Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Military Record 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 17, 2008, 3:57 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine VIII. MILITARY RECORD The beginning of the struggle for American independence found Royalsborough with only a few scattered families. There was, however, a quick response to the patriotic call and one at least joined Col. Phinney's Regiment that marched in 1775 to the relief of Boston. Besides others who enlisted for shorter terms of service, a petition shows that seventeen men from Royalsborough had enlisted, in 1778, for three years in the Continental army, and this, too, when there were but forty-six men in town capable of bearing arms. Many Revolutionary soldiers from other towns settled in Durham after the War. The first town action was Sept. 15, 1777 when Josiah Dunn, Benjamin Vining, Ebenezer Roberts and Charles Hill, Esq., were chosen a Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, and also to "purchase some corn for to supply the women whose husbands are gon in the army." This reveals something of the privations and sacrifices endured. The following petition shows still more clearly what our ancestors paid for Independence. At a town meeting held 12 Jan. 1778 the following action was taken: "Voted to send a pertision to the General Court to see whither they will take of the Tax laid on us by Brunswick for the two years last past 1776 and 1777. Voted fifteen pounds Lawful money to git our pertision writ and to carry it and Present it to the Court. Voted Mr. Benjamin Vining to git Said Pertision and Carry it to Court, likewise Voted to defray all additional Cost of Said Pertision." The Petition was as follows:- State Massachusetts Bay. To the honorable the Council and hon'l. house of Representatives in General Court assembled. The petition of the Inhabitants of a new plantation or settlement called Royalsbourg, in the County of Cumberland humbly showeth :- That the inhabitants of Brunswick did in the year 1776 assess the polls of the inhabitants of said Royalsbourg towards the public tax laid on said Brunswick that year and have required the inhabitants of said Royalsbourg to give a list of their polls and estates in order to assess them towards said Brunswick's part of the tax for the year 1777, which the said Inhabitants of Brunswick suppose they have a right to do by virtue of the tax acts of those years respectively. Your petitioners beg leave to represent to your honors that by far the greater part of the families in said Royalsbourg (not being now more than 49 in all) have been settled no more than four or five years, that they entered on wild uncultivated lands, had a wilderness to subdue and buildings to erect for shelter with great difficulty labour & expense and are yet struggling for life, that an early frost the last year 1777 in a great measure cut off their indian Corn Crops so that not half enough was raised there for the necessary use & support of the Inhabitants, that they have nothing else to dispose of nor any business or trade by which to procure a supply of so necessary and at present dear as well as scarce an article, much less to obtain money to pay in taxes-that they have but 46 men on the training band list, of whom seventeen are enlisted for three years in the continental army-many of whom have left families whom they must supply agreeable to a late Resolve of the General Court, which is, in the present scarcity & dearness of provisions, a heavy burden upon them, notwithstanding the provision made in said Resolve for their reimbursement of that expense. That their being taxed in Brunswick towards their proportion of the public tax (and which is no more than their proportion if Royalsbourg was not in being) is a benefit and relief to Brunswick only, and is not of the least advantage to the State, and there appears to your petitioners no good reason why they should help Brunswick pay its public tax rather than any other town in the State. Wherof your petitioners humbly pray your honors to take the premises into your wise and merciful consideration, and order that the Collector of Brunswick for the year 1776 be directed not to demand of any of the Inhabitants of said Royalsbourg the poll tax laid on them by said Brunswick that year, But that the same be remitted them and that the same Brunswick should not assess them for the year 1777 or in case they have done it or may do it before your honors pass upon this Petition that such assessment may be vacated & the sums assessed remitted to them -or that your honors would otherwise