Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Macomber Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 1, 2008, 11:49 pm Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine MACOMBER. This family is of Scotch origin. "William Maycumber, cooper," was of Duxbury in 1638. He was fined in 1644 "for speaking against the Indians." His descendant, Joseph Macomber of Middleborough, Mass., was born in 1732 and died Jan. 24, 1800. He married Betsey Kennedy, whose Scotch ancestors were among the first settlers of Plymouth. In the Revolution he was a Sergt. in Capt. Levi Rounsevel's Co., Col. D. Brewer's Regt. Enlisted May 5, 1775; time of service, three months, four days. He was afterward Lieut, and Capt. of Militia. Their children, all born at Middleborough, were, Joseph b. 8 Sept. 1762: Thankful b. 21 Jan. 1764, d. 1854: Betsey b. 21 Mch 1765, d. 28 Aug. 1784: Nathan b. 2 Feb. 1767. d. 10 Aug. 1788: Frederick b. 19 Dec. 1768: ELIJAH b. 14 Oct. 1770: Judith b. 24 Aug. 1772: Olive b. 20 Mch. 1774: Lurana b. 19 Feb. 1778: Hannah b. 23 May 1780, d. unm. 28 Mch. 1827: she was a preacher among the Friends. Elijah Macomber came to Durham in 1801. He married at Windham, 6 June 1802, Eliza Swett, fourteenth and youngest child of Dr. Stephen and Sarah (Adams) Swett of Gorham. In the Revolution Swett was a Surgeon in Col. Edmund Phinney's 31st Regt. of Foot. He was descended from John Swett of Newbury, 1642, who came from Devonshire, Eng. Sarah Adams was the daughter of Dr. Samuel Adams of Durham, N. H. and sixth in descent from Governors Winthrop and Dudley of Mass. Elijah Macomber bought, in 1808, lot 83 of John and Sarah Bagley, heirs of Col. Jonathan Bagley. It is quite certain that he had been living on this farm some time before the purchase. His house stood a little north of where George Miller now lives and was burned many years ago. Here he kept a store and carried on the farm. He was Lieut, in the Militia, constable, and five times Selectman. Died 26 Sept. 1849. His wife, born 28 Sept. 1783, died 26 April 1853. Their children were, STEPHEN b. 26 May 1803; m. 9 Nov. 1826 Sarah B. Francis; d. 30 April 1877 at Parkman. JULIA ANN b. 26 Feb. 1805; m. 30 May 1822 Joseph Curtis of Lisbon; d. 30 May 1882 in Bangor. JOSEPH b. 6 Nov. 1806; m. 20 Oct. 1853 Mrs. Mary (Miller) McArthur; d. s. p. about 1890 in Abington, Mass. ADAMS b. 26 July 1808; m. 10 Dec. 1832 Betsey Briggs of Minot; d. 8 Nov. 1853 in New Paris, Ind. ELIZA SWETT b. 9 April 1810; m. 8 Nov. 1838 Samuel Owen Stackpole; d. 12 May 1888 in Brunswick. WASHINGTON b. 10 Sept. 1812; m. 19 Sept. 1839 Abigail Davis; d. 12 Sept. 1874 in Lynn, Mass. HORATIO M. b. 22 June 1814; m. (1) 28 July 1836 Mary Wingate; (2) Mrs. Phillips; d. about 1890 in Ind. See: t LEONARD b. 30 May 1816; see below. JOHN b. 16 Mch. 1819; m. (1) 31 May 1846 Caroline Weston; (2) 22 Sept. 1875 Mrs. Mary F. Tufts; d. s. p. 26 Nov. 1883 in Lynn, Mass. Leonard Macomber was the only one of this family who lived long in Durham. He settled on the old Stoddard farm, lot 85, in 1856. He married (1) 28 April 1842 Eliza Jane Swett, who was born in Turner 8 June 1819 and died in Durham 27 Sept. 1851; (2) 1 July 1852 Louisa A. Teague, b. in Turner 8 Aug. 1828 and d. 14 Sept. 1852; (3) 1 May 1853 Abigail Gerrish, who died March 1868; (4) 7 April 1869 Sarah Alexander of Brunswick, born 15 Jan. 1824 and is still living. Leonard Macomber was a prosperous farmer, a good citizen, and was honored by being elected Selectman and Representative to the Legislature. He died 13 June 1889. By his first marriage there were, besides an infant, two sons:—Joseph, b. at Turner 8 Jan. 1845, soldier in the Civil War and died at the rebel prison at Andersonville 29 (?) July, 1864: and George L., born at Durham 29 Nov. 1848. He also was a soldier in the Rebellion. Graduated at the State College at Orono and settled as a farmer and teacher at Windom, Minn. The only child of Leonard and Abigail (Gerrish) Macomber was Everett Leroy, born 4 Sept. 1854. He lives on the homestead. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.9 Kb