Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Stackpole Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 13, 2008, 5:06 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine STACKPOLE. On the southern coast of Wales, about six miles from Pembroke, there rises a columnar mass of limestone, called THE STACK ROCK. It is at the mouth of an inlet or pool, which is named from the Rock the Stack-pool. A Norman, said to have been knighted by William the Conqueror, built his castle on this inlet and was called Richard de Stackpol, since pol in old English meant a pool of water. The castle has been remodeled more than once, yet the foundations remain the same, and it has for about eight centuries borne the name of STACKPOLK COURT. It is at present the seat of the Earl of Cawdor. The Stackpole coat of arms, as old as 1250, is a red rampant lion, having a gold collar, on a silver shield. The lineage of the Pembrokeshire Stackpoles for two or three centuries is on record at the College of Heraldry in London. It declares that Sir Robert Stackpole went with Strongbow to the conquest of Ireland in 1168. His descendants became numerous in Dublin, Cork and Limerick, holding many official positions. Twenty mayors, Aldermen and Recorders by the name of Stackpole are found in the records of Limerick from 1450 to 1650. James Stacpole (for the name was till within a century spelled without a k) was born in 1652 and was probably a son of Philip Stacpole of Limerick, Ireland. He was living in Dover, N. H., (now Rollinsford) in 1680, and had married Margaret, dan. of James .and Margaret Warren, ancestors of all the Warrens of Durham. He died in 1736, and of his six children Philip received the homestead. He married Mercy ____ and died in 1761. They had seven children, of whom James married Elizabeth Pierce and had six sons and two daughters. Of these John Stackpole was born in Somersworth (now Rollinsford) 4 Aug. 1749. He was a tailor by trade. He married 4 July 1775, Elizabeth, dau. of David and Mary Dunning of Brunswick and settled in Harpswell at High Head. In 1792 he removed with his family to Durham and settled on lot 91. He died 26 June 1829. His wife was born 9 Sept. 1751 and died 29 Feb. 1836. Nine children. JOHN DUNNING b. 20 May 1776. See below. HANNAH b. 27 Oct. 1778; m. Capt. William Webster; d. 29 June 1851. Ten children. DAVID DUNNING b. 11 June 1781. See below. MARY b. 7 June 1783; m. 25 Dec. 1806 Capt. Joseph Webster of Gray; d. 19 Sept. 1871. Mr. Webster was born 26 Sept. 1776 and died 26 Feb. 1843. Nine children. LYDIA b. 30 June 1785; m. 26 Nov. 1808 David Thompson, then of So. Lewiston, afterward of Greene. She died 17 July 1870. Mr. Thompson was born 14 Sept. 1786 and died 30 Dec. 1874. Nine children. JANE DUNNING b. 27 Dec. 1788; d. 10 April 1851. Unm. JAMES DUNNING b. 15 Mch. 1790; d. Aug. 1810 at Salem, Mass. Unm. SAMUEL OWEN b. 19 Dec. 1794. See below. HENRY RICKER b. 9 Feb. 1797; d. Oct. 1819 at City Point, Va. Unm. John Dunning Stackpole, born 20 May 1776, married 26 Mch. 1797 Betty, dau. of Stephen and Desire (Turner) Weston. He was a farmer in Durham, Lisbon and Gardiner. Died in Gardiner 15 Oct. 1850. His wife, born 6 Sept. 1777, died 19 May 1854. Their six children were all born in Durham. DEBORAH b. 31 July 1798; m. Wm. Smith of Lisbon. AARON b. 13 Jan. 1801; m. 21 Feb. 1828 Mary B. Hinkley of Lisbon. Farmer and merchant. Died in Gardiner 22 June 1885. Nine children. ELIZA b. 1 Feb. 1804; m. 15 Aug. 1824 Joel Chandler of Freeport. MARY b. 8 June 1807; m. (1) Wm. Kempton; (2) Capt. Charles J. Fogg of San Francisco. She died in Los Angeles, Cal. Jan. 1898, aged 90 yrs. 7 mos. JUDITH b. 1810; m. (1) Charles Wilson of Gardiner; (2) Mr. Ricker. HARRIET b. 29 April 1814; m. Seth Kempton; d. s. p. 28 April 1857. David Dunning Stackpole, born 11 June 1781, married 4 Jan. 1807, Judith, dau. of Walter and Deborah (Cushing) Hatch of Hingham, Mass. He studied navigation in Portland and became a wealthy sea-captain. Most of his life was spent in Portland and on the sea. He was generous and much beloved, a man of thought and activity. He was one of a few attendants at the Second Parish Church in Portland who helped through college lads who afterward became well known as Prof. Calvin Stowe and Pres. Cyrus Hamlin. He moved to S. W. Bend in old age and died there 20 May 1856. His wife, born 20 Mch. 1788, died in Lisbon 17 Jan. 