relieve your Petitioners in such a way & manner as your Honors shall seem meet & your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. Charles Gerrish Jona Armstrong Charles Hill hue Gatchell Judah Chandler John Gatchell Ebenezer Robards Robert Gatchell William Gerrish John blethen Israel Bagley John Gushing David dyer Samuel Smith Charles Gerrish Robinson Crockett Nathl Garish Ezekiel Jones Micah dyer Vinsen Robats John Parker Benja Sawyer Benjamin Vining Moses Mariner Elias davis Josiah Day Samuel Ray Stephen Wesson Samuel York Joshua Strout The above petition was read in the House 2 Feb. 1778, and referred to a Committee. The House, 12 Feb. 1778, resolved to abate the above taxes of Royalsborough, which was consented to by the Council. The greater part of the signers of the above petition were old men. Two at least had been in the army, and several others had sons there. The Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety were, in 1778, O. Israel Bagley, Charles Hill and William Gerrish; in 1779, O. Israel Bagley, Jonathan Armstrong and Joshua Strout; in 1780, Joshua Strout, Nathaniel Gerrish and John Getchell; in 1781, O. Israel Bagley, Ebenezer Newell and John Getchell; in 1782, O. Israel Bagley, Josiah Day and Lieut. Newell. July 29, 1778, Voted " that this town shall pay those men that provide clothing for the soldiers who are gon in Continental army what Cost they are to if the Court will not pay for them." An entry in Bagley's account book seems to have a connection with this. He says in Feb. 1779. "Received of John Lues, Esq, 212 Dolars for the Clothen sent the soldars." Nov. 8, 1779 the town voted to "pay eich Solger that went to Pernopscot [1] Seventy five pounds." Nov. 30, 1780, Voted to "provide the Beef the Cort have sent for." Jan. 16, 1781. Voted to " give the two men that Shall goe in the Continental army 20 dollars bounty and 10 dollars wages a month." March 20, 1780. Voted "not to get the Beef the State sent for." Sept. 12, 1781. Voted "not to Rase the too men the Cort have sent for," and "not to get the Beef the Cort have sent for." This action was caused by the feeling that they had raised all the men and money they could, but nevertheless they supplied the men and money, as a later petition shows. The war cost Royalsborough in taxes ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-six pounds, eleven shillings and seven pence. Jan. 29, 1782. Voted to pay Nathan Lewis bounty and that "he return himself to the Superintendent at Boston upon the risk of the town." Voted to "return Samuel Wage for this town Provided they Don't get Nother man." Voted that "O. Israel Bagley Shall goe to Amesbury to Stand trial with them for Samuel Wage" (Wagg). The petition for incorporation, given in the preceding chapter, shows plainly the privations and burdens endured during the time of the Revolutionary War. Clothing was scanty and food was coarse and insufficient. It is an oft repeated tradition, that when any one was fortunate enough to shoot a deer or any wild game, a horn was blown to call the neighbors to share it. Who were the men of Royalsborough that bore arms in the war for Independence? The following list, probably incomplete, has been drawn from the Mass. archives, pension rolls, and publications of Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. CHARLES GERRISH, who had been Captain of Militia from before 1758, [2] appears as 1st Major of the 2d Mass. Regt. Cumb. Co., 7 Feb. 1776, Col Jonathan Mitchell commanding. Before that date the Town Records call him Captain; afterward, always Major. NATHANIEL GERRISH was private in Capt. John Worthley's Co., Col. Edmund Phinnev's 31st Regt. of Foot. He enlisted 8 May 1775 and served eight months near Boston. GEORGE GERRISH served three years in Capt. Blaisdell's Co. Col. Wigglesworth's Regt. JAMES GERRISH enlisted for three years in the same Co. as his brother George and died in the service. EBENEZER NEWELL was first Lieut, in Capt. Samuel Dunn's Co. Col. Phinney's Regt. in 1775. INCREASE BLETHEN was in Capt. Stephen Hart's Co. Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt. He enlisted at Boston for town of Royalsborough 6 Dec. 1777, for three years. Was promoted Corporal in Capt. Smart's Co., Col. Calvin Smith's Regt. Was at Valley Forge 5 Feb. 1778. He had previously enlisted 29 Aug. 1776. He died in Phillips, Me. JOHN CHANDLER enlisted 8 June 1777 for three years. Was in Capt. Hill's Co. Gen. Peterson's Regt. He also appears in Capt. John Read's Co. Col. Ichabod Allen's Regt. Reported as having died in May, 1778. He was son of Judah Chandler. NATHAN LEWIS is repeatedly mentioned on the Town Records as a soldier from Royalsborough. He is last named in 1787. His widow Sarah was supported by the town for some years and died in 1801. Her daughter Sarah was also cared for by the town. The latter died in 1806 and the town voted to give her small property to her sisters. Barnabas Strout was allowed $1 for digging her grave. JOHN DAIN (spelled also Dane and Dean) was private in Capt. James Patch's Co. which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Ipswich to Mystic. Length of service 4 days. He also appears as private in Capt. James Mallor's Co., Lieut. Col. Putnam's Regt. enlisting 18 Aug. 1781 and discharged 4 Dec. 1781. Time of service 3 mos. 28 days. JOSHUA JONES enlisted in 1778 for three years in Capt. Hill's Co. Col. Vose's Regt. JOHN VINING marched to Roxbury from Weymouth April 19, 1775. He is said to have served throughout the war. PELATIAH WARREN was private in Capt. John Lane's Co. Enlisted from No. Yarmouth 29 July 1775; discharged 1 Nov. 1775. In list of pensioners he is accredited to Royalsborough, which implies a subsequent re-enlistment. BARTHOLOMEW REED of "Royalstown" was in Capt. Richard Mayberry's Co., Col. Francis' Regt. in 1775. Served at Dorchester. He was in Capt. Nathan Watkins' Co.; Col. Phinney's 18th Regt. from Dec. 1, 1775 to Sept. 20, 1776. EBENEZER DEAN of Royalsborough, 6 Dec. 1777, joined Capt. Lane's Co., Col Alden's Regt. for three years. Reported deceased. CARL McMANNERS enlisted from Royalsborough May 14, 1775 in Capt. John Worthley's Co., Col. Phinney's 31st Regt. LEMUEL WELSH enlisted 1 Dec. 1775 in Capt. Nathan Watkins' Co., Col. Phinney's 18th Continental Regt. Re-enlisted 20 Nov. 1776. Was at Ticonderoga. GEORGE GOODWIN was a Revolutionary pensioner accredited to Royalsborough. "The last two years of the war he was waiter to some General." The Mass. Archives mention a George Goodwin who enlisted for three years for town of Bradford. He was in the 6th Regt. from 1 Jan. 1778 to 31 Dec. 1782. His receipt for bounty was dated 14 June 1782. He rec'd clothing 3 Feb. 1784. JOSHUA STROUT enlisted 9 July 1776 in Samuel Knight's Co. of Falmouth and was stationed on the sea-coast for defense of that town. Other soldiers accredited to Royalsborough in list of pensioners are DANIEL GREEN, afterwards of Readfield, and JOSHUA DUNN, afterwards of Phillips. A goodly number of Revolutionary soldiers from other towns settled in Royalsborough soon after the war. Among them were. JACOB SAWYER, enlisted from Cape Elizabeth and served six months in Capt. Daniel Strout's Co. in 1775 and nine months in Capt. William Crockett's Co. in 1776, and again in Capt. Joshua Jordan's Co. Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt. in the Penobscot Expedition from July 7, to Sept. 25, 1779. ISAAC TURNER enlisted for three years from No. Yarmouth in Capt. Hill's Co.; Col. Vose's Regt. Was a pensioner. CHRISTOPHER TRACY was private in Capt. Henry Dyer's Co. Col. Foster's Regt. Served at Machias from Aug. to Oct. 1777. Also private in Capt. Reuben Dyer's Co. on Expedition against St. John from Oct. to Dec. 1777. DANIEL HARMON was corporal in Capt. Samuel Whittemore's Co., Col. Reuben Fogg's Regt. of Mass. Bay Militia and served at Peekskill, N. Y. EBENEZER WOODBURY was in Capt. Richard Davis' Co., Col. Joshua Wingate's Regt. stationed at Piscataqua Harbor four months in 1775. Again he was in Capt. Jesse Page's Co., Col. Drake's Regt., enlisting 9 Sept. 1777, discharged 15 Dec. 1777. Took part in battle of Saratoga. The American forces were drawn up in parallel lines facing inward, and Gens. Gates and Burgoyne passed between arm in arm. It took over two hours for the captured army to pass through, during which time Woodbury gave his gun to a comrade and lay down and slept. He was also private in Capt. Jacob Webster's Co. mustered at Portsmouth, N. H., 23 Nov. 1775, a company of minute men who served twenty-three days. JOHN DOW enlisted from Gilmanton, N. H., at the age of sixteen in Capt. Worthern's Co., Col. Mooney's Regt. Served 5 mos. 27 days in R. I. ISAAC DAVIS appears in a descriptive list of the men enlisted from Cumberland Co. for the term of nine months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill. Age 20 yrs, stature 5 ft. 10 in. Complexion light. Residence, Scarborough. Belonging to Capt. Larrabee's Co. Col. Fogg's Regt. Arrived at Fishkill June 17, 1778. Mustered May 26 1778, of Gen. Thompson's Brigade. Discharged March 17, 1779. JAMES WAGG of Danville is given because the ancestor of many who lived in Durham. He enlisted 1 Jan. 1776 in Capt. Hart Williams' Co. Edmund