Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Miller Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 2, 2008, 12:39 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine MILLER. Joshua, David and James Miller, brothers, came from Cape Elizabeth in 1792. James bought lot 95 in 1796 and sold the westerly part of it in 1806 to his brother Joshua, who sold it in 1832 to Edmund Titcomb. James Miller moved to Gardiner and later to Ohio. Joshua Miller was born in Cape Elizabeth 12 Oct. 1765. He married 16 Oct. 1787 Anne Wilson Simonton who was born 30 Nov. 1763. He has been described as "tall and lank" and his wife, "short and stout." He lived on lot 97. Here he died 22 Oct. 1852. His wife died 21 Jan. 1852. JOSHUA JR. b. 9 Nov. 1788; m. Dorcas Wagg of Danville. For a longtime they kept hotel at S. W. Bend, and were familiarly known as "Uncle Josh" and "Aunt Dorcas." Having no children they adopted and brought up several. They were highly esteemed. He died 6 Sept. 1862. His wife died 24 June 1869. SARAH b. 22 Dec. 1791; m. (1) 29 Nov. 1810 Apollos Jordan; m. (2) 24 Nov. 1833 Jeremiah Dingley Esq. ABIGAIL b. 4 June 1794; m. 12 Feb. 1815 James Strout of Durham; d. 3 Mch. 1819. THEOPHILUS b. 21 May 1797; m. 1822 Anna Bridgham of Danville. He was killed 3 July 1830, at a muster in Brunswick, by a wad from a cannon discharged by William Card. He was drummer for a military company. His widow married Robert Bowie. A son Wm. B. Miller b. 8 April 1823; m. 2 Nov. 1845 Irene G. Tyler and d. 2 May 1858, leaving a daughter who is now Mrs. Sarah Morse of Auburn. WILLIAM b. 4 April 1800; see below. MARY b. 28 Aug. 1803; m. (1) 15 Sept. 1836, her cousin, Peter McArthur of Limington; (2) Joseph Macomber of Durham. She died in Durham 7 May 1868. JOHN b. 13 May 1806; see p. 221. William, son of Joshua and Anne (Simonton) Miller married 23 Feb. 1826 Betsey, dau. of William and Hannah (Stackpole) Webster. Farmer at "Methodist Corner." Died 26 Aug. 1856. See portrait. SIMON b. 10 May 1828; m. 27 Feb. 1856 Josephine, dau. of William and Abbie P. (Wescott) Robinson; was for some time a trader in Durham. Died in Lewiston 3 Jan. 1883. They had two children, Gertrude W., who is a teacher in Lewiston, and William R., who is an architect in the same city. WILLIAM S. b. 13 Dec. 1830; m. 18 Feb. 1863 Melissa J. dau. of Elisha and Mary (Tyler) Strout. He lives on the old homestead at "Methodist Corner." Has one son, Frederick Henry b. 14 Feb. 1865; m. 21 June 1893 Julia L. dau. of Andrew and Fanny (Libby) Fitz. This son is one of the Selectmen of Durham. HANNAH E. b. 22 Feb. and d. 5 Mch. 1835. JAMES HENRY b. 7 July 1839; m. Annie Johnson of Bridgton. He is remembered as a musician. Resides in Bowlder, Montana. Their only son, Frank C., was accidentally killed Nov. 1896, at Bowlder, aged 20 yrs. John Miller married 2 Dec. 1830, Hannah dau. of Samuel and Catherine (Clark) Robinson. Lived on the homestead. Died 5 Dec. 1869. Three children. (See Biog. Sketch) JOSEPH b. 5 Nov. 1832; m. 5 May 1858 Mary E. dau. of Benjamin Burgess. He was a farmer on the River Road, afterward a builder in Lewiston and Cambridge, Mass., where he died 24 May 1896. He was my old Sunday School Teacher, and I revere his memory. I was present at his death and officiated at his burial in Lewiston. He left two children, Florence and Charles. ANGELIA b. 26 July 1834; d. 28 Feb. 1888. SAMUEL b. 11 Feb. 1837; m. 19 Nov. 1863 Elizabeth Hodgkins of Greene. He used to teach the Singing Schools, and was a man of piety and refined spirit. He died triumphantly 19 Nov. 1869 in Lewiston. Their children are Carrie, John W., Sarah R. David Miller m. in Cape Elizabeth 18 Dec. 1786 his cousin Elizabeth Miller. He settled in Durham on lot 96. MARY b. 1788; unm.; d. Jan. 1844. ELIZABETH b. 10 Jan. 1792; m. Wm. Wagg; d. 24 Nov. 1870. DAVID b. 1794; m. Apphia Miller; d. 3 March 1877. His wife d. 30 April 1871, aged 78 yrs. Their children were Sarah d. 16 April 1855, aged 29; David, d. 24 May 1856, aged 32; Edmund, James and Mary E. HUGH b. 1796; m. 1825 Sally Jordan, who was born 22 Jan. 1797 and died 13 Dec. 1886. He died 9 Oct. 1884. Their children were James Jordan b. 20 May 1826; Elizabeth b. 5 Jan. 1830; George W. b. 27 Feb. 1832 and Harriet D. b. 7 Sept. 1834. JOSHUA b. 1800. Unm.; d. Oct. 1887. ANN b. 1806; m. 29 Jan. 1837, Abel C. McKenney; d. Jan. 1844. John Miller of Cape Elizabeth was born 4 Jan. 1745 and died 25 May T820. He was probably son of John Miller who married Jane Craige in Falmouth (Int. Rec. 27 Aug. 1738). He was baptized at the First Parish Church in old Falmouth in 1752. He married, 15 April 17S1, Mrs. Margaret (Johnson) McLellan of Gorham, widow of Alexander McLellan. She was born 22 June 1744 and died 20 Mch. 1820. They had, besides two children who died young, a son Samuel, born in Gorham 10 May 1786. The first wife of Samuel was Jane Brackett Smith who died Jan. 1812, aged 28 yrs., leaving one dau., Jane B. Miller, b. 8 Jan. 1812, d. 22 Nov. 1888. He married (2) Nov. 1817, Mary, dau. of Randall and Miriam Johnson, born 18 Mch. 1794. She died 20 June 18S5. He died in Durham 21 April 1861. Their children were Elizabeth M., who married Emery S. Warren, and John, born in Gorham 22 May 1822. John Miller, in 1843, moved to Durham with his father, who with William Miller had bought of Joshua Miller the hotel at South West Bend. Thus it was known for many years as "Miller's Tavern." William Miller was in partnership but one 3'ear. John Miller sold, in 1871, to the present occupant, Abner Merrill. He afterward served as clerk in various hotels, including the Poland Spring House, the Elm House at Auburn and the Brighton House, at Brighton, Mass. He retired from business in 1877, lived at Durham till 1879, and then moved to Lewiston, where he died 11 Oct. 1881. He married, 28 June 1858, Kate White Miller, who was born in Cabron, Lincolnshire, Eng., 7 Dec. 1823. They had one daughter, Belle, born in Caistor, Eng., 23 Sept. 1873. Mr. Miller had a genial spirit and a kind word for all. Thus lie secured many friends. He cultivated the habit of thinking charitably and speaking well of everybody mentioned. He was earnestly devoted to his business and accumulated thereby a property sufficient to enable him to spend his last years with bib family in comfortable rest. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.1 Kb