Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....Tracy Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 16, 2008, 6:06 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine TRACY. The ancestor of the Tracys came from Normandy with William the Conqueror. His coat of arms may be seen in the Roll of Battle Abbey, "Argent, an escallop in the chief point sable, between two bandlets gules." Grace, dau. of Henri de Traci, Lord of Barnstable, married, 1104, John de Studeley, and her second son assumed the name of his maternal ancestor, William de Traci, and had the coat of arms above described, except that the color argent was changed to or. The tenth Sir William Tracy of Toddington had a son, Richard Tracy Esq. of Stanway, whose son Nathaniel was the father of the Lieut. Thomas Tracy, born about 1610, who was enrolled at Salem 23 Feb. 1637. He married in Wethersfield, Conn., 1641, the widow of Edward Nason, and lived in Saybrook fourteen years. He settled in Norwich, Conn., about 1655. He was Deputy or Representative of the town twenty-one semi-annual sessions, and his son Solomon nineteen sessions. He m. (2) 1676 Mrs. Martha Bradford; (3) Mrs. Mary (Foot) (Stoddard) Goodrich. He died in Norwich 7 Nov. 1685. By first marriage he had seven children, of whom Jonathan was born in 1648. He married 11 July 1672 Mary, dau. of Francis Greswould and settled in that part of Norwich, Conn., which is now Preston. He was Town Clerk, Lieut, in the Training Band, and Justice of the Peace. He died in 1711. He had a son Christopher, who was the father of the Jonathan Tracy who was born in Norwich (or Preston) 29 Dec. 1713. This Jonathan came to old Falmouth, Me., and married in 1743 Abigail, dau. of Jeremiah and Rachel Riggs. (Riggs was a tanner, son of John and Ruth (Wheeler) Riggs of Gloucester, Mass. He came to Falmouth in 1725 and lived near Stroudwater.) Their first four children were baptized at the First Parish Church, of which the parents became members in 1744. They lived in the vicinity of Back Cove, and he was Sergeant of a militia company there in 1757. In Aug. 1762 Jonathan Tracy moved to Gouldsborough, Me., induced by the proprietors by the free grant of lots of land for himself and sons. His descendants in that town and vicinity are very numerous. In an old family Bible, now in the possession of Wm. H. Thomas, the following children are recorded: JEREMIAH b. 9 Aug. 1744; JONATHAN b. 24 Mch. 1746. LYDIA b. 21 Feb. 1748; SOLOMON b. 4 Mch. 1750. MARY b. 17 May 1752; ABIGAIL b. 3 June 1754. RHODA b. 17 Aug. 1756; CHRISTOPHER b. 2 Oct. 1758. ASA b. 4 Aug. 1760; SAMUEL b. 30 June 1762. WHEELER b. 3 Feb. 1765; THOMAS b. 30 May 1767. DANIEL b. 16 Aug. 1769. Of these Solomon, Christopher and Samuel settled in Durham. Solomon Tracy married 8 April 1773 in Falmouth Mary Getchell. They lived for a while in Durham, where sons Solomon Jr., Nathaniel, who m. 24 Dec. 1801 Molly Beal, and probably other children* were born. They removed to Rome, Me. Solomon Jr. returned to Durham, married Deborah Dunn of Poland and had the following children: NATHANIEL b. 10 July 1795, d. in Rome, Me., at the age of 93 yrs. POLLY b. 26 May 1797; JOSEPH b. 4 Aug. 1799; PEGGY b. 16 May 1802; BENJAMIN b. 7 Mch. 1804; JAMES; and SOLOMON 3d. *m. 25 Sept. 1803 Wm. Beal and Mary Tracy. m. 5 Dec. 1805 James LeBarron and Rhoda Tracy. m. int. 24 Feb. 1810 Wm. Grant and Peggy Tracy. Rev. Christopher Tracy See t and t born in Falmouth 2 Oct. 1758, came to Royalsborough about 1778. He married Anna Getchell in 1780 and settled on lot 79. Tracy's Island still bears his name. His wife was born 14 June 1761 and died 19 Oct. 1835. He died 12 Nov. 1839. The number thirteen did not prove very unlucky in the Tracy family, since he, his father and his brother Samuel had each thirteen children. HANNAH b. 25 Oct. 1780; m. 28 Nov. 1799 Joseph Orr. JONATHAN b. 28 Dec. 1782. See: t MARY b. 3 May 1785; m. Wm. Beals of Augusta; d. 27 June 1874. CHRISTOPHER b. 13 July 1788. See below. SALLY b. 18 April 1790; m. 12 June 1810 Isaac Witham. ASA b. 12 May 1792; m. 1814, Fannie Briggs of Greene. Lived in Carmel, Me. SAMUEL b. 11 April 1794; m. 10 May 1815, Olive D. Tibbetts, who was born 13 July 1791 and died 19 Jan. 1875- He died 19 Aug. 1873. A daughter Betsey, born 14 Oct. 1818 married 29 July 1841, Elisha Keene of Auburn, and died 5 Nov. 1883. Other daughters died young. DANIEL b. 6 April 1796; m. 1817, Polly Bicknell of Buckfield; m. (2) 19 Dec. 1830, Thirza Bicknell. Lived in Durham. Died 23 Mch. 1875. First wife died 23 Sept. 1830, aged 32 yrs. Second wife died 16 Dec. 1880, aged 76 yrs. 4 mos. One dau., Margaret, who died 4 Jan. 1893. ANNA b. 28 Mch. 1798; m. ___ Gould. Lived in Farmington. INFANT b. and d. 16 May 1800. DAVID b. 6 Oct. 1801; m. 1 Sept. 1822 Sally Sawyer. LYDIA b. 2 Jan. 1804; m. 1828 Wm. B. Joy of Minot. INFANT b. 27 July 1806; d. young. Samuel Tracy, born 30 June 1762, married Elizabeth W. Getchell, sister of the wives of his brothers Solomon and Christopher. Lived in Durham. ABIGAIL b. 29 June 1783; m. 25 Nov. 1806 Stephen Story of Bowdoin. JUDITH b. 11 Mch. 1785; d. young. SAMUEL b. 17 Mch. 1787; m. 21 April 1811 Susanna Vining. Ch. Alvin F. b. 24 Sept. 1812; in. May 1835 Joan Brewer of Freeport; d. June 1897; and Mary V. b. 27 Sept. 1814, d. 10 Aug. 1854. After Samuel's death his widow m. James Newell. DOROTHY b. 23 Oct. 1789; m. 7 June 1812 Benj. Witham of New Gloucester. JEREMIAH. Unknown. WHEELER b. 5 May 1797; m. 4 Dec. 1819 Nancy Gould of Lisbon; died in Auburn in 1878, having lived in Livermore and Peru. Eight children. HUGH b. 16 June 1799; m. 1820 Polly Hill of Durham. Lived and died on the old Getchell homestead in Durham. Five daughters and a son Phineas. ABEL b. 21 May 1801; m. 1824 Rachel Orr of Harpswell. Lived in Durham opposite Lisbon Falls. Sons, Emor, who died young, and John. MOSES b. 20 July 1804; died when a young man, leaving widow and two children. COMFORT m. 16 Sept. 1813 John McCathlin of Montville. SARAH m. ____ Littlefield of Brunswick. OLIVE m. 31-Dec. 1829 James L. Getchell. PATTY m. 26 Mch. 1826 John Manuel or Manwell. Dea. Christopher Tracy, son of Rev. Christopher, born 13 July 1788, married 31 Dec. 1809 Margaret Gatchell and lived in Durham. He died 18 Dec. 1864. His wife, born 26 April 1787, died 26.May 1862. Besides four children, who died in infancy, they had. BETSEY W. b. 4 Mch. 1812; m._____. LAVINA N. b. 18 Sept. 1814: m. Woodbury Thomas; d. 27 Mch. 1882. ELVIRA J. b. 19 Sept. 1817; m. 29 Nov. 1838 Bradford Sprague of Bath. SOPHRONIA B. b. 9 Oct. 1823; d. 21 Aug. 1885. Unm. SYLVIA A. b. 22 April 1826; d. 14 Jan. 1827. FRANCIS J. b. 14 Oct. 1835; m.____. Corp. in Co. C, 31st Me. Regt. Wounded at Port Hudson 14 Jan. 1863. Died at Baton Rouge, La. 19 June 1863. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.9 Kb