Phinney's Regt. from Falmouth. He served over four years in several re-enlistments. Was at Valley Forge in 1778. During that year was in Capt. Sewall's Co. Col. Sprout's Regt. MARTIN ROURK was in a Picket Guard as early as May 23> 1775, having enlisted April 27, 1775. His first term of service was 3 mos. 12 dys. Residence, Sudbury. He re-enlisted several times, serving throughout the war. Was at Ticonderoga in 1776. Was Sergeant after 1777. Stature 5 ft. 4 in. Complexion light. Eyes, gray. Is said to have acted as clerk. JOEL RICHARDSON, born in Townsend, Mass. 22 Jan. 1758; enlisted from Topsham. Married 9 Dec. 1786 Lydia Babb. Lived in Litchfield, and Durham, on lot 92, where he died and was buried 20 Feb. 1827. Also his son Joel, b. 13 Aug. 1787, died here in March 1838. He had seven other children. (See Hist, of Litchfield.) Widow afterward lived in Guilford. ELISHA STETSON was at Point Shirley, 13 June 1776, as private in Capt. Nathaniel Winslow's Co., Col. Whitney's Regt. Enlisted 1 May 1776. Service 7 mos. Again in Capt. Hayward Pierce's Co., Col. Jeremiah Hall's Regt. Enlisted 2 Jan. 1777. Service 2 mos. 10 days. Again in Capt. Pierce's Co., Col. Theophilus Cotton's Regt. Enlisted 25 Sept. 1777. Service 10 mos. 6 days. Again, Corporal in Capt. Wm. Barker's Co., Col. Cotton's Regt. Enlisted 6 Mch. 1781. Service 28 days. Served principally in Rhode Island. JOHN SCOTT was private in Capt. David Bradish's Co., Col. Phinney's Regt., enlisting 23 May 1775. Was also matross in Capt. Abram Lowell's Co. at Falmouth Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1776. ROBERT PLUMMER appears on a certificate dated 9 Oct. 1778 as mustered into Lt. Ethan Moore's Co. for three years. He was matross in Capt. Joseph McLellan's Co. Service from Nov. 1, 1780 to May 1, 1781, in the Artillery Corps at Falmouth. WILLIAM TRUE was first Sergeant of Capt. Morrill's Co. Col. Caleb Cushing's Regt. of Mass. Militia in 1775, and Lieut. in Capt. Benj. Evans' Co. in 1776. ROGER MERRILL was private in Capt. John Pearson's Co., Lt. Col. Putnam's Regt. from Sept. 2 to Dec. 8, 1781. JOHN STACKPOLE enlisted 23 Sept. 1779 in Capt. George Rogers' Co., Col. Nathaniel Jordan's Regt. Discharged 23 Oct. 1779. Service at Falmouth. JOHN LINCOLN was private, from Scituate, Mass., in Capt. Nathaniel Winslow's Co., Col. John Thomas' Regt. Enlisted May 3, 1775. Served 3 mos. 6 days. ABRAHAM JORDAN of Cape Elizabeth was in Capt. Joseph McLellan's Co. Artillery Corps, at Falmouth, Nov. 11, 1780 to May 1, 1781. He died in Durham 18 April, 1835. JOHN LINCOLN was private, from Scituate, Mass. in Capt. Ebenezer Cook's Co. Enlisted May 3, 1775. Service 3 mos. 6 days. Re-enlisted several times for short terms of service. JOSEPH WEEMAN enlisted from Cape Elizabeth in 1776. VINCENT FICKETT was in Col. Phinney's 18th Regt. Dec. 12, 1775-Nov. 8, 1776. JOHN SKINNER was in Capt. Samuel Dunn's Co., Col. Phinney's 31st Regt., enlisting 24 April 1775. SAMUEL PROCTOR enlisted from Falmouth. The Pension Rolls say he died at Durham 12 March (29 Nov.) 1795. His widow, Joanna, married Mr. Thompson of Wayne. JOHN McINTOSH appears in Capt. David Bradish's Co., Col. Phinney's 31st Regt., enlisting May 12, 1775 from Falmouth. ELIJAH LITTLEFIELD was, in 1780, in Gen. Peleg Wadsworth's command, as a deposition shows. JOHN CUSHING. See Biog. Sketch. REV. JACOB HERRICK. See Biog. Sketch. Other Revolutionary soldiers who settled in Durham were Joshua Snow, Matthew Duran, Jonathan Larrabee, Jonathan Currier, Robert Getchell, Nathaniel Osgood, and Amos Knight. ANCIENT MILITIA. There was a Training Band in Royalsborough as early as 1778. Who the officers were can not be told. From the roster in the Adjt.-General's Office in Boston it is learned that July 1, 1781, O. Israel Bagley was commissioned Captain, Ebenezer Newell 1st Lieut., and Nathaniel Gerrish 2d Lieut. These held office till 1797. In his Account Book already mentioned Bagley gives the names of the men who formed his military company, specifying who had a musket, bayonet, etc. They were evidently very poorly equipped. The date of Bagley's Muster Roll is March 23, 1787. The following are the names enrolled. "The soldiers under command of Capt. Bagley" were voted $10 per month if called into service, Aug. 28, 1794. In 1826 William Newell Jr., organized a company of light infantry called the Cumberland Guards, whose uniform was a red coat and white pants. This organization continued about a dozen years under several Captains. About the same time Durham had a company of Cavalry commanded first by Paul Douglass and later by Abel Tracy. MILITIA OF ROYALSBOROUGH. Captain, O. Israel Bagley. 