Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Lambert Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 26, 2008, 4:12 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine LAMBERT. Dea. Isaac Lambert, born in Abington, Mass. 9 March 1771; d. in Auburn 28 Jan. 1861. His wife died 26 April 1862, aged 85 yrs. 9 mos. 10 days. He married Mary Strout of Durham 3 Sept. 1795. He had a brother Asa who lived in Freeport and a brother Thomas who m. 19 Nov. 1795 Abigail Strout and settled in the southern part of Durham. Isaac Lambert settled on the northern half of lot 90 in 1801, and had a farm of 46 1/2 acres. In 1804 its estimated value was $88.35. He did not receive a deed of the place from Josiah Little till 18 Aug. 1813. The price then paid was $465. ABIGAIL b. in Durham 1 March 1796; m. 10 Nov. 1814, Stephen Weston; lived in Litchfield. SOPHIA b. in Freeport 1 March 1798; d. 22 June 1802. HANNAH b. in Freeport 31 March 1800; d. 24 June 1802. BETSEY b. in Durham 22 June 1802; m. 1 Jan. 1824 Joshua Wormell; moved to Unity. MARYAN b. 22 Dec. 1804; d. young. JOSHUA b. 10 April 1808; m. 26 Nov. 1833, Susan Garcelon; see below. JANE b. 6 Aug. 1809; m. 21 Aug. 1831 Nelson Dingley; d. 2 Dec. 1871. ISAAC JR. b. 4 March 1813; m. 21 Dec. 1837 Lucy Dingley who was born 18 Aug. 1819 and died 2 Feb. 1844. He m. (2) 31 May 1849 Apphia Whitney of Lisbon who died 2 June 1851, aged 23 yrs. 10 mos. He died 9 Oct. 1850, having lived on his father's farm. Ch. Frances J. b. 27 Sept. 1840; m. Sutton Stevens of Auburn; Wm. Henry b. 8 Aug. 1842, see Biog. Sketch; Edward E. b. 1 April 1850; lost at sea. MARY _____ m. 27 April 1826 Simeon Bailey of Durham. HARRIET M. ______ m. Llarrison Otis; moved to Unity. Joshua Lambert lived for a while at Methodist Corner, but after the death of his brother Isaac took the old homestead, lot 90, and lived and died there, Aug. 30, 1890. His wife was born Dec. 25, 1805 and died Feb. 22, 1890. Their children were. ISAAC G. b. 10 Oct. 1835; d. 7 Oct. 1838. ISAAC W. b. 27 Aug. 1839; m. Susan, dau. of Rev. L. P. Gurney and settled on a farm in Auburn. JAMES G. b. 25 April 1841; lives in Idaho. Unm. ELIZABETH b. 11 Oct. 1843; m. John McBoyle of Ottawa, Ill. MARY b. 11 Oct. 1843: m. John Hatch. Lives in Mass. LORENZO S. b. 4 Feb. 18,50. Graduated at Amherst College, 1872. One of the Selectmen of Durham. Married and went West. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb