1844-1846 Anne Susan Jumper's Diary edited by Mona Ann Ervin Courtesy of Androscoggin Historical Society [Editors note: I have chosen to eliminate Anne Susan's superfluous dots and dashes used decoratively at the end of a sentence. The dots, dashes and underlining that she employed for emphasis in the text of the diary has been retained so as to preserve the integrity of the document.] May 2, 1844. With what different feelings of heart, prospects and pursuits is my situation crowned now from those which prompted me to commence this journal three years ago! 1 Three years! What have they not brought forth! And oh, what will four years hence bring to pass? Alas, we know as little as did Him in 1841 the changes that would occur before 1844. Then my soul was borne down to the very dust in bitterness of woe and I felt as if the causes thereof were never to be removed. But now they are removed, and I would thank my God that they are, and oh, that the sorrows which I witnessed during the past four years may be a cause of long and fervent and true gratitude and may the years of my life yet to come be spent in the love and fear and service of the Lord. Four coming years will probably prove as eventful to me and it may be more so, than the preceding four years have been, but oh, I pray that I may not by my folly and imprudence and indeed sinfulness bring sorrow upon myself, but nay may the future be as joyful as the past has been sorrowful. But I wish to say "the will of the Lord be done.- 2 1 wish "to lie passive in his hands"3 and know no other will. He Will do right and I trust my all with Him - the Father and Protector of the orphan and the orphan's character, and what is far more - of her soul. Oh, my God, my Redeemer, to Thee I commit all things. Let me not be put to shame but may I serve Thee and honor and glorify thy name throughout my whole life and at death may I meet all those in Heaven who have been the cause of so much calamity and bitterness of soul to me. And there are others whom I hope to meet there. Thou knowest all - oh, give me to walk with them in Thy service on the earth and join with them in Heaven in praising Thee. Thou wilt be glorified and my prayers shall be granted. I shall "yet praise Thee who art the Light of my countenance and my God." 4 For Thy Name's sake work, for the salvation of souls and the glory of 'My Holy Name. I have this evening called on Mrs. B. with Harry and Lida. She is spending a few weeks at home alone while her husband [THE REMAINDER OF THE PAGE IS TORN AND MISSING] 8. - Have passed a delightful day with sister H. at Lewiston. 5 We called on Mrs. J. formerly Miss J. N. on Mrs. H. formerly Miss D.A.B. on Miss R.T.W., cousins C. and J. and cousin C.S.N. Also visited the "East-Pitch" of the Falls where we had a delightful [illegible] W., C., J. and Mr. B. called at Mr. J.'s and spent a part of the day with us. Heard from my friend Maria by way of her cousin who informed me that she received my last communication some two or three [THE REMAINDER OF THE PAGE IS TORN AND MISSING]. llth- Six months ago this day I first wrote to request a correspondence with my friend M. Ah! was it mere instinct alone that prompted me by a resistless power to do that thing? No! It was a higher power that ordered it and that Higher power will perfect his work concerning it. 42 12. - This day has brought to me another long, affectionate letter from my Maria. There is that in it which brings a thrill of pleasure to my heart and yet it brings a nervous pang. 0, my God, I pray to have that sorrow removed. Thou alone canst do it and oh, wilt Thou not do it, for Thy own name's sake. My King and my Redeemer, I have this day sat down at Thy sacramental table and partaken of the bread and wine which Thou didst command us to do, saying, "Do this in rememb rance of me."6 I enjoyed it but alas! All whom I love were not there to partake with me and how could I but grieve at the thought - and that they might never be! Never! 0, no, no, I cannot say so - they must, they will be brought in. Thy word is pledged, 0, God to hear the intercessions of Thy ascended Son and Thy dying promise was sealed with Thy blood, 0, thine Redeemer of Mankind that all who come to thee shall live - that whatsoever we shall ask on earth, in faith, we shall receive. 0, my God I seize the promise and fly to seek Thy interposing grace - else those for whom I pray will sink in endless perdition! 0, my God! Suffer not that but throw around them the sweet, awakening convicting and converting influences of Thy Holy Spirit and convince them of their awful error. Even now cause it to work in their hearts and make them to bring forth fruit unto salvation. 0, Lord what wait I for? My hope - my only Help is in Thee! 0, hear me and grant that together we may serve Thee on earth and reign together with Thee in Heaven. It shall never be said that praying breath was ever spent in vain - for Thou in Thy truth and mercy hast said it and I will hope in thy intercession and trust and wait for the fulfillment of my desires. 0, Lord, yet come quickly and show me Thy salvation. Keep me in the ri ght path that leads to 'My honor and finally to thy REMAINING LINES OF THIS ENTRY ARE FAINT 21. [FIRST FEW LINES OF THIS ENTRY ARE FAINT marriage of M. and R. against the will of her parents, she being only 15 years of age. 7 The affair excites considerable interest and is much talked of. There are various opinions of course concerning it. For my part I think her far "too young to marry yet," and I hope she may not repent in coming years of the step so rashly entered into. 23. Another of my associates, Miss J.L.H. has today become Mrs. F.H.Y. under happier auspices than they who were yesterday united. I am glad for her - that she has obtained a settled home hope it may prove a good and happy one. Truly God provided for the fatherless. 28. One year this day spent with sister C. both happily and unhappily.8 Happily, because with her, unhappily because so soon to part with her. I feel somewhat depressed in mind today tho'not now "with voiceless grief oppressed." Since she left I have roved thro "festal scenes" tho often unwillingly, I have worn "a lonely heart amidst a reckless throng" and I have been happy since she left in a throng not that I forgot her - oh, no, but I was happier than I had ever before been in her absence. I now long for her return as much as ever but I must wait patiently yet a while longer, when I trust she will come. 30. - One year ago at this hour I was with my beloved C - on the eve before her departure. I then expected to greet her again long before this time, but she is still away. 0, my God, that Thou soon return her to me - to all who so dearly love her, and richly bless her in all her ways. Short time before C. left she told me I must supply her place by another. What she.wished me to do so I cannot tell. If she did she is less selfish then I should have been - I confess I should not - be willing to hear that my place to her was made good by another tho'l suppose I am wrong. But I 43 I should consider it almost sacrilege to allow anoth to succeed her in my heart. Her prophecy is in part fulfilled, tho'I then considered it impossible. I have learned to love another - tho' how worthy time alone must prove. Thus far I love her the more, the oftener I hear from her but - I do not approve of hasty friendships as they are too often apt to grow cold very soon, but therefore I wish to be cautious, but I hope and pray that this friendship newly formed may prove indeed a blessed God send. God has ordained it I believe and I trust in Him to perfect it, and glorify His own holy name and forward his gospel. June lst - I trust my prayers of years ago were even then being answered thanks to the unmerited goodness of God - those prayers are forever closed but for yet another I pray - 0 my God wilt thou not hear [REMAINING LINES ARE FAINT] 2.- The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoice. Let the multitude of his be glad thereof. 0, guilty thing that I am to murmur thus and suffer my heart to seek after forbidden pleasures of earth. 0, my God, rule in and reign over me and manifest unto me Thy salvation. 0, for thy name's sake glorify Thyself in the conversion of souls and even now let Thy glory be spoken. 8. This morning dawn has brought to me the consciousness that all the pleasing vagaries of my mind, the brilliant dreams which even unconsciously have pervaded my heart for a better while past are indeed vain - as I knew them to be and there with came. The willing giving up of all things pertaing thereunto. At least for the time being. It may not be. My wild romantic idealisms were all vain, sinful, but the resignation seems of naught. Indeed I did think I cared more until I found myself forgetful and forgetting in the recital of that which I last eve heard. [THIS PAGE IS CUT OFF AND PART OF THE ENTRY FOR THE DAY IS MISSING INCLUDING THE DATE] notice, feeble, faithless and inconstant, yet oh it is not for my sake that God even heareth prayers - for the sake of those who pray and why, 0, why - but He knowith and I must not rejoin at His delay Not Gabriel asks the reason why, Nor God the reason gives, Nor dared the favorite angel [illegible] Between the folded [illegible] " "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life."9 0, for that tree of life. My God oh, grant me heart and opportunity , reason, place and right motions and desires - to pray and keep me from all sin. 0, my cousins and my friend, when o, when? [THE REMAINDER OF THE PAGE HAS BEEN CUT OFF. THE FOLLOWING MAY OR MAY NOT BE A CONTINUATION OF THE SAME ENTRY]. and rendering our fellow-creatures happy - on benevolence and disinterestedness, which I wish I could always keep in mind. I am resolved to adopt the golden rule for my future rule of life. I am happiest when I conform there unto and henceforth, "Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you" 10 by the help of God, shall be the motto of my every act thro life. 0, God be there my Helper, for I have none other but Thee. Have this day received from my beloved cousin J. another long, kind letter. It seems that in his path as well as my own, there are still ups and downs - although now there seems to be a bright glimmer of light upon his hitherto deeply shaded 44 path. THE NEXT THREE LINES HAVE BEEN ERASED] With my cousin, I can most heartily rejoice - A thrill of more perfect earthly happiness, I think I could not experience than that which darted thro' my heart as I perused the pleasing story of his new pleasure in his deep-toned breath of poetry. He is poetical in whatever he relates and yet he knows it not which renders it so much the more interesting. And yet and yet, dearly as I love my cousin and much as I rejoice in his happiness, there is that concerning him that starts the deep tear to my eye fills my heart with sadness. My cousin, my beloved cousin! Alas! He is an alien from God - a stranger to His grace and opposed to the undefiled truths of the Gospel, and oh when will it be otherwise with him? 0, when? Will it ever? 0, my God, thou knowest He is in Thy power - do as Thou will with the creature Thou hast made. 0, will it not forward 'My name and glory - will not his conversion now be the means of advancing Thy kingdom and the ligh of Thy latter day glory. 0, work, for thine own name's sake. My trust is ever in Thee. 18. The 15th birthday of my dear S.-- may many happy, useful years yet be alloted her. Have just heard of the marriage of Miss. F.L.B. Truly time works many wonders - even in a short space. 23. 1 think that I can rejoice that the Lord reigns - that he rules and governs all things for He will do righ and to him I thirst. I feel content to leave all to him. Too long have I rebelled and murmured that I could not have my own way and that immediately. His own time is best, 24. 0, my God, how long? Yet let me no - rebel I implore Thee and sin yet more aggravatingly but I long to see Thy salvation manifested in the souls and life of my beloved cousins and friend! 0, do Thou work speedily, my God, my everlasting Friend! I have no hope but in Thee. 28. Ten years ago this day I wept - upon the corpse of my beloved father. 11 Since that hour what different scenes have I passed thro'! 0, not for worlds would I recall all the days that are past if I must go in the same track that I have done. Yet it was God who dealt that blow - it is He who hath ever chastened me. I trust in love and to Him I wish ever to submit. I was then ten years of age - ten years in addition have wrought strange things - ten years more may work wonders. At 30 years of age oh, where shall I be? In eternity, very likely - oh, my God prepare me for heaven ere Thou dost take me from earth. Let me live these ten years in Thy fear, devoted to Thy service and in doing good. May I prove a faithful, devoted follower of Thee. My widowed mother too - in that hour how was her heart wrung - even broken in her woe, but she has been sustained and oh, wilt Thou comfort and bless her and sustain us each in time to come, forever more. 29. - Ten years this day I saw for the last time the face of my father - 0, my dear, dear suffering father how was my soul torn in anguish as I gazed on thee for the last time - yet - not the last time I shall see thee yet again when I shall stand at the bar of my God and oh, may I be prepared to spend eternity with thee.. 30. Last eve received a communication from a valued suffering friend - I wept over her distresses and my heart was deeply wounded to witness the sorrow of two so very dear to me. Why is it? I know it is right and I cannot murmur, but oh, God, ma may it be for their good. 0, 1 cannot bear to see my cousin going on thus - do, oh 45 my God, rescue him ere he sinks to endless perdition and will not be convinced. 0, my God I wait for thy promised answer. July 1 st - 0, 1 ought not to suffer my spirit to be thus oppressed. I ought to receive chastisements for allowing my heart to be so taken up with the world and so fastened to its pleasures. Truly my God, Thy corrections are tokens of Thy unchanging love. In them, then let me rejoice 0, that my friends whose sorrows I mourn but knew where to cast their care. I cannot feel for my own cares as I do for theirs. They will be unhappy and 1 know it. To be wrong and therefore cast aside as much as I can relying on the strength of God. "0, why should we ever be sharing moments of parting with pain? Tho' the rose we have cherished be fading, Time will bring roses again." 2. - God be praised that he gives me no greater heart enduring, brain rushing suffering - such as I have known in my long past - but when Thou hast corrected me, my Father, make me to shine forth as brightness and as a lamp that burneth. 0, grant me grace and will my God To love Thee as Thou art Make me to bless Thy chastining too And clip it to my heart. 3. 0, that I may both hope and patiently wait for the salvation of the Lord. " - Calm content and peace I find When Lord I trust in thee." 7.- How long - oh, my God, how long? 0, when shall I be made perfect in Thee? When shall I live as I ough - I cannot conform mysel to Thee. I cannot help myself - 0, my God! And I long for the salvation of those for whom I have so long prayed. 0, when shall my prayers become effective? When shall my words make any impression on their hearts? 0, when shall my prayers be heard - but more than that, when oh, when shall I cease to be weary in well doing? 0, my God, fasten upon me the strong cords of Thy love and draw me to Thyself. Make me to know that I love Thee - Make me fervent in prayer constant in duty and grant me the request of my soul that those whom I so dearly love, so ardently pray for may be speedily brought to acknowledge and taste the truth of the gospel as it is, and oh let me not faint and grow weary let me not doubt! 0. sing God! Let me not grow weary of waiting and cease to pray and expect for Thou wil - hear prayer in Thy own good time and pleasure - and 'My time will be best and I know that it will come. 0, increase my faith and hope and love and zeal and help me in the right way. Yet oh, delay not long I beseech Thee to show me Thy salvation 0 my G ! 21st 0, it is sinful for me to grieve thus! What if there is not a single friend on earth that cares for my welfare? My mother is a true friend and more infinitely more, my God I trust is my friend. I have many whom I call friend, who call themselves and whom I most dearly love, but they cannot feel like me. 0, it is bitter to feel that there is no brother or sister in all the wide world who weeps over my cares as I have so often wept over [THE NEXT PAGE IS CUT OFF AT THE TOP SO THAT 2 OR 3 LINES ARE MISSING] beloved friends! They are sometimes made glad in my sympathy, but they do not rejoice in seeking my benefit as I do for them and indeed how can I do otherwise? 46 But I ought to feel grateful to my Heavenly Parent that He gives me sometimes the mournful pleasure of being allowed to participate in their woes and sometimes perhaps of relieving them - or at least consoling them. 0! 1 am wicked and ungrateful to murmur so! 0, my God purify my heart! Thou art nurturing me for Heaven and I ought to be contented and happy in this, tho' Thou dost not see fit to bestow upon me relatives and friends of my own age who love me for myself alone instead of the sympathy I [illegible] for them who will try to help me in the way to Heaven and would seek my well being as ardently as their own. 0, 1 win not murmur! I cannot while Thou are bestowing so many bounties upon me. Yet oh, give me to see all the evil of my heart - purify me and fit me to meet Thy saints around Thy table on the coming day. 0, prepare me that I eat and drink not damnation to my own soul. And oh, my God, my soul is agonized when I think of my friends - those whom I so dearly love - so nearly allied to me by earthly ties - that they will not love Thee! God of truth is there no mercy in store for them? Must I cease to pray and hope? Yet what availith all my sinful offerings? They will not heed my counsel - they will not love Thy law. They will not brook the reproofs of others and they will no be convinced that there can be no salvation but by repentance and reliance on Thy holy merits. 0, my God, what can be done for them? What art Thou about to do with them. 0, save them, save them and be Thou glorified in their speedy conversion. 0, my Savior let me give Thee no rest till their names are recorded in Thy book of life and they are purified and made to "bring forth fruits meant for repentaners, 0, my Savior and my God! " 12 Aug. 2nd 0, my God, help me to praise Thee for all Thy goodness - for all Thy unmerited mercy. Thou hast been better to me than my fears - Thy goodness is greater than I deserve and Thou hast helped me beyond my expectations. 0, for deeper gratitude! 0, for a tongue to speak forth all Thy praise. 0, still go on in ways of mercy with me and be as Thou hast ever been the Father of the fatherless and the widow's God! 0, my Father! remember also my dear friends Thou knowest them all - for whom I pray - 0 will -thou not even now answer my petitions hear my cries broken tho' they be and grant the salvation of my beloved friends for Thy own Name's sake. My hope is wither. Aug. 8th [THE INSIDE EDGES OF THIS PAGE ARE CUT OUT IN A TRIANGLE PATTERN]. Attended the funeral of Uncle Noyes, 13 he died on Wednesday - very suddenly, having been sick but a few days. I did not see him during his sickness, tho'I was very anxious to for I felt as if he would not recover. I have always felt attached to him as well as his family, very strongly. I looked upon him almost as supplying the place of my deceased grandfather - whom I never had the privilege of seeing. I loved him because my beloved father loved him and he was the chosen guardian of my father after having been bereaved of his parents. I hope he was prepared and yet I have no assurance thereof, but I cannot bear to think that he is lost. He used, some years since to practice family prayers but lately he has left it from a sense of his own unworthiness, I believe it is thought. But be it as it may, God has done it and he does all things well. 0, Thou Father of the Fatherless, and God of the widow sustain them - direct - console and bring them to Thyself at last after a life of holy usefulness here. May this event deeply afflicting as it is, be santified to them and may it be for their eternal good. Poor cousin C! He is now left fatherless, often, I suppose has he felt as if he were friendless or fe that he was and now - but God can sustain him and cause this to work for his good. This from the depths of my soul did the earnest cry go up that it might be so, as I 47 saw him take leave of him who has hitherto been his father! 0, the intensity of that last long look! The earnest gaze! As if he would fair return him here! 0, my poor, beloved cousin. Yes, beloved as a brother - we were early playmates - even from our birth. I had no other brother - we were separated in after years but that feeling of sisterly kind ever remained. It still [missing] for I joy to look over those days of happy ignorance and innocence. I was happy during the whole first five years of my life, but since I have seen sorrow, deep poignant unavading [sic] sorrow, but I grieve not now; it is past - I cast all present woes on my Savior who so kindly offers to sustain me. I only grieve that I see not all whom I love walking in the ways of the Lord - and for my [THE NEXT TWO PAGES OF THE JOURNAL HAVE BEEN CUT OUT]. [AT THIS POINT OF THE JOURNAL SHE BEGAN TO DRAW TWO LINES ACROSS THE TOP OF THE JOURNAL ENTRY. ON THE FIRST LINE SHE HAS THE YEAR WRITTEN IN THE LEFF HAND EDGE, PRIVATE JOURNAL IS WRITTEN IN THE CENTER OF THE LINE AND THE JOURNAL PAGE NUMBER IS ON THE RIGHT HAND EDGE OF THE SHEET. THE SECOND LINE APPARENTLY SHE USED TO GIVE HERSELF A GUIDE PHRASE FOR THE DAY AND AN EVENT OF THE DAY. Example: 1844 Private Journal 33 Resolve to exercise self-denial. Funeral of P.C.W. practice of self-denial, I fear that I shall fail, but I would make the attempt. I cannot do less, and I pray God to assist and encourage me, and let me not grow we= in well-doing. nor yet become conceited and puffed up with self-righteousness. Oh, for Thine assisting grace to encourage and strengthen me, Thou who art the Widow's God. I begin today a new course of reading - May my Heavenly Father prosper me therein and assist my memory and my meditations, and suffer me not to give way to my natural indolence, and lay it aside but give me a more ardent taste for such reading. I begin with Mason on Self-Knowledge. 14. - Spent the week past with my beloved Clara - very pleasantly. It is so sweet to be once more by her side and hear again her - to me, soul thrilling voice! Dear girl - I know I love her all to well. I have just returned from the funeral of a youthful friend, who had long been confined to a bed of sickness. She was much beloved by all, but not so much as I love my C. and I could not help thinking - "What if it had been my too dear Clara? How could I have borne it?" Yet God tempers the wind to the shore land. Our dear P. we trust was prepared for death. Last Sabbath she was admitted into the church and a few of us partook at her bedside of the Lord's supper. It was a solemn scene and one that I will not forget. 0, that we may all be prepared for our last great change. 15. - Praise God for all His loving kindness and tender mercies to one of the most unworthy of all his creatures. P.M. Have attended meeting to-day and heard two excellent sermons from Mr. William but alas! I fear my heart is not right in the sight of God - it is so hard - so prone to forget - 0, can there be no impression made upon it? 0, my God, soften and subdue it with Thy love. Last winter I meta lady at our Sewing Circle, 14 and spent the eve with her. I had never before heard of her, but at the parting, she professed herself particularly pleased with me, and seemed to regret that we were no 48 more to meet. I know not the cause of her solicitude and gentle sympathy, but it touched my heart and tho' I knew professions of the world are so often deceitful yet - I believ her sincere. I could not doubt her sweetness and have often since thought of her, but feared I was forgotten, and did not even hope to meet her again. To-day, I have, very happily, met her again. She recognised [sic] me with all the affection of an old friend. She returns to her home to-morrow and as we should have no other opportunity of meeting we walked awhile in the graveyard. I am much pleased with her. She seems to possess a sound mind, a fountain of pure sympathy and an affectionate heart, yearning for, like sympathy and affection. Her cousin whom she visits speaks highly of her -- Truely this is a strange - to me, unlooked for coincidence. What is there in me so loveable? What was it that drew her affectionate notice so suddenly? Oh, there is nothing in me - it was God who directed her sympathizing tenderness to sweeten the orhpan's cup of woe. It was my Heavenly Friend - He ordered it - He brought it to pass and He will carry it on and accomplish it and to Him would I give all praise. In Miss Purrington, I think there is a tone of piety which I do not often see in young people, joined with so much wisdom, discretion, sound reasoning, sweetness and sympathy and so much understanding of the ways of the world. Ali, she has had experience. As myself, I am confident that she has suffered - the world has been careless of her and she too has been wounded. 0, my God, if so, heal her wounded spirit, bind up her broken heart and make her happy in Thy service. May the friendship which we have this evening pledged be pure, and eternal. May it be a source of happy profit to each of us and may we never have reason to repent of this newly formed attachment. May we be helpers to each other in the way to Heaven. 19. - Have spent the time for a week or more past with my dear C. - Among many other topics, that of our long contemplated "hall" 15 was one day brought up. C. remarked that if we had not agreed to spend our lives in "single blessedness" 16 together, she would not know what favored one to select as a companion, even were the privilege of choosing, allowed her. I was of the same opinion, of course as we almost always think alle. If we might find all the good qualities in one, why then and there followed a description of what we would wish, but then the objection arose "how could such perfect creatures be expected to fancy us - imperfect, giddy girls as are we?" Ali, that indeed were vain to think; We finally ended the matter by a determination to fit ourselves for "pattern wives" 17 and then when our perfect heroes should come to view there might be some sense in giving up the antiquated hall. We should be fitted then for either state. So ended our colloquy - each agreeing to emulate the other in effort at perfection, that both might persevere, and for sake of remembrance each was to note the new effort in her "log-book" which I have accordingly done - here it is, a record for years to come, if I live against me perhaps; showing whether or not I can persevere in any good works. One year ago to-day I went to Durham. Changes great and numerous have transpired since then, tho' not to me so much as in the situation of others. Oct. 4th - Two years this day removed from Mr. R's to our present abode. 18 Two years of change - continual, strange changes. And ere another year or two years what changes in our situation may not take place! 0, Lord fit us each for every change that may await us and render us perfect in Thee Since I wrote last, I have attended a Mon. Con. and heard the relation of God's dealings with my beloved C. In a few weeks she will unite with the church of Christ and there will be another, and a stronger tie existing between us. 0, my dear Clara! My heart is full - I cannot describe the feelings that have pervaded my soul since I knew of her determination! I once thought I could not love her more - - oh, 49 my God, let me not love her more than Thee. She and my beloved mother - are they not all the world to me! 0, 1 would not love them too well, but Oh, God, give me grace to perform my whole duty toward them - towards all the world. Oct. 12. - How shall I describe the sensation that have this day filled my soul? I cannot. Its impossible. It seems as if my Clara was now bound to me by ties dearer, stronger and far more enduring than ever before. I have this day tasted with her the bread of the Sacrament in memory of our glorious Redeemer who was broken for our iniquities - with her drank of the cup, which emblems the blood of our blessed Savior, shed for us. To do all this - to hear the word pronounced that united her forever to the Church of Christ, oh, I could no with composure. I strove to hide it, but the tears would come on. Dear, dear C, 0, mayst thou be a living shining light! 18.- On Monday last spite of the warning clouds, we, i.e. besides Anne S., Elizabeth, Clara and her father, sat out for the Conf. at Portland - the great metropolis of our state, which C. and myself had never visited and of course we were delighted with the idea tho' it was cold and cloudy. We could not converse much, such were our several positions, and thus enliven the dull monotony of gray fields, trees and scattered houses, but that we mattered not much - we were Portland. Besides, we were passing new things if they gray, and occasionally Mr. J. would amuse by the repetition of a few stanzas of Beattie's Minstrel, which is always pretty but coming from his well - toned voice, really beautiful. Well - we rode on and rode on, until nearly sunset I should think when it began to rain. We had designed "going through" to Portland, E. Anne and myself were to be left at Mrs Clark's while C was to go with her father to a public house, with which arrangement I felt quite inclined to quarrel only I could not, knowing that there was no other way. I did not at all like the idea of sleeping away from C. in the =at city of Portan and not knowing where to find her. However, just as I had brought my babyish mind to the issue and began to be contented, lo, that which I wished most was accomplished. The rain began to pour at no very gentle rate, as we reached Gery Comer and so much that we turned aside to Mr. Sheldon's - where we spent the night - E, C, and I occupying one bed as we had before wished. Before retiring to rest one little incident occured which I win note, tho' so simple. Mr. S's little daughter, sat with us in the parlor with her brother, a little older than herself. She appeared rather bashful and timid and fearful of saying more than her part. When bedtime came she quietly took a light and proceeded to the door where she stopped "Good night, pa," said she, "Good night, ma - Good night, Mr. Jones - Good night, ladies - Good night, Walter!" and we saw her no more that night, but that sweet "Good night. Walte " still sang in my ear for hours. Its sounds so sweet, sisterly and affectionate. It seemed to me that it was spoken in a different tone from the other "Good nights" and I almost wanted to call little Sarah back to kiss the sweet lips that had spoken it. Well - the next morning in the rain we sat out again for Portland. 'Me roads were muddy, the wind tolerably light, the rain heavy and the way almost dreary, but Mr. J. enlivened the dreariness in some degree singing fifty stanzas of The Minstrel. At length we arrived in Portland, deposited E. and her portmanteau 19 at her boarding place. Mrs. E and I rode up to the vestry to ascertain where our sojourn should be. While waiting in the carriage at the door agent. with red hair, whom C. thought resembled our cousin H.M.F. appeared on the side-walk, stopped to gaze at us, walked into the vestry and then came out again, all of which C. said we would preserve for our "log-book," as I have accordingly done. Soon, a little boy came out with Mr. J. and directed us to the residence of Miss Cross, the celebrated school 50 Courtesy of BY MONA ANN ERVIN (c) 1992 and the Androscoggin Historical Society (c)1998 * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents.
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