1st Lieut., Ebenezer Newell. 2nd Lieut., Nathaniel Gerrish. Sergeant, George Gerrish. Sergeant, John Randall. Sergeant, Joshua Snow. Sergeant, John Vining. Corporal, Isaac Davis. Corporal, Jacob Sawyer. Corporal, Joseph York. Corporal, Benjamin Vining. PRIVATES. Enoch Bagley William Blake, Jonathan Currier, John Cushing, John Cushing, 3d, Josiah Day, Joseph Davis, Joseph Dean Matthew Duran, David Dyer, Micah Dyer Henry Farr, Jr. John Farrar, Hugh Getchell Joseph Getchell Nathaniel Getchell Robert Getchell, Robert Plummer Stephen Randall Benjamin Roberts Vincent Roberts William Roberts Samuel Tracy, Christopher Tracy, Solomon Tracy, George Goodwin, Sam'l Goodwin, Jr. James Hibbard, William Hoyt, Elijah Jones, Joshua Jones, Nathan Lewis, Lemuel McGray, John McIntosh, Roger Merrill Jeremiah Mitchell John Mitchell. John Monroe, Aaron Osgood Nathan [iel] Osgood. James Parker John Parker Joseph Parker, Pelatiah Warren John Wagg, Nathaniel Ware Joseph Weeman Samuel Wells, Edward Welsh, Edmund Weston, Abel True, Jonathan True, Bela Vining, Samuel York. Stephen Weston, John Winslow, Ebenezer Woodbury, ALARM LIST. John Cushing, Esq., Henry Farr, Charles Gerrish, Esq., William Gerrish, Samuel Goodwin, John Hoyt, Ezekiel Jones, James Mars, William McGray, John Parker, Samuel Ray, Ebenezer Roberts, Charles Stetson, Joshua Strout, William True, Benjamin Vining. OFFICERS OF MILITIA WITH DATES OF COMMISSION. CAPTAINS. Nearly all of these served as Ensigns and Lieutenants before being promoted to the captaincy, and so their names are not repeated in the lists to follow. 1781. O. Israel Bagley, 1797 Nathaniel Gerrish, 1701 Abel Stoddard, 1806. Joshua Snow, 1809-15 William Webster, 1810-15 Ebenezer Warren, 1815-20 William Newell, 1815-18 Luther Plummer, 1818. Nathaniel Bragdon, 1820. Joseph H. Hoyt, 1823. William Roak, 1824. Jonathan C. Merrill, 1825. John Nason, 1S27. William Miller, 1828. 38, and '56. Wm. Newell, Jr., 1828. Job P. Sylvester. 1829. Jacob Strout, 1830. John D. Spaulding, 1834. Joseph Warren, 1835- Paul Douglass, 1836. John Plummer, 1836. Sam'l Newell, 1837. Benj. P. Roberts, 1839- Abel Tracy, ' 1839. Merrill W. Strout, 1839. David B. Strout, 1840. David R. Bowie, 1840. James M. Brickett, 1841. Benj. G. Hoyt, 1842. Wm. H. Parker, 1842. Washington Parker, Gardner Larrabee. Lieutenants. 1781 Ebenezer Newell, 1806-12 Abel True, 1806 Elijah Macomber, 1809-19 Elias Staten, 1815 John Gerrish, 1812-15 Francis Harmon, 1819 Apollos Jordan, 1828 Joseph Davis, 1829 Hanson Wilbur, 1837 Horace Wright, 1838 Sidney Skelton, 1839 Moses Atkinson, 1839 David Johnson, 1839 Chas. S. Parker, cornet, 1841 Secomb Jordan, 1842 Alexander Bowie, 1856 Israel T. Warren, 1856 2nd. Lt. James Strout Jr. 1856 3d. Lt. Emery S. Warren 1856 4th. Lt. Newell Strout, The following are called Lieutenant in Town Records, though the dates of their commission have not been found: William Gerrish, 1789, and John Hoyt, 1789. ENSIGNS 1797. Isaac Gerrish, 1809. Samuel Roberts, 1812. Ebenezer Newell, 1815. Joshua Gerrish, 1830. John Cushing, Jr., 1841. Benj. F. Nason, 1842. Sewall Pollister, 1842. Cyrus Owen, 1808. Jacob Herrick, Chaplain. 1808. John Converse, Surgeon's Mate. 1816. John Ricker, Surgeon's Mate. 1835. Joseph Merrill, Surgeon. 1837. Sam'l Newell, Lt. Col. 1843- Emery S. Warren, Quarter Master. 1842. Wm. Newell, Lt. Col. 1843- Wm. Newell, Col. 1844. Wm. Newell, Brig.-Gen. DURHAM MILITIA IN THE WAR OF 1812. There seems to have been no use other than ornamental for the Durham militia until 1814, when there was an alarm at Bath to the effect that the British were to land an expedition there. Durham sent two companies to the rescue. They gathered at the North Meeting House Sunday morning, where Rev. Jacob Herrick, chaplain of the Regt, offered a fervent prayer before their departure. The pay roll of one company is in the possession of E. H. Gerrish of Lewiston. It is of great interest as bearing the autograph signatures of the members of the company. This pay-roll shows that the Lieut., was paid $30 per month; the Ensign $20; Sergeants $11; Corporals $10; fifer and drummer $9; and privates $8. The total cost of this company for a campaign of twenty days was $478.50. Even miniature warfare is an expensive business. No enemy appeared, though many of the militiamen were frightened by false alarms. The following names appear on the "Muster-Roll of Capt. Ebenezer Warren's Company of Infantry of the 2nd. Regt. 1st. Brigade, 11th Division in the service of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, under command of Lt.