Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Osgood Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 2, 2008, 3:29 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine OSGOOD. William Osgood, born in England in 1609, was in Salisbury, Mass., as early as 1640. He died in 1700. The Osgoods of Durham were descended from him through William, Nathaniel and David. Two brothers, Nathaniel and Aaron came from Salisbury to Durham in 1779. Feb. 7 of that year they bought of Jonathan Bagley 542 acres of land on the west side of the County Road near the Freeport line. They held these lands in common till 1797. Nathaniel Osgood was born in Salisbury, Mass., 12 Aug. 1747. He married Sarah Bradbury. Their three sons were born in Deerfield, N. H. He died in Durham 10 Dec. 1838. He was a soldier in the Revolution. His descendant, John D. Osgood, has a gun taken by him at the surrender of Burgoyne. BENJAMIN b. 8 Feb. 1775. See below. DAVID b. 25 July 1777. See below. JOSEPH b. 13 Aug. 1779. See below. Benjamin Osgood, son of Nathaniel, settled in Durham on lot 104. He married (1) 20 April 1797 Mary Weston of Freeport. She died 8 Sept. 1817. (2) 23 March 1828 Hannah Hill of No. Yarmouth. NATHANIEL b. 22 Nov. 1797; d. young. BETSEY b. 29 Sept. 1799; m. 5 May 1820 William Harrington. STEPHEN b. 20 Dec. 1801; d. 27 Dec. 1871. Farmer in Wis. Unm. BENJAMIN b. 6 May 1804. Lived in Marion, Wis. MARY b. 13 Sept. 1806; m. 25 Nov. 1825 Benjamin Harrington of Durham. JOSEPH b. 14 Sept. 1809; m. 29 Nov. 1849 Jane Randall of Freeport. Lived in Durham. Ch. Laura E. b. 30 Aug. 1850, m. 9 June 1872 Wm. H. Merrill of Durham; Albro J. b. 31 March 1853; Sarah F. b. 29 June 1855, m. Willard N. Temple. WILLIAM B. b. 10 Oct. 1812; m. (1) 12 June 1841 Elizabeth Conant, who died 21 Jan. 1853; (2) 12 March 1867 Maria H. McClee. 3 ch. He lived in Lewiston. SARAH b. 10 May 1815; m. 24 May 1840 Nathan Weston of Yarmouth. JOHN H. b. 24 Nov. 1829. Res. Bloomfield, Cal. LUCY A. b. 29 Feb. 1832; m. Charles Brown. David Osgood, son of Nathaniel, m. (1) 29 July 1798 Lettice Hoyt, who died July 1810; (2) 25 Nov. 1811 Elsie Duran, who died 26 Jan. 1833; (3) 1 Jan. 1836 Mrs. Deborah Bicknell of Freeport. He was a farmer of Durham. SARAH b. 3 Feb. 1799; m. 24 Aug. 1817 Barzillai Richards of Durham. DANIEL b. 1800; d. young. DAVID b. 1802; d. young. FLORILLA b. 6 Dec. 1803; d. 17 Sept. 1867 in Durham. ANNA b. 2 March 1805; m. 24 Dec. 1829 Nathaniel Stetson of Durham. DAVID b. 27 Feb. 1807; m. 17 May 1832 Olive Nason of Minot. Lived in Turner. Died 9 May 1873. 8 ch. BRADBURY b. 27 Nov. 1808; m. — Nov. 1832 Sabra Davis. Farmer in Durham. Died 3 Sept. 1834. One son Henry B. b. 10 July 1833, lives in Boston. JOSEPH b. and d. 1810. Children by second wife. NATHANIEL b. 5 Oct. 1812; d. 30 Aug. 1817. ROSELINDA b. 27 Dec. 1814; d. 1 March 1846. Unm. MARY J. b. 17 May 1817; d. 29 Dec. 1841. Unm. JOHN D. b. 8 June 1819; m. 30 May 1849 Sarah A. Richards. She died 9 Sept. 1869. Farmer in Durham. Selectman for many years. 4 ch. Frederick W. b. 1849; d. 5 Sept. 1866; Isabel M. b. 19 Nov. 1853; d. 22 May 1864; Frank A. b. 3 Oct. 1857; Sumner b. 8 May 1859. LUCY M. b. 19 Nov. 1822; d. 28 Nov. 1848. REBECCA L. b. 3 May 1827; d. 10 Aug. 1829. Joseph Osgood, son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Bradbury) Osgood, born 17 Aug. 1779, married 27 Nov. 1806 Loruhamah Gerrish. Lived in Durham and Litchfield. Died 17 April 1868. SALLY b. 4 Sept. 1807; m. Daniel Libby of East Cambridge. NATHANIEL b. 14 Aug. 1809; m. Elizabeth Kittson. Merchant of No. Bridgewater, Me. ELBRIDGE b. 11 Dec. 1811; m. Maria Cobb; d. 18 Sept. 1838 in Machias. His wife died 15 Nov. 1840. One child, Maria, b. 1839, d. 28 Mch. 1846. JOSEPH b. 31 Aug. 1818; m. 27 Sept. 1848 Martha Usher of Hollis. He was a celebrated physician; d. s. p. at Hollis Feb. 1849. "Mr. Aaron Osgood, son to David Osgood, which was the son of William Osgood of Salisbury, and Judah Gill his wife is the daughter of Samuel Gill of Salisbury, born Feb. 5th 1754." So say Durham Records. Judith Gill was born 19 Jan. 1758 and died 5 Nov. 1843. They were married 5 May 1779. Besides the land on the County Road he bought 44 acres of Jonathan Bagley in 1780, marked on the Plan of the town. His name first appears in Durham among the training men of 1787. His family, it is said, moved to Durham 16 April 1786. He was one of the Selectmen 1790-94 and 1799-1800. He died 5 April 1823. Eight children, of whom the first five were born in Salisbury. BETTY b. 10 April 1780; m. _____ Jan. 1822 Dea. Jabez Merrill of Durham and d. s. p. 24 Aug. 1850. DAVID b. 28 Jan. 1782; d. 25 April 1784. SAMUEL GILL b. 11 March 1784. See below. DAVID b. 2 Feb. 1786. See below. AARON b. 13 Aug. 1788; d. 3 May 1818. MOSES b. 11 Oct. 1791; d. in Durham, 3 Feb. 1879. Unm. NATHANIEL b. 13 Feb. 1794. See below. ISAAC b. 7 March 1796. See below. Samuel Gill Osgood married 20 Nov. 1807 Sarah Gerrish of Durham. He lived in Durham as a farmer and had eight children. LYDIA b. 29 April 1812; m. 24 Jan. 1838 Charles C. Stetson of Durham. ORRIN b. 22 Nov. 1813; m. 14 June 1838 Mary Richards. Lived in Durham. Ch. Sarah E. b. 10 May 1840; d. 2 Feb. 1858. Everett b. 20 Aug. 1842; m. 1 Feb. 1866 Caroline S. Drinkwater, Lewiston. Carlton G. b. 10 Feb. 1848. ELIZABETH b. 23 Feb. 1817; m. 2 April 1850 Jonas Davis of Poland and Durham. ISRAEL N. b. 5 May 1820; d. 20 Sept. 1839. SARAH G. b. 28 Aug. 1822; m. 16 Oct. 1859 Judge John Smith of Lewiston. GILMAN b. 14 Jan. 1825. Res. Abington, Mass. Shoe-manufacturer. ABBY b. 27 Feb. 1827; d. 1 April 1862. Unm. EMMA A. b. 24 Oct. 1829. David Osgood, son of Aaron, married (1) 2 Feb. 1812 Sarah Duran of Durham ; (2) 2 Feb. 1847 Hannah S. Small. Farmer of Durham. A. TRUE b. 11 Oct. 1813; m. 6 April 1841 Caroline Randall, who died 24 Dec. 1863. Farmer of Durham. Six ch. Judith A. b. 3 Dec. 1843; m. and d. soon after. Mary C. b. 24 June 1845; m. Orrin S. Vickery. Emery A. b. 10 Sept. 1849; d. unm. Ellen S. b. 28 Oct. 1852. David R. b. 27 Sept. 1S56; m. and l. in Freeport. Edward T. b. 12 June 1859; m. and 1. in Freeport. AARON b. 23 March 1815; d. 27 April 1817. JUDITH A. b. 9 June 1817; d. 16 Feb. 1837. Unm. AARON b. 23 June 1820; m. 14 Jan. 1848 Eunice S. Nevins of Lewiston. Died in Durham 25 Aug. 1853. Carriage maker and farmer, Durham. Two ch. ELIZA ETTA b. 24 Jan. 1850; d. 27 Dec. 1853. BRAINARD A. b. 23 Jan. 1853; m. Latina Todd. Lived in Lewiston. Died 9 March 1882. Two ch. EMERY b. 27 June 1825; m. 12 May 1850 Martha A. Woodbury. Cabinet-maker and farmer. Five ch. Residence, Gray. DAVID B. b. 7 Jan. 1830; d. 8 Oct. 1850. WILLIAM T. b. 2 March 1832; m. 21 Oct. 1855 Melissa J. Gerrish of Portland. Farmer, Durham. Ch. Evelyn M. b. 23 Nov. 1857. Harrison G. b. 28 Dec. 1859. Sarah F. b. 26 June 1862 and Addie. Nathaniel Osgood, son of Aaron, m. (1) 15 May 1831 Elsie Gerrish of Durham; (2) 14 Jan. 1858 Pamelia Landers of Townsend, Mass. Farmer and lumberman, Durham. MARY L. b. 22 Feb. 1834; d. 16 Oct. 1863. Unm. EDWIN G. b. 18 Feb. 1836. He enlisted in N. Y., 1861, in 14th U. S. Regulars. Killed in battle 1 Oct. 1864. Was one of Gen. McClellan's body guard. JEREMIAH b. 21 Nov. 1840. Served three years in 13th Maine Regt. PHEBE A. b. 4 Feb. 1843. Isaac Osgood, son of Aaron, m. 31 Aug. 1823 Mary Duran She was born 9 Oct. 1795 and died 4 June 1861. They lived in Durham. AARON b. 6 June 1824; m. 6 Dec. 1848 Harriet S. Richards. Farmer in Durham. Three children, GEORGE B. b. 6 Aug. 1850; HERBERT J. b. 16 May 1861; SARAH R. b. 24 May 1863. ISAAC b. 9 March 1828; m. 7 June 1853 Eliza C. Scott. Was a merchant at North Auburn. Six ch. MOSES b. 9 May 1832; m. 4 Oct. 1858 Adelaide W. Gerrish. Farmer of Durham. Two ch. JENNIE P. b. 4 June i860; WILLIS E. b. 20 Dec. 1862. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.8 Kb