1879. Their eleven children were born in Portland. WILLIAM HENRY b. 2 Oct. 1807; m. 20 Aug. 1829 Susan M. Bond of N. Y. He died at sea, leaving two daughters. CHARLES AUGUSTUS b. 13 Sept. 1809; m. 4 Aug. 1835 Mary Smith Merrill of Portland. He became prominent as an advocate of total abstinence and of the abolition of slavery. He was merchant, bank cashier, editor and farmer. He sacrificed much for conscience's sake. He was an uncompromising moral reformer. Died 16 Dec. 1890 at Lexington, Mass. Four children. DAVID DUNLAP b. 2 Aug. 1811; m. 24 Nov. 1852 Celinda Plympton. He became a wealthy merchant of Boston and died there 11 Mch. 1879. Three children. FRANCES HALL b. 13 July 1813; m. (1) Mr. Dominicus Parker of Bangor; (2) the Rev. George Bradburn. Died in Melrose, Mass., Jan. 1899. ELIZABETH ANGELIA b. 16 Oct. 1815; m. 16 May 1831 John E. Godfrey, lawyer and Judge of Bangor. Died 17 May 1878. Two sons. ADDISON b. 21 Oct. 1817; died young. SUSAN WOOD b. 1 Sept. 1820; d. 30 Aug. 1890. Unm. HELEN LOUISE b. 8 Feb. 1823; m. Charles Adams of Galveston, Texas. d. s. p. 8 Nov. 1857. MARY BLANCHARD b. 28 Jan. 1825; d. 14 April 1844. Unm. ELLIS MERRILL b. 22 May 1828; m. 5 Feb. 1851 Eliza L., dau. of the Rev. Robert and Susan (Hardy) Crozier. He was interested in a line of steamers from N. Y. to Galveston, Texas, and had a successful business career. Died in Galveston, 1 Dec. 1886. Twelve ch. HENRIETTE MARIA b. 2 May 1830; m. 18 April 1850 James F. Cruger. Living in Texas. Samuel Owen Stackpole, born 19 Dec. 1794; married (1) 1 Jan. 1818 Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Catherine (Clark) Robinson; (2) 8 Nov. 1838 Eliza, dau. of Elijah and Eliza (Swett) Macomber. His first wife was born 22 June 1794 and died 8 Feb. 1837. His second wife was born 9 April 1810 and died in Brunswick 12 May 1888. He died in Brunswick 7 April 1876. See p. 123. Nine children by first marriage. SARAH b. 10 Nov. 1818; m. 5 Oct. 1837 Gardner G. Larrabee; d. 14 Aug. 1889. ELIZABETH b. 5 Sept. 1820; d. 20 Sept. 1823. HANNAH b. 19 May 1822; m. (1) 21 May 1848 Daniel R. Fickett; (2) 10 April 1856 the Rev. Christopher C. Covell. She died at Pownal 17 Aug. 1875. SAMUEL b. 25 Aug. 1824: m. 24 July 1847 Emeline Wyman; d. s. p. in Auburn 25 July 1890. HENRY RICKER b. 27 Oct. 1826; m. 14 July 1851 Apphia Swasey. Lives at Montpelier, Vt. Five children. DAVID b. 20 Sept. 1828; m. 12 April 1867 Hattie, dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Gerrish) Day. After spending some years in Cal. he returned and settled on the homestead, where he died 2 June 1897. His only child Ralph, born 31 Jan. 1876, holds the old homestead which has been held in the Stackpole name since 1783. CATHERINE b. 14 Jan. 1831; d. 1 Sept. 1832. WILLIAM b. 1 Sept. 1832; m. 20 Nov. 1855 Lucy, dau. of Dea. William and Maria (Blethen) Dingley. He lives on lot 89. Has been Selectman rind Representative. A daughter. Maria L. b. 6 April 1865, m. 24 Nov. 1887, Frank M. Drinkwater. They live in West Somerville, Mass. A son Merton G. b. 15 Nov. 1866, m. 21 Nov. 1889 Marietta, dau. of Isaiah and Sarah (Doughty) Trufant. They have a child Hazel T. born 13 Mch. 1891. CHARLES b. 15 Feb. 1835; m. 1 Jan. i860 at Calais, Me., Carrie A. Doyle. He is a farmer in Auburn. Their son, the Rev. Charles Henry Stackpole is mentioned, see: t Children of Samuel O. and Eliza (Macomber) Stackpole. JULIA ANN b. 18 Sept. 1839; m. 11 May 1880 Charles Harrison Brown of Lowell, Mass. He died at Winthrop, Mass., 25 Feb. 1897. She resides in Brunswick, Me. ELIZABETH DUNNING b. 2 Jan. 1842; m. 1 Oct. 1865 Dennis Callahan. Died in West Bridgewater, Mass., 19 Mch. 1873, leaving daughter Lizzie Mildred and son Corydon Howard. The daughter was brought up in the family of her uncle, Samuel Stackpole, and so assumed his surname before her marriage to Leon Strout. MARY BLANCHARD b. 21 Sept. 1843. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN b. 2 Oct. 1845; d. 2 June 1867 in Worcester, Mass. SYLVIA NYE b. 22 Dec. 1847; d. 21 Nov. 1873. Graduate of Mass. State Normal School and teacher in Worcester, Mass. EVERETT S. b. 11 June 1850. See: t and portrait. HOWARD VINTON b. 22 Mch. 1853; m. 13 April 1896 Cora J., dau. of George W. and Hattie (Doyle) Curtis of Brunswick. After one year in Bowdoin College he entered into business. Is a shoe-dealer in Brunswick. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.7 Kb