-Col. Charles Thomas, from the 10th of Sept. to the 29th of Sept. 1814,-called into actual service under Regt.'s orders of Sept. 10th, 1814, and stationed and discharged at Bath." Ebenezer Warren, Capt. (Lame at home) Francis Harmon, Lieut. William Newell, Ensign, Zebulon York, Sergt. Ebenezer Roberts, Sergt. Henry Warren, Sergt. Joshua Gerrish, Corp. John Fifleld, Corp. Lemuel Nichols, Corp. Ivory Warren, Corp. Israel Newell, Fifer, James Woodbury, Drum. William Gerrish, Sergt. PRIVATES. Andrew Adams, Jr., James Booker, John Blethen, Joseph Beal, Francis Bennet, Andrew Blethen, James Cushing, William Davis, Nathaniel Duran, James Dyer, Richard Dyer, (Sick on furlough, Sept. 22.) John Farr, O. Israel Fifield, Samuel Goodwin, Charles Gerrish, Benjamin Gerrish, Certificate, Reuben Higgins, John Hoyt, Jr., Certificate, Joseph Hoyt, Timothy M. Hibbard, William Harrington, William Johnson, Certificate, Francis Knight, George Littlefield, Joseph Malcom, James Maxwell, Jabez Merrill. (Notified to appear, Sept. 10.) Peter Mitchell. (Absent on furlough, Sept. 22.) Benjamin M. Moses, John Newell. (Servant to Ensign Newell.) John Gerrish, James Gerrish, Certificate, Moses Gerrish, Daniel Harmon, O. Israel Harmon, (Servant to Lieut. Harmon) Robert Harmon, at Portland Nathaniel Osgood, Jr., Samuel G. Osgood, Seth Pierce, Wm. Porterfield, John Rourk, William Roak, Thomas Runnels, Andrew Scott, (Substitute Rowland Hill.) Ebenezer Snow, Isaac Stetson, Charles Stetson, Ebenezer Strout, (Notified to appear, Sept. 10.) Theophilus Thomas, James Nichols, Clement Orr, Aaron Osgood, Jr. Discharged Sept. 16. David Osgood, Jr., Moses Osgood, Jacob Herrick, Jr. (Notified to appear Sept. 10.) Benjamin True, Benjamin Vining, William Vining, Stephen Wesson, Rufus Warren, (On furlough Sept. 22.) Samuel Wagg, (Notified to appear Sept. 10.) Henry Wormell, Simeon Snow, Moses Snow, Job Sylvester, 3rd., Joseph Sylvester, Samuel Tracy, Certificate, Total, 82. The following Roll was prepared by Z. K. Harmon and placed in the Adjutant General's Office at Augusta. Roll of Capt. William Webster's Co. of Militia in Lieut.-Col. Charles Thomas' Regt., raised in Durham and in service at Bath 13th to 27th Sept. 1814. William Webster, Capt. Elias Staten, Lieut. Samuel Roberts, Ensign, Jeremiah Dingley, Sergt. John Stackpole, Jr., Sergt. Nathaniel Bragdon, Corp. Edmond Dow, Corp. John Mitchell, Corp. Thomas Waterhouse, Sergt. Joshua Robinson, Fifer. Luther Plummer, Sergt. PRIVATES. Thomas Austin, David Bowie, George Bowie, Simeon Blethen, Andrew Hunnewell, Benjamin Hunnewell, John Hunnewell, Moses Hunnewell, John Bragdon, Jr., Ephraim Bragdon, John Dingley, John Ellis, Thomas Fabyan, Joshua Fickett, Rishworth Fickett, Reuben Gross, Andrew Harriden, Dennis Libby, Moses Libby, William Libby, Jr., Orlando Merrill, Isaac Martin, Charles McKenny, Jedidiah McKenny, William McKenny, David Miller, Jr., Samuel Nichols, Jr., Amos Parker, Nathaniel Parker, Elijah Proctor, George Proctor, Samuel Putney, George Rice, Robert Hunnewell, Joshua Jones, Jr., Isaac Lambert, John Larrabee, Jonathan Larrabee, Joseph Larrabee, Nathaniel Larrabee, William Larrabee, William Larrabee, Jr., Reuben Roberts, Samuel Roberts, Jr., Samuel Sawyer, Samuel Skinner, Samuel Stackpole, Jeremiah Stoddard, James Strout, Jonathan Strout, Ammi Vining, Samuel Ward, William Webster, Jr., Nathaniel Wilbur, Thomas Roberts, 3rd., Samuel Turner, Daniel Rice, Total, 68. Durham is said to have furnished the following volunteers in the War of 1812. I am unable to give authority for the statement. Nathaniel Bragdon, Ezekiel McIntosh, Jarvis Beal, John Nason, Theophilus Knight, William Roak, Asa Lambert, William Weeks, Simeon Sanborn, Samuel Goodwin, Barstow Newell. SOLDIERS IN THE REBELLION. The Rebellion had some sympathizers in Durham, but they were few and are now well forgotten. The town was for the Union and for the abolition of slavery. The first adherents of the Republican party had been reproached for voting a "nigger ticket," but when the strife of arms came all except an inglorious few wanted freedom for all. The town voted bounties for volunteers and also for the drafted, ranging from $100 to $300. The total amount paid in bounties was $27,673. Durham is accredited with one hundred and sixty-one soldiers. Some of these were men obtained to fill the quota, and as substitutes, from other towns. The following ninety-nine names, gathered from the Adjutant General's Reports, are the men of Durham who served in the Rebellion, though other natives of the town enlisted from and were accredited to other places. Twenty-one of these sacrificed their lives for their country, of whom eight fell in battle. None was worthier than Samuel Newell who after having served in the militia in all offices up to Lieut.