Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Knight Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 26, 2008, 3:24 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine KNIGHT. There were three distinct families of this name. Joseph Knight was living on lot 60 earlier than 1782. He married in Falmouth 1 April 1777, Laurana Getchell, who died 27 Mch. 1804. He married 22 Nov. 1804 Barsheba Mitchell. Besides five who died young the following children are recorded. ENOCH b. 15 Sept. 1785; m. 1809 Martha Mitchell. JOHN b. 12 Sept. 1787; m. 18 Oct. 1812 Hannah Beal. Their children were Mariam b. 30 Nov. 1813 m. Philip Douglas; Jonathan b. 21 Jan. 1815; m. Mary Taylor and had twins Edwin and Frederick, born 1845, and Charles; Belina b. 16 Dec. 1817; m. George Frye. CHRISTOPHER b. 3 July 1794. STEPHEN b. 18 Feb. 1796. WILLIAM b. 20 Feb. 1800. SIMEON b. 28 Mch. 1802. Mark Knight, born 8 Dec. 1756, lived near Woodford's Corner in old Falmouth. He married 4 Dec. 1785 Mary Hunt, born in Nova Scotia 6 June 1758. He died 30 Jan. 1835. His wife died 3 June 1850. FRANCIS b. 16 May 1784. See below. PARKER b. 8 Dec. 1790; d. 29 Mch. 1826; m. 21 Nov. 1811 Mary Grant; three ch., Mark m. Augusta Newell; Charlotte m. Clement Jordan; and Julia. Unm. SOPHIA B. b. 25 Jan. 1794; m. 21 Oct. 1821 Win. Weeks; d. 20 June 1822. JOANNA b. 2 Oct. 1800; m. 2 Dec. 1824 John B. Reed; d. 8 Dec. 1840. Their dau. Mary Elizabeth m. Nathaniel C. Lincoln. Francis Knight married, 28 Nov. 1810, Betsey, dau. of Amos and Betsey (Titcomb) Knight, who was born 13 April 1786 and died 17 Nov. 1824. He lived in Durham and died 27 June 1862. ADALINE H. b. 3 Feb. 1812; m. Alfred son of Barnard Nichols. SUSAN C. b. 7 Aug. 1815; d. 2 June 1856. Unm. MEHITABEL S. b. 21 July 1816; m. 30 Aug. 1840 Sharon Estes. CHARLES H. b. 24 Aug. 1818; m. 10 Nov. 1842 Mary C. Parker. She was dau. of Peter Parker and was born in Durham 23 Mch. 1816 and died in Deering 21 Mch. 1897. He was a farmer on the County Road, a man of sterling character. Died 8 Nov. 1869. Their only child was Charles Emery Knight. WILLIAM W. b. 17 Nov. 1821; m. Susan G. Newell; d. s. p. 6 April 1891. FRANCIS b. 17 Nov. 1824. Unm. Charles Emery Knight, born in Durham, 1 Oct. 1845, was educated in the school at South West Bend and in a Business College. He has for more than a score of years been connected with the Patron's Cooperative Corporation, 209 Commercial St., Portland, Me., first as book-keeper and later as agent. He is fidelity arid honesty personified. That statement will not be doubted by any one who knew him in his youth. His long employment in one firm bears evidence also to his business ability. The number of his friends is limited only by his acquaintances. He married 24 Oct. 1872 Oriana Louise, dau. of James Strout, Jr. She died in Deering 30 Jan. 1879. They had two children; Frank Herbert b. 30 July 1873, graduated at Bowdoin College in 1894; and Orie Louise b. 5 Jan. 1879. The Knights of Durham, doubtless, descended from John of Newbury who came from Southampton, Eng., in 1635. He had a son John, born 1622, who married in 1647 Bathshua Ingersoll. Their son, Richard, b. 26 July 1666, married Elizabeth Jaques and had a son Henry b. 6 July 1697. This Henry is thought to be the one who with his wife Priscilla came from Newbury and united with the First Parish Church of Old Falmouth in 1746. Their son, Samuel, married in 1750 Mary Knight, and these were the parents of the Amos Knight who settled in Durham. Amos Knight was born in Falmouth 27 Sept. 1758. He married, 2$ Jan. 1784 Betsey Knight (some say Betsey Titcomb) who was born 30 Dec. 1765. He was a Revolutionary soldier. In 1816 he bought of Israel Estes fifty acres of lot 29. He and his wife were buried on that farm. BETSEY b. 13 April 1786; m. Francis Knight. LEVI b. 3 Aug. 1787; d. 1865. Unm. THEOPHILUS b. 13 Mch. 1790; d. 1861. Unm. ROLAND b. 31 July 1792; m. 21 May 1818 Dorcas Blake. Ch. Addison, George, Alfred, John, Eunice, and Julia. All but George died young. MARY b. 27 Dec. 1797; m. 24 April 1823 the Rev. Daniel Clarke, who •was born in Lisbon (Webster) 15 Feb. 1801 and died in Richmond 22 May 1869. His wife died in Richmond 19 Feb. 1862. Eight children. LOUIS b. 12 Aug. 1800; died young. JAMES b. 25 Dec. 1802; in. Almira Sawyer, dau. of Nathan Sawyer of Westbrook. EUNICE P. b. 5 June 1805: m. 31 Mch. 1825 Joseph G. Sawyer; d. 6 May 1866. Ch. Joshua Lewis, Amos, Ellen and Elmira. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.3 Kb