Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Sylvester Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 16, 2008, 5:22 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine SYLVESTER. Richard Sylvester came from England about 1630 and settled in Weymouth, Mass. He married in 1632 Naomi Torrey and had eleven children. One was Joseph, born 1638, whose son Amos was born 15 Nov. 1685 and married 20 Nov. 1706 Elizabeth Henchman. He died 23 Oct. 1753. Amos Jr., born 14 Sept. 1707, married Patience Palmer 7 Feb. 1732 and had a son Job, born 1742, who married Margaret Stetson in Hanover, Mass., 8 June 1765. He moved to Durham and died there 6 Oct. 1852. His wife died 8 Dec. 1818. Revolutionary soldier. JOB JR. b. 9 Nov. 1767. See below. AMOS. Killed in War of 1812, leaving widow and children, one of whom, Eben, m. 10 Nov. 1822 Eliza Tyler. Henry Sylvester of Durham is his son, who m. Clara Lunt and has two sons and two daughters. CYNTHIA m. Ezekiel Merrill of Freeport 9 Sept. 1798. DEBORAH m. Wm. Tuttle of Pownal. Died in Ohio. ZILPHA m. 8 Feb. 1810 Zebulon York. Lived in Strong. ROLAND m. 1804, Mrs. Ruth (Estes) Barstow, widow of Daniel Bars-tow; d. 17 Jan. 1812. JOSEPH m. 20 Dec. 1813 the widow of his brother Roland; d. 28 Feb. 1852. Had a son Roland. Roland Sylvester, son of Joseph, born 21 Sept. 1815, married 15 Jan. 1839 Ursula Nichols. Is still living on the old homestead. Blacksmith and farmer. Six children. ELLEN A. Unm. JOSEPH H. m. Mary E. Gay. Lives in Freeport. Has seven daughters. WILLARD N. m. 24 May 1876 Leona Parker. Lives on the homestead. Has nine sons. SAMUEL N. m. April 1885 Ella Cushing of Freeport. Died, leaving one son. SABIE E. m. 26 Mch. 1875 Leroy Bowie. ZILPHA IDA m. Marcus W. Eveleth of Durham. Job Sylvester, Jr., born 9 Nov. 1767, married 25 Nov. 1790, in Hanover, Mass., Lydia Phillips, who was born 12 Feb. 1769. They settled in Durham about 1800. He was a blacksmith and farmer. About 1840 he and his wife went West to live with his son Benjamin. He died at Manchester, Ind., 19 Oct. 1859. His wife died 3 March 1850. They had nine children, of whom the first five were born in Hanover, Mass. JOHN b. 10 Aug. 1791; m. Esther Collier. Settled in Avon. 6 ch. LYDIA b. 14 Dec. 1792; m. 22 April i8n Luther Plummer. Settled in Manchester, Ind. JOB PHILLIPS b. 5 Dec. 1794. See below. WILLIAM b. 27 April 1797. See below. BENJAMIN b. 18 Dec. 1799; m. (1) 22 Jan. 1824 Sarah Noyes. She died in Aurora, Ind., 19 Jan. 1838. m. (2) Ann A. Drake, who died 27 Oct. 1872 in St. Paul, Minn. He died in St. Peter, Minn. PATIENCE b. 22 Dec. 1808; m. (1) 1 Feb. 1823 Rev. James Harrington of R. I. 3 ch. m. (2) 17 Nov. i860 Henry Parker of Jay. She died in Lynn, Mass., 19 Jan. 1890. ROLAND b. 13 Oct. 1814; m. (1) Aurelia Nichols 23 Oct. 1839. (2) 25 Nov. 1847 Grace Nichols. He died in Portland 22, May 1888. 4 daughters by first marriage; 4 sons by second. William Sylvester, born in Hanover, Mass., 27 April 1797, married 3 Dec. 1718 Sarah Gushing, who was born in Durham 21 April 1798 and died 24 Nov. 1877. He died in Durham 8 Feb. 1884. Farmer. HARRIET b. 27 Dec. 1S20; m. Isaac Yeaton. She still lives in Auburn. Mr. Yeaton was a soldier in the Rebellion and died in New Orleans 14 Aug. 1864. 5 ch. BENJAMIN F. b. 20 April 1822; m. Eudora Baker. Lives in Chicago. JOHN C. b. 15 Oct. 1824. Lives on the homestead. Unm. FRANCES E. b. 11 Oct. 1827; m. 29 Nov. 1849 Geo. A. Sydleman. WILLIAM J. b. 11 Oct. 1829; d. 24 May 1888. Unm. JAMES C. b. 12 Feb. 1832; m. 6 July 1859 Margaret Tuttle of Pownal. Farmer in Afton, Iowa. One son. GEORGE W. b. 30 April 1836; m. 19 Feb. 1870 Elizabeth Boyce. Soldier in the Rebellion. Lives in Illinois. No ch. Job Phillips Sylvester, born in Hanover 5 Dec. 1794, married 30 Nov. 1821 Elizabeth G. Cushing. Blacksmith. Postmaster. Town officer several years. Justice of Peace. Capt. of Militia in 1828. Died 29 Mch. 1870. MARIA L. B. b. 15 Jan. 1822; m. 25 Nov. 1847 Philip W. Capron of R. I.; died in Quincy, Ill., 23 May 1870. He died in Chicago 2 Jan. 1885. DELPHINA P. b. 13 Dec. 1825; m. 7 April 1844 Wm. U. Thwing, son of Rev. James Thwing of Maine Conf. Residence, Chicago. 8 ch. CLARISSA D. b. 22 Dec. 1S31; m. 29 April 1861 Hiram J. Drinkwater. He was a farmer in Durham and died 3 April 1892. To her we are indebted for the history of several families. They had a daughter who d. young. They adopted Minnie G. Thwing in 1878 in legal form, b. 16 Oct. 1866. CUSHING b. 27 May 1833; d. 6 Oct. 1883. He served three years in the Rebellion on the gun-boat Cumberland. Married in Chicago 27 June 1865 Mary McLaughlin. 4 ch., only one of whom is living. His wife died in Chicago 13 Sept. 1895. ROSCOE G b. 17 Nov. 1836. Served throughout the Rebellion. Was Lieut.; m. in Carbonsdale, Ill., 24 Dec. 1867 Marietta A. Bricker. One son. He is a druggist in Carbonsdale, Ill. EUGENE B. b. 7 Aug. 1842; m. 5 Dec. 1870 Phebe Ella Haskins. She died at Cape Elizabeth 15 Oct. 1896. A son and three daughters live in Auburn. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.9 Kb