-Col., after having resigned the last office in order to enlist as a private, in 1839, in the threatened Madawaska campaign, dyed his hair and at the age of fifty-six passed for forty-five, enlisting as a private musician. He died in the Marine Hospital at New Orleans. MUSTER DATES NAME AGE RANK CO. REGT. IN OUT REMARKS Blaney C. Allen. 19 Privt. K 12th Me. Nov. 16, '61 Discharged for disability, Aug.28,'62. John R. Anderson. 18 Privt. K 12th Me. Nov. 16, '61 Died at Fortress Monroe Feb. 8,1862. Wm. W. Bailey. 25 Privt. H 1st Me. May 3, '61 Aug. 5,'61 " 26 Corp. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10,'63 Promoted Sergeant. Henry Beal. 38 Privt. B 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10,'63 James P. Beal. 18 Privt. I 16th Me. Aug.14,'62 Sick; discharged Feb. 4, '63. Thomas R. Beals. 21 Privt. H 1st Me. May 3, '61 Aug. 5, '61 " 22 Privt. F 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 May 7, '63 Isaac M. Bishop. 18 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10,'63 Isaac A. Blethen. 24 Privt. E 5th Me. June 24,'61 Promoted corporal. Killed Nov. 27, 1863. Willard A. Bowie. 18 Privt. Apr. 14, '65 May 19, '65 Wm. D. Brewster. 19 Privt. B 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10, '63 Silas Campbell. 18 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10, '63 Samuel Cary. 13 Mass. Nathaniel D. Chase. 19 Corp. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10, '63 " Sergt. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Disch. disability, May 20, 1864. " Jan. 19, '65 Sept. 5, '65 Arthur L. Coombs. 39 Wagr. B 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10, '63 James E. Covel. 17 Privt. F 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 Killed, Antietam, Sep.17,'62. Albert Crockett. 18 Privt. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Sick; disch. July 31, 1865. Sylvester Cushing. Ill.Vols. John H. Davis. 20 Privt. D 25th Me. Oct. 4, '62 July 10, '63 William Davis. 28 Corp. I 16th Me. Aug. 14,'62 Wound. Gettysburg, July 1, '63. Pr.corp.; taken pris. Aug.19,'64. Francis Day. 22 Privt. E 5th Me. June 24,'61 July 27,'64 Promoted corp. and sergt. Joseph T. Dennison. 24 Privt. E 5th Me. June24,'61 Discharged Oct. 3, 1861. Charles Doughty. 46 Privt. D 7th Me. Aug. 22,'61 Discharged for disability. George Duran. 31 Privt. A 1st Art. Jan. 2, '64 Died of wounds, Apr. 10,'64. Benj. F. Estes. 19 Privt. B 9th Me. Sept. 22,'61 July 13, '65 Promoted corporal. Jeremiah Estes. 18 Privt. I 16th Me. Aug. 14,'62 D. Annapolis, Md. Oct. 5,'63. Julius E. Eveleth. 21 Corp. B 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10,'63 Andrew G. Fitz. 26 Band. 10th Me. Oct. — '61. Sept., '62. Henry E. Fitz. 11 U.S.I. B. Franklin Frost. 20 Privt. E 5th Me. June 24,'61 Discharged, May 8, 1862. Almon J. Gardiner. 26 Corp. F 1st me. May 3, '61 Aug. 5,'61 Chas. C. Gatchell. 18 Privt. A 16th Me. Sept.23,'64 June 5, '65 Joseph P. Gatchell. 20 Privt. K 7th Me. Aug.21,'61 Pr. corp. D. Jan. 24, 1862. Nelson Gatchell. 20 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 D. in hospital, Dec. 15,1862. James Gatchell. Privt. B 5th Me. Enlisted from Biddeford. Eben Gould. 20 Privt. 1st Art. Dec. 18,'61 Amaziah Grant. 45 Privt. F 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 May 7, '63 Samuel R. Grant. 20 Privt. F 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 Disch. for disability, Oct. 4, 1862 Henry Hackett. 44 Privt. I 16th Me. Aug. 14,'62 Disch. June 2, 1865. Edwin D. Hall. 29 Privt. A 1st Cav. Feb. 19, '64 Discharged June 5, 1865. Daniel Harvey. 18 Corp. E 5th Me. June24,'61 Killed at Gaines's Mill. Charles Haskell. 21 Privt. F 1st Me. May 3, '61 Aug. 5, '61 " Sergt. F 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 Pr. 2d. Lieut. Wounded at Slaughter Mountain. John D. Haskell. 11 U.S.I. John Q. Jordan. 18 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10,'63 George F. Joy. 21 Corp. K 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 July 16, '65 George G. Leavens. 18 Privt. I 16th Me. Aug. 14,'62 Lost an arm in battle. Dis. Feb. 18,1863. Sam'l Loring. 28 Ohio Rgt. D. of fever, Mar. 6,1862. Sam'l B. Libby. 22 Privt. K 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 1865 Detailed to Signal Corps,'63. Prisoner at Andersonville. Wm. McIntosh. 19 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10, '63 " Privt. A 29th Me. Sept. 16,'64 June 5,'65 Geo. L. Macomber. 18 Privt. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Aug. 20,'65 Joseph Macomber. 