West Minot Congregational Church by Charles Waterman. The Union Church at West Minot was re-dedicated on Dec. 12th, 1909; when the following program was carried out : Organ Prelude. Doxology. Invocation. responsive Reading, Miss Ellen Merrill. Gloria Patri Anthem-Praise Ye the Lord. Scripture Reading. Prayer, Rev. Dwight A. Ball. Anthem. announcements. Historic Statement, Miss Emeda Sage. Financial Statement, A. B. Deering. Offering. *Sermon, Rev. L. H. Hallock, D. D. Act of Re-dedication. [In the joy of this hour and with heartfelt gratitude to God, who hath enabled us to beautify and adorn our sanctuary, we do now earnestly and prayerfully offer ourselves anew to the service of our master, and re- dedicate this house of God to the praise of his glory and the good of our fellowmen.] Prayer of Re-dedication. Hymn. As a result of missionary work a Congregational Church was organized at the house of Asa Bearce, West Minot, Oct. 8, 1802, and this organization has been kept alive through a varied career to this re- dedication 107 years. At this council, five presented themselves to be received on confession of faith, and eight were received by letter from other churches. Ten others were received during the next few months, making the membership twenty-three, and the membership at re-dedication was only one more than that number. The number of persons connected with the organization during the 107 years is 209. For ten years the society had no church edifice, but held their services at the homes of the members or in the schoolhouse. In 18 11, a meeting house %as built near the site of the present structure. It was a large two. story building, with a gallery on three sides and a high, old-fashioned pulpit. The present church edifice was dedicated Nov. 15, 1854, and some of the people who attended the re-dedication were present at the first meeting 55 years before. In 1908 a bell was given the church by Jerry G. Hilbom, and the next year general repairs were made, including a change from stove to furnace heat, and the removal of the choir-quarters from the gallery in the rear of the building to a position near the speaker's stand. There have been but few settled pastors over this church, the pulpit being supplied for the most part by* the clergymen from neighboring churches. The first settled minister was Rev. Henry Sewall, who came to the church in 1812 and remained five years. Miss Emeda Sage, who planned the repairs and re-dedication came to the church in 1908. *********************** (c) 1998 Courtesy of the Androscoggin Historical Society ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.