Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Strout Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 16, 2008, 5:09 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine STROUT. Several of this name came from Provincetown, Mass., to Cape Elizabeth about 1730. Joshua Strout married (Int. Rec. 10 Jan. 1741) Sarah Sawyer of Cape Elizabeth. He came to Royalsborough with his son Joshua, Jr., in 1771. His other children were Jacob, who settled in Jay, Joseph of Salem, Mass., Nehemiah of Poland, Sally, Deborah, Thankful and Rebecca. Capt. Joshua Strout was born in Cape Elizabeth in 1745. He married, 6 April 1769, Betsey Cobb, who was born in 1750 and died in Durham in 1832. He built a log house near where the road to South Durham branches from the County Road. In 1780 he built a frame house near where Geo. Washington Strout lately lived at S. W. Bend, and his son Jonathan occupied the log house till later than 1803. Joshua Strout was a master mariner and died in the West Indies 3 Dec. 1793. His widow married, 25 July 1795, Joseph Proctor of Lewiston. SARAH b. 30 May 1770; m. (1) Lemuel McGray; (2) Nathaniel Gerrish; d. in Lisbon 17 Nov. 1829. BARNABAS b. 28 June 1772. See below. BETSEY b. 6 Feb. 1775; m. 1 Mch. 1791 John Dow; d. in Wilton. 1847. MOLLY b. 16 July 1777; m. 3 Sept. 1795 Dea. Isaac Lambert; d. 1865. JONATHAN b. 27 April 1779. See below. ABIGAIL b. 31 Mch. 1781; m. 19 Nov. 1795 Thomas Lambert; d. in Lisbon 1820. TAMAR b. 16 April 1783; m. 18 Oct. 1798, Abel Curtis, Jr.; d. 13 June 1859. DOLLY b. 16 May 1785; m. 25 Dec. 1803 Simeon Blethen; d. 27 Mch. 1849. EBENEZER b. 19 April 1787. See below. JOSHUA JR. b. 21 Aug. 1789. Lost at sea. JAMES b. 2 April 1792. See below. Barnabas Strout, son of Joshua, m. (1) 4 Dec. 1794 Asenath Stetson; (2) 23 Dec. 1800, Polly Merrill; d. in Durham 1837. Sea-Capt. He lived in the house where Wesley Day now resides, which he bought of David Dyer and enlarged. He built the house next south and kept hotel in both houses. LUSANNAH CURTIS b. 2 Aug. 1796; m. 26 Sept. 1816 Ivory Warren. SAGY b. 5 Jan. 1800; m. 20 Jan. 1820 John Newell. SALLY b. 5 Sept. 1802; m. 2 Dec. 1824 John Spaulding. LUCRETIA b. 12 Feb. 1805; m. 6 June 1822 Sam'l Soule. ABIGAIL b. 7 July 1807; m. 24 Nov. 1825 Joseph Warren. OSGOOD b. 7 Nov. 1809; unm. MARY ANN b. 6 May 1813; m. 6 Nov. 1855 James Spollett of Brunswick. MERRILL b. 17 Dec. 1815. See below. CAROLINE b. 30 May 1820; m. 24 Sept. 1848 Addison J. Stoddard. Jonathan Strout, son of Joshua, m. 9 Nov. 1797, Sarah Vining who was born in Durham 22 Dec. 1779 and died 25 Feb. 1863 in Auburn. He died in Auburn Aug. 1867. Was a master mariner. Lived first in the old log house, the homestead, then at the Bend, then in 1809 bought a farm on the River Road of Sam'l Nichols, Theophilus Thomas and George Williams, seventy-five acres of the first, fifty acres each of the others. He kept a store and sold West India goods. Cotton he sold on shares. Women carded and spun a pound of it and returned half a pound of yarn to him. BETSEY b. 26 July 1798; m. 21 Sept. 1817 Ammi Vining. JOSHUA b. 16 Aug. .1800; d. 25 Oct. 1822 at 2.30 A. M. at Havana. THIRZA b. 12 May 1803; m. 5 Sept. 1819. John Weston; d. 30 Nov. 1830 in Durham. JACOB H. b. 14 May 1805; d. in Durham 28 Jan. 1831. ALFRED b. 5 Mch. 1807; d. 15 Jan. 1826 at Point Peter, Guadaloupe. GEORGE W. b. 16 May 1809. See below. HARRIET B. b. 7 Dec. 1811, m. (1) 1 May 1836 Henry Moore of Durham; {2) 1 Jan. 1850, David Cheney of Lisbon. Her children, Emma Moore and Frank Cheney, died young. She died 11 Dec. 1859. DAVID B. b. 5 April 1814. See: SEWALL b. 24 Sept. 1816; m. Dolly, dau. of Orlando Merrill. Representative to the Legislature and often Selectman. A son Edward died 26 Jan. 1866, aged 23 yrs. Another son, Horace, married Laura Varney of Brunswick and had a son Leon, who married Lizzie Mildred Stackpole. NELSON b. 3 Sept. 1819; m. Jane Williams of Durham; d. 8 Aug. 1867. Was Deputy Sheriff and Representative. Had two sons, Prescott R., who m. Clara Colley and lives on the homestead at S. W. Bend, and Sumner who was a Lieut. in the Civil War and was killed in battle. HARRISON B. b. 19 Oct. 1821; m. Vesta Williams; lived as a farmer on ihe River Road, moved to La Porte, Ind., and died there. A son, Alfred Otis, is a physician in Iowa. Daughter, Mabel L. MARY E. b. 26 Aug. 1826; m. (1) 31 May 1846 Horace L. Corbett; (2) 18 Dec. 1852 Lewis Whitney, R. R. Conductor of Portland. Ebenezer Strout, son of Joshua, married 27 Nov. 1806, Mary Weeman. Lived at S. W. Bend. Died 27 Sept. 1821. Their children were: CATHERINE W. b. 9 Oct. 1807; d. 27 Jan. 1828. Unm. JOSHUA b. 10 Sept. 1809; m. 1835 Rhoda Jordan of Lewiston. Their son James G. was born Mch. 1836 and m. 25 Nov. 1858 Olive E. Lambert of Durham. JOSEPH W. b. 10 July 1811. GEORGE WASHINGTON b. 10 Aug. 1813; m. 29 Dec. 1857 Harriet Ellen Roak, who was born 9 June 1826. He died 12 Nov. 1889. 3 ch. LIZZIE JANE b. 30 Mch. 1860; m. 19 Dec. 1887 Thomas Dyer Sale. LINCOLN b. 16 Feb. 1862; d. 9 July 1876. SHERMAN b. 6 Nov. 1864. EBENEZER KING b. 27 Feb. 1816; d. in N. Yarmouth in 1865, leaving a widow and five children. ELIZABETH COBB b. 8 May 1818; m. 18 May 1837 John Hinkley of Brunswick. ELBRIDGE GERRY b. 16 June 1820; unm.; d. at sea, at age of 20 yrs. James Strout married (1) 25 Nov. 1810, Patience Harrington; (2) 12 Feb. 1815, Abigail Miller; (3) 13 July 1823, Hannah Gerrish. See: JOSEPH m. Matilda Brewster. Died in Parkman. JAMES JR. b. 28 July 1816: See below. ALBION P. b. 5 Dec. 1824; m. Geraldine Harmon. Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Sons, Edwin B. and William H. ALLEN C. b. 14 Nov. 1830; m. Emma L. Lodewick of N. Y.; d. s. p. 6 July 1880. HARRIET M. b. 28 Aug. 1834; m. 20 Aug. i860 Wm. Noble of Portland. CHARLES B. b. 9 Aug. 1836; m. (1) Isabel Holt of Bangor; (2) Louise Davis. Resides in Buffalo, N. Y. One son, George Holt Strout. CAROLINE G. b. 23 Sept. 1838; d. 10 June 1885. SARAH H. b. 23 May 1841; m. 23 May 1861, Henry Fitz; d. 11 Oct. 1868, leaving two children, Marcia and Charles Fitz. MARTHA E. b. 19 April 1844; m. 1 Oct. 1868 Fred Stanwood of Brunswick; d. s. p. 29 April 1894. James Strout, Jr., born 28 July 1816, married in July 1842 Mehitabel A. Whitney of Lisbon and died 10 Aug. 1870. His wife, born 1 April 1822, died 9 Oct. 1871. He was for many years a trader at South West Bend, serving also a long time as Postmaster. He was an active politician of the Democratic party. He filled the office of Town Clerk eight years. Considering the opportunities that Durham afforded, it may be said