicago. ELIZABETH AUGUSTA b. 9 Feb. 1815; m. Barnard Williams of Durham; d. 21 June 1864. JOSIAH BURNHAM b. 8 Jan. 1821. Physician. Demonstrator of Anatomy at Rush Medical College, Chicago. Married Automa Thornton. Died in Cal., leaving one son Jacob Thornton Herrick of Shelbyville, Ill. HARRIET ELLEN b. 2 Dec. 1825; m. Capt. Seth Burnham McLellan of Portland. ANNA MARIA b. 7 Aug. 1827; m. E. Franklin Packard of Auburn. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb