Androscoggin County ME Archives History - Books .....True Family 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 16, 2008, 6:09 am Book Title: History Of Durham, Maine TRUE. Deacon William True was the son of Deacon Benjamin and Judith (Morrill) True and was born in Salisbury, Mass., 1 Aug. 1737 and died in Durham, Me., 1 Nov. 1816. He married (1) 16 Jan. 1764, Miriam, dau. of Aaron Clough of Salisbury, Mass.; (2) 29 Jan. 1778 Mary, dau. of Ezekiel and Mary (Morrill) True, who was born in Salisbury, 16 May 1755. He bought land in Bagley's Gore, Royalsborough in 1785 and 1787, the last being lot 18 of the plan made by Amos Davis, Surveyor. It was the farm now owned by William Miller at Methodist Corner. He evidently moved into Royalsborough about 1785. Jan. 28, 179T his son Abel bought of him 50 acres of land. His remaining estate was sold alter his death to Matthew Duran, Jr. William True was for many years Deacon in the Cong. Church. He united with the Methodist Church at its organization in Durham and was an active member till his death, singing in the choir led by his son-in-law, Daniel Harmon. His family were as follows. By first marriage. ABEL b. 10 Nov. 1764; m. 11 Feb. 1787 Abigail, dau. of Reuben and Deborah Brown, who was born in Salisbury, Mass., 17 Sept. 1761. He sold his farm in Durham, in 1810, to Wm. Fickett. BETSEY b. 7 Feb. 1767; in. 6 March 1788 Nathan Weston of N. Yarmouth. Res. Pompey, N. Y. JONATHAN b. 19 Nov. 1768; m. 20 Nov. 1794 Hannah Hoyt. He m. (2) in Durham 2 June 1804 Rebecca Woodbury. Moved to Pitts-ford, N. Y. The children by first marriage were, WILLIAM b. 2 Oct. 1705; ANNA b. 3 July 1797; ABIGAIL b. 18 Nov. 1799, and died 3 Oct. 1803. First wife died 15 Dec. 1801. The children by second marriage recorded were: WOODBURY b. 27 Mch. 1805; PRISCILLA b. 5 Jan. 1808. SAMUEL b. 15 April 1771; m. 28 May 1792 Lucy Currier of Durham, who was born in Salisbury. They had children in Durham JONATHAN JR. b. 15 Dec. 1792; SAMUEL JR. b. 26 April 1796. This family moved to Pittsford, N. Y., about 1817. DANIEL b. 17 Sept. 1773; m. (1) 13 April 1797 Lettice York. She died in Mendon, N. Y., 12 Sept. 1812. He m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Williams Ingersoll. He moved to N. Y. State in 1811, and died 18 Sept. 1824. Ch. b. in Durham. ENOCH b. 29 April 1798; d. 10 Oct. 1803; DANIEL, JR. b. 10 Jan. 1800; d. in Lima, N. Y., 3 June 1870; HANNAH b. 21 April 1802; ELLET b. 1 March 1804; drowned 1807; JOSEPH b. 1808; ELEAZER WELLS, b. 4 Oct. 1810; d. in Armada, Mich., 18 June 1874; ELIZABETH b. in Mendon, N. Y., Jan. 1812; d. in Armada, Mich., 28 May 1886. The children of Wm. True, Sen., by second marriage were: WILLIAM b. 9 Aug. 1778; m. 30 July 1805 Rebecca Mariner of Cape Elizabeth, dau. of Moses and Rebecca Mariner. She was born 4 July 1785 and died in Ottawa, Ill., 11 Mch. 1864. He died at same place 5 April 1850. For a long time he was a merchant in Portland. One of his six children was Prof. Charles K. True of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., distinguished scholar and author. BENJAMIN, a distiller of Portland. MIRIAM, m. 15 Aug. 1799 Jeremiah Brown of Freeport. MARY b. 28 Oct. 1781; ni. 27 Sept. 1798 Daniel Harmon; d. 3 June 1821. SALLY ____ m. 27 Nov. 1800 Thomas Runnels. Moved to Portland. A son Wm. Runnels, probably born in Durham, became a Methodist preacher. Additional Comments: Part of Chapter XII. GENEALOGICAL NOTES Extracted from: HISTORY OF DURHAM, MAINE WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF TOWN. LEWISTON: PRESS OF LEWISTON JOURNAL COMPANY. 1899. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb