Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Newell Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 2, 2008, 2:26 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine NEWELL. Ebenezer Newell born in Brookline, Mass. 18 Mch. 1747; m. 12 Dec. 1765 Catharine, dau. of James and Mary (Woodward) Richards. She was born in Newton 25 Dec. 1747. He moved to Cape Elizabeth, then to Durham in 1779, and settled on lot 66, which he bought of Charles Hill. His wife died 21 Nov. 1788. He m. (2) 13 July 1789, Hannah Sylvester of Harpswell. He was Lieut, in the Revolution and Town Clerk for several years. Died 20 Nov. 1791. His widow m. 19 Aug. 1802 Anthony Murray of Pejepscot. EBENEZER b. in Newton, Mass.. 23 Aug. 1767. See below. ENOCH b. in Newton, Mass., 14 Feb. 1770. See below. WILLIAM b. in Newton, Mass.. 25 May 1772. See below.. SALLY b. in Cape Elizabeth 20 Nov. 1773; m. 4 April 1791, David Gross of Pejepscot. 12 ch; d. 28 June 1859. He died 3 Jan. 1837. DANIEL b. 5 Oct. 1775. Unknown. JOHN b. 20 July 1778; drowned when a young man. MARY b. in Royalsborough 20 April 1781; m. Mr. Bond of Jay. JESSE b. 20 July 1783; d. at sea. Unm. SAMUEL b. 25 July 1785. Missionary. See Sketch. BARSTOW, only child of second marriage, b. 19 April 1791; died in War of 1812 of sickness. Ebenezer Newell Jr. m. 10 June 1789 Elizabeth Jackson of Cape Elizabeth, b. 19 Jan. 1771 and d. 21 July 1851. JAMES b. 12 Jan. 1790; see p. 227. NANCY b. 23 Jan. 1792; m. 4 Feb. 1813 James Cushing; lived in Atkinson. CATHERINE b. 4 July 1793; m. 6 Dec. i860 George Crawford, Senr. ELIZABETH b. 19 Oct. 1795; d. 18 May 1798. JOHN b. 18 Sept. 1797; m. 20 Jan. 1820 Sagy Strout; moved to New-Portland. SARAH b. 19 Mch. 1S00. Unm. ELIZA b. 4 Feb. 1802; m. (1) John Whitney of Freeman and had one daughter who m. Israel Newell of Durham; (2) Mr. Gould. MARY b. 30 Sept. 1803; d. 3 April 1805. EBENEZER 3D b. 7 Sept. 1805; see below. LORENZO D. b. 13 Aug. 1807; m. (1) Sally Weathern; (2) her sister Sibyl; (3) Ann Walker; he is living in New Vineyard. SAMUEL G. b. 11 May 1810; m. 15 Sept. 1833 Sophia Ann Tyler, b. in Pownal 31 Mch. 1814. He died 2 Nov. 1883. Ch. Harriet C. b. 22 Aug. 1834; Mary E. b. 26 Dec. 1835; Roscoe G. b. 15 Sept. 1837; Zebulon T. b. 15 July 1839; Charles E. b. 22 July 1841: Frederick H. b. 13 July 1843. d. 2 Oct. 1844; Annie T. b. 29 April 1845. d. 17 April 1846; Alfreda B. b. 8 Oct. 1846; Franklin H. b. 1 Sept. 1848; Everlin F. b. 17 May 1851; Alfred E. b. 11 Jan. 1856; d. 31 Oct. 1860. RALPH J. b. 31 Aug. 1812; d. 11 Mch. 1814. Enoch Newell m. 28 July 1793 Hannah Bagley; d. 18 Mch. 1848. She was b. 14 June 1773 and d. 6 Oct. 1843. O. ISRAEL BAGLEY b. 5 April 1794. Minister. See: t ENOCH JR. b. 19 June 1796; ra. Mary W. Freeman. Had one son Frank, who lives in Cal. Enoch died 2 Sept. 1825. His widow m. (2) Edward Newell. HANNAH b. 1 June 1798; d. 25 Mch. 1805. LORA b. 20 April 1800; d. 22 Mch. 1805. EBENEZER b. 16 April 1802; m. 29 Aug. 1830 Nancy Newell. They had ch. Augusta b. 4 April 1831; m. Mark Knight. Israel b. 28 Sept. 1832; m.____ Whitney. Rose Anna m. Joseph Varney. EDWARD b. 16 Mch. 1804; see below. FREEMAN m. 21 July 1839 Harriet J. Gould of Lewiston. Kept a music store in Lewiston many years. DANIEL b. 23 Nov. 1809; see below. STILLMAN b. 1816; m. Elvira Berry; d. 1847. His widow m. Rev. John Elliott. Stillman Newell's daughter Mary 111. S. J. Abbot and d. 20 Feb. 1861, aged 22 yrs. 3 mos. Another daughter Philo T. m. Daniel B. Newell. MARY in. 1844 Jeremiah Mitchell of Pownal. HOSEA m. and d. in Yarmouth. Had children Charles, Esther and Ellen. William Newell m. 19 Feb. 1797 Anna Hoyt. Their children were. JOHN b. 7 April 1798; m. 30 Nov. 1820 Lucy Vining; d. 28 Dec. 1884. Ch. Tila b. 19 Jan. 1823; m ____ Thoits; Lucy Ann b. 21 Jan. 1825; Maria b. 27 Jan. 1829; Joseph b. 14 June 1831; Harriet b. 18 Feb. 1834, m. 16 June 1857 Christopher Moses. WILLIAM b. 23 Mch. 1800; d. 3 Jan. 1881. Unm. Col. of Militia. NANCY b. 3 Sept. 1802; m. her cousin Ebenezer Newell; d. May 1880. DAVID b. 20 Jan. 1805; see below. SAMUEL b. 3 April 1807; m. 30 Dec. 1832 Deborah Sawyer; d. 30 June 1864. A dau. Sarah N. was b. 3 Feb. 1835 and m. Frank Morrill Esq. JOSEPH b. 29 Aug. 1810: d. in Havana, Oct. 1830, HARRIET A. b. 13 Jan. 1813; m. 25 Aug. 1830 Wm. Wallace Strout; d. 21 June 1898. KATHARINE b. 21 Nov. 1815; d. 1816. Ebenezer Newell 3d m. 25 Mch. 1828 Mary Snow. He lived as a farmer in Durham, and was a Christian man of unblemished character. See portrait. He died in Lisbon 13 Dec. 1894. His wife died 20 May 1874. HANNAH b. 2 Dec. 1828; m. 9 Nov. 1849 Isaiah Philbrook. ELIZABETH C. b. 13 Mch. 1830; m. 14 Oct. 1856 James Green. JOSHUA S. b. 12 Mch. 1832; m. 6 April 1855 Ann B. Dunning; lived in Topsham. EBEN b. 17 April 1834; m. 31 Aug. 1855 Hannah R. Dunning; ch. Nettie and Adelbert. MATILDA CAROLINE b. 14 Feb. 1840; m. 13 July 1869 Luther B. Newell of Durham. ELISHA S. b. 2 Oct. 1836; m. 31 Aug. 1862 Angie M. Roak. Res. Farmingdale. HENRY F. b. 6 July 1842; m. 22 Oct. 1864 Emma, dau. of George P. Day. Res. Brunswick. Farmer. GEO. ALBERT b. 2 Mch. 1847; m. 15 April 1875 Mary E. Lowell. Res. Windham. Daniel, son of Enoch and Hannah (Bagley) Newell b. 23 Nov. 1809; m. 13 Oct. 1839 Emily King Harmon. He died in Durham 13 Jan. 1887. She died 3 Oct. i860, aged 43 yrs. 1 mo. He m. (2) 4 June 1861 Sarah J. Owen. 4 ch. by first marriage. ENOCH b. 2 Dec. 1842; m. 1865 Etta M. Toothaker of Pownal. He is a preacher in Michigan. See: t LORA b. 15 May 1844; m. 7 March 1868 Georgiana Toothaker, sister to his brother's wife. Went West. DANIEL B. b. 3 Jan. 1848; m. April 1869 Philo T., dau. of Stillman Newell. HARMON b. 2 Dec. 1850; m. Harriet Noyes in Cal. James, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Jackson) Newell born 12 Jan. 1790; m 24 Dec. 1818 Mrs. Susanna (Vining) Tracy. HENRY J. b. 26 May 1819; m. Harriet Hutchins. See: t JULIA R. b. 27 Aug. 1820; m. Nov. 1848 Hiram J. Trask. SUSAN G. b. 14 May 1822; m. 16 Dec. 1849 Wm. W. Knight. JAMES b. 14 April 1824. See below. ELHANAN W. b. 8 Feb. 1826; d. 11 Nov. 1826. JOHN V. b. 20 April 1829; m. Oct. 1853 Abbie Weeman of Lisbon. Methodist minister. See: t ELIZABETH P. b. 5 Dec, 1832; m. 26 Sept. 1852 Joseph Weeman. David, son of William and Anna (Hoyt) Newell, was born in Durham 20 Jan. 1805. See p. 68. He married 27 Aug. 1825 in Gorham, Me., Jane S. Brackett and died in Gorham 2 Mch. 1891. She died 2 April 1877, aged 71 years. WILLIAM B. b. in Portland 12 Jan. 1827; m. 16 June 1850 Susannah K. Weeks. See Biog. Sketch and portrait. Two children. Ida Ella b. 12 Jan. 1852, and William Henry b. 16 April 1854. See Biog. Sketch and portrait. CHARLES C. b. in Otisfield 11 Aug. 1831. In the Rebellion he was Capt. of Co. A, 24th Maine Regt. Died at Port Hudson, La. 14 July 1863. HARRIET ATWOOD b. 29 Sept. 1836; d. 7 Jan. 1886. Teacher for many years in the public schools. MARGARET B. b. 22 April 1838; m. Joseph W. Libby. Died at Ocean Park, Old Orchard, 7 Sept. 1896. HENRY H. b. 5 Nov. 1840; soldier in the Rebellion. Died at Alexandria, Va. 28 Nov. 1861. LIZZIE A. b. in Durham 27 Sept. 1846. Edward, son of Enoch and Hannah (Bagley) Newell, b. 16 Mch. 1804, m. his brother Enoch's widow, Mrs. Mary W. (Freeman) Newell, who was born 4 Nov. 1798 and died 6 Mch. 1889. Edward Newell lived as a fanner on lot 69, and died 6 Oct. 1864. Ch. EDWARD lives at West Durham. FREEMAN m. Mary Roberts; lives in Brunswick. HOWARD lives in Cal. THOMAS lives in Cal. FRANCES m. _____ Bangs. Deceased. James, son of James and Susanna Newell, was born 14 April 1824. He married, 11 June 1848, Sarah Webster Herrick, dau. of Thomas Herrick, born in Harmony, Me., 8 May 1826. He resides in Durham. The children were all born in Durham. DELIA FRANCES b. 9 Dec. 1849; d. Sept. 1852. CATHIE SUSAN b. 29 Dec. 1851; m. Wm. H. Thomas. DELIA FRANCES b. 1 July 1853; m. 5 Feb. 1880 Isaac Hacker of Brunswick. MARY VINING b. 17 Oct. 1854; m. 4 Aug. 1872 Revillo M. Strout. HATTIE HERRICK b. 27 April 1862; m. 3 Nov. 1880 George H. Hascall. FRED WEBSTER b. 22 Dec. 1865. See Biog. Sketch and portrait, Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.6 Kb