18 Privt. H 20th Me. Aug.29,'62 D. in Andersonville prison, July 29,1864. Melvin W. Marston. 18 Privt. D 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 Chas. S. Merrill. 28 Privt. H 1st Me. May 3, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Horace P. Merrill. 31 Privt. B 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10, '63 James R. Merrill. 18 Privt. K 20th Me. Aug.29,'62 Killed, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. John Merrill. 40 Privt. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 D. of disease, June 19, 1864. Seward Merrill. Enlisted from Gardiner. Wm. S. Michaels. James H. Miller. 23 Corp. K 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 Pr. sergt. Wounded June 21,'63. Trans, to Vet. Corps, Oct.11,'64. Horace H. Moody. 18 Privt. E 5th Me. D. Pt. Lookout, Aug. 30, '62. Enoch F. Newell. 29 Privt. K 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 Pr. corp. and sergt. Dis. '64. Joseph Newell. 31 Privt. G 17th Me. Mch. 13,'65 Never joined rgt. Dis. Portland. Samuel Newell. 45 Mus. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Tr.Vet.C. D. June 30,'64. Edwin Osgood. N.Y.Vols. Killed by sharpshooter near Richmond, Aug. 1, 1864. Jeremiah Osgood. 21 Mus. E 13th Me. Dec. 10,'61 Jan. 6, '65 Albert W. Owen. 18 Drumr. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10,'63 " Corp. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Aug. 21,'65 Promoted sergeant. Geo. H. Parker. 21 Privt. H 1st Me. May 3,'61 Aug. 5, '61 " Privt. H 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 Dis. for dis., April 11, '62. D. in Durham, 1862. Wm. H. Pollister. 19 Privt. K 20th Me. Aug.29,'62 Tr. to Vet. C, Sept. 25, 1863. Cyrus A. Roak. 19 Privt. E 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Aug. 20,'65 Alfred Roberts. 23 Corp. F 10th Me. Oct. 4, '61 Dis. for disability June 5,'62. " Privt. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 " April 20, '63. " Privt. 1st Art. Dec. 30, '63 " July 17,'64. Benj. F. Roberts. 18 Privt. C 32d Me. Mch.23,'64 Pr. corp. D. in hosptl. July 9,'65. Nahum Roberts. 32 Privt. F 9th Me. Oct. 8, '63 Discharged July 10,1865. Wm. H. H. Roberts. 21 Privt. K 12th Me. Nov. 16, '61 Re-enlisted 1865. Wounded Sept. 19,1865. Edmund H. Soper. 20 Privt. B 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 11,'63 E. W. Stetson. Wis. Art. Benj. F. Stevens. 28 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10, '63 Geo. T. Storah. 18 Privt. C 13th Me. Dec. 4, '61 Enlisted from Lewiston. Frederick H. Strout. 21 Corp. K 3rd Me. June 4,'61 June28,'64 Pr. 1st sergeant. Freeman H. Strout. 26 Sergt. K 3rd Me. June 4,'61 Killed Chantilly, Apr. 11,'62. Newell Strout. 28 Capt. K 3rd Me. June 4,'61 Resigned Aug. 8,1861. Prescott R. Strout. 21 Corp. G 30th Me. Dec. 12, '63 Disch. as supernumerary. Revillo Strout. Sumner N. Strout. 18 Sergt. D 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10, '63 " Lieut. E 30th Me. Dec. 12,'63 Killed at Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9,1864. Daniel Sutherland. 20 Privt. E 5th Me. Not mustered in. Orville Swett. 21 Privt. I 17th Me. Mch. 13,'65 Never joined Co. Mustered out. Roscoe Sylvester. Sam'l M. Thomas. 25 Mus. E 5th Me. June 24,'61 Discharged Oct. 3,1861. Alonzo G. Turner. 18 Privt. H 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 Disch. for disability, March 5, 1863. George Tuttle. Mass.Inf. Rufus Tuttle. Mass.Inf. Thomas Tuttle. 19 Privt. D 5th Me. June 24,'61 Dropped from roll by order, '62. D. Durham,'62. Irving Tyler. 19 Mus. K 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 Discharged. Joseph Tyler. 18 Mus. K 20th Me. Aug. 29,'62 June 4,'65 Pr. principal musician. Francis Venus. 25 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept. 29,'62 July 10, '63 Oren S. Vickery. 21 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10,'63 Pr. Corporal. Wm. A. Walker. 30 Privt. D 5th Me. Sept. 16,'62 Killed in action, Jan. 3,1864. Chas. A. N. Waterman. 18 Privt. E 5th Me. Juue24,'61 Disch. Feb. 5, 1863. " Privt. 1st Art. June 28,'64 June 21,'65 Chas. W. Wills. 18 Privt. K 32d Me. May 6, '64 Tr. to 31st Inf. Joseph O. Wilson. 18 Privt. D 25th Me. Sept.29,'62 July 10,'63 Sam'l A. Wilson. 21 Privt. E 8th Me. Dec. 21, '63 Died of wounds Juue 14, '64. End Notes, Chapter VIII [1] This refers to the Bagaduce expedition to the Penobscot. [2] 20 Oct. 1789 Lt John Stackpole of Biddeford, aged 81, deposed that in 1758 he "went a soldiering up Saco River with Capt. Charles Gerrish." -Records in the Registry of Deeds at Alfred, Me. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 37.4 Kb