that he accumulated large wealth. He possessed a genial disposition and attractive social qualities. See portrait. REVILLO M. b. 3 Aug. 1843. See below. ORIANNA L. b. 15 May 1845; m. C. Emery Knight; d. 30 Jan. 1879. MELVILLE C. b. 29 April 1847. Merchant in Boston. ORVILLE D. b. 8 Oct. 1849. Merchant in Boston. FRANCILLA b. 17 Mch. 1852. Resides in Boston. EULALIA b. 3 May 1854; d. 21 July 1882. IDELLA b. 9 July 1856; m. ____ Whittier. George W. Strout, son of Jonathan, born in Durham 16 May 1809, married 7 Sept. 1832, Sarah H. Hibbard, who was born in JJsbon 17 June 1811 and died 30 June 1887. He died in Lewis-ton 15 Dec. 1890. He lived at South West Bend in the house next to the Union Church, which now serves as a Masonic Hall and Hall for the Grange. ELIZABETH A. b. 23 June 1833; m. ____ Jordan; d. 29 Mch. 1888. JACOB A. b. 21 May 1835; m. Sophronia Clymens; d. at Gold Hill, New, 9 Dec. 1873. HARRIET A. b. 10 May 1837; d. 22 Sept. 1855. SARAH M. b. 1 Dec. 1839; m. George Roberts. MARGERY H. b. 2 Mch. 1842; m. Frederick Reed. GEORGE J. b. 5 Sept. 1844; d. 12 May 1864. LUCY E. b. 19 June 1847; m. Frank Brooks. I. C. KNOWLTON b. 29 June 1850; d. 9 Dec. 1883. FRANK H. b. 9 Oct. 1854. Merrill W. Strout, son of Barnabas, married, 28 Nov. 1839, Mary Gerrish. He was a prominent and good citizen of Durham and of Brunswick. Died in Woburn, Mass., 8 Feb. 1893. ADALANTHA b. 4 Dec. 1842; m. G. P. Lombard of Belfast. HOWARD EVERTON b. 4 July 1846; lives in Brockton, Mass. CHARLES MERRILL b. 30 Nov. 1848; lives in Woburn, Mass. OSCAR L. b. 24 July 1850; lives in Boston, Mass. Revillo M. Strout, son of James Strout Jr., born 3 Aug. 1843, married, 4 Aug. 1872 Mary V., dau. of James and Sarah (Herrick) Newell. He has been in trade at South West Bend since 1872. It was principally through his influence that the stage and mail route was established between Durham and Auburn, and he drove the stage several years. His social and obliging ways have made him well and widely known. Nothing can be truthfully said to his discredit. His children are as follows: BELLE GILMAN b. 13 July 1874. HARRY HERRICK b. 21 June 1878. CHARLES EMERY b. 1 March 1881. Solomon, son of Elisha and Eunice (Freeman) Strout, was born 13 April 1777 in Gorham, Me. He was related to Joshua Strout. He married, 20 Nov. 1800, Mrs. Patience (Wallace) Fickett of Falmouth, and lived in Limington. They had two sons who settled in Durham, Elisha and William W. Elisha Stront, born 8 Sept. 1811, married 14 Oct. 1838 Mary Ann Tyler of Pownal, who was born 29 May 1816 and died 12 Nov. 1895. He died 17 Sept. 1887. They had two daughters, Emma who married in California, and Maggie who married Wesley Day of Durham. William Wallace Strout was born in Limington 4 Feb. 1804. He married, 25 Aug. 1830 Harriet A., dau. of William and Anna (Hoyt) Newell. He died in Durham 11 Nov. 1872. WILLIAM N. b. 25 Jan. 1832; m. 25 Feb. 1865 Carrie Turner of Durham. Lives in Winthrop, Me. FREEMAN b. 9 Dec. 1834; m. 25 Dec. i860 Harriet E. Mitchell of Bath. He was killed at the battle of Chantilly 1 Sept. 1862. No children. MELISSA J. b. 7 Mch. 1837; m. 18 Feb. 1863 William S. Miller. FREDERICK b. 2 Jan. 1840; m. 6 April 1871 Myra R. Fogg of Bath; d. 19 Aug. 1878. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 11.0 Kb