Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Merrill Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 2, 2008, 12:17 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine MERRILL. Roger Merrill, a Rev. Soldier, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Sargent) Merrill of Nottingham, N. H. was born at Newbury, Mass. 1 Feb. 1761. His ancestors came from England in the ship "Hector," in 1633. He m. in New Gloucester 2 Feb. 1785 Dorothy, dau. of Hon. John Gushing, then of Royalsborough, afterward of Freeport. They lived in Durham till 1802, where their first eight children were born; afterward in Portland and Litchfield. He was a mason by trade. The last part of his life was spent in Durham where he died 15 June 1852, aged 91 years, 4 mos. 15 days. His wife died in Litchfield 28 Dec. 1863. Their children were. ORLANDO b. 30 June 1786; m. Sarah Wagg of Lisbon. DOLLY b. 30 Sept. 1788; m. 1806 Wm. Bartlett. JOHN b. 11 Dec. 1790; died at sea. JONATHAN C. b. 20 Feb. 1793; see below. POLLY b. 5 May 1795; d. at age of 22 years. BETSEY b. 8 Dec. 1797; m. ______ Robinson. EDWARD b. 24 July 1800; m. 15 Oct. 1827 Mary Converse. Lived in New Bedford, Mass. Died 11 Sept. 1884. CALEB b. 24 June 1802; d. 14 Oct. 1805. WILLIAM b. 20 Sept. 1804; d. 9 Oct. 1805. JESSE b. 17 Dec. 1S06; d. 10 July 1813. MARY S. b. 20 Sept. 1809; m. Aaron True of Litchfield 27 Jan. 1830. She died 16 April 1875. SARAH b. 26 Dec. 1812; d. 19 Aug. 1813 in Portland. INFANT b. 22 Nov. 1817; d. soon after. Jonathan C., son of Roger Merrill, born 20 Feb. 1793, married 12 April 1818 Sarah Joy of Portland. He worked at the trade of a cooper till about 1820, when he moved back from Portland to Durham and opened a hotel and country store. He was in trade and lumber business the greater part of his life and was known as an active business man, identified with all the interests of the town. He twice represented the town in the State Legislature and was on the Board of County Commissioners. He died in Durham 5 May 1865. SARAH E. b. 19 Nov. 1820; m. Dec. 1858 Nathaniel Dunning. He died 22 July 1880, aged 83 yrs. ABBIE H. b. 15 Aug. 1823; in. 3 Oct. 1842 William Merrill of Durham. MARY C. b. 24 May 1827; m. Wm. E. Morris. JOHN CUSHING b. 26 March 1830; m. 26 Jan. 1854 Marcia A. Cary. Their daughter Maria S. Merrill has long been a teacher of French in Abbot Academy, Andover, Mass. Another daughter, Sarah J., lives with her father in Portland. John Merrill, of another family, married Lucy, dau. of Robert Plummer (Int. Rec. 2 June 1810) and died 8 May 1818, aged 28 yrs. 4 mos. Their son John, born in Brunswick 13 Oct. 1814, was the only one of their children who has descendants. He married, 12 April 1840, Eunice S., dau. of Theophilus S. Thomas. He died 17 June 1864 in New Orleans, being then a soldier in the Union Army. PAMELIA T. b. 27 Mch. 1841; m. 27 Nov. 1862 Joseph Dennison of Freeport, born 14 April 1837, a Union soldier. He died 1 April 1876. One son, John M. Dennison, was born 31 July 1865. JOHN H. b. 10 Jan. 1843; m. 12 Jan. 1874 Sarah Jane, dau. of Gardner G. and Sarah (Stackpole) Larrabee. They have one child, Alzo Selden, born 20 Aug. 1875. WILLIAM H. b. 10 Jan. 1843; m. 9 June 1872 Laura E., dau. of Joseph and Jane (Randall) Osgood. Their children are FRANCIS W. b. 29 May 1873, d. 2 Aug. 1874; GEORGE E. b. 15 May 1875; HOWARD J. b. 25 Nov. 1877; SADIE E. b. 21 April 1880; PAMELIA J. b. 10 Oct. 1881; JOHN E. b. 28 April 1866; CHARLES b. 16 April 1888, d. 27 Oct. 1888; WILLIAM I. b. 26 Feb. 1893. JOSEPH A. b. 14 Sept. 1845; m. 12 Jan. 1867 Elizabeth B. Pierce of Vassalborough. They have one son, Adelbert B., born in Topsham 24 Aug. 1869. Joseph A. Merrill now lives in Augusta, Me. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb