FREE BAPTIST CYCLOPAEDIA HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. THE RISE OF THE FREEWILL BAPTIST CONNECTION AND OF THOSE GENERAL, AND OPEN COMMUNION BAPTISTS WHICH, MERGING TOGETHER, FORM ONE PEOPLE, THEIR DOCTRINES, POLITY, PUBLICATIONS, SCHOOLS AND MISSIONS, WITH BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES OF MINISTERS AND OTHERS IDENTIFIED WITH THE GROWTH AND STRENGTH OF THE DENOMINATION. compiled & edited by Rev. G. A. BURGESS, A. M., and Rev. J. T. WARD, A. M. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. FREE BAPTIST CYCLOPAEDIA CO, 1889. COPYRIGHTED by the FREE BAPTIST CYCLOPAEDIA CO., 1886 AND 1889. Engraved by ARTHUR STOCKIN, Boston, Mass. Printed by THE WOMAN'S TEMPERANCE PUBLICATION ASSOCIATION, 161 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. To our Freewill Baptist Fathers, who, grasping early great and essential principles, through labors abundant and sacrifices above Measure, have been instrumental in establishing for the world a larger view of God and a deeper sense of Man's responsibility, this volume is affectionately dedicated PREFACE. In this volume are recorded the lives and labors of those who, under the divine leadership, have brought the Freewill Baptist denomination to its present position. Our undertaking was suggested by the Rev. D. R. Whittemore, who entered upon the work with us; but his decease, near its inception, released him from the responsibility. Information has been sought from the most reliable sources. The early histories have been freely consulted; the files of the Register and Morning Star have been found especially helpful, and the other denominational publications have been brought into service. Besides this, more than a thousand persons have furnished information concerning the events with which they have been familiar. All this has been faithfully considered, and edited with care. The preparation has covered the whole of the years 1887 and 1888. Unless specific dates are given, the time present to the writer is ordinarily near the middle of that period. The growth of the denomination is given in articles under the names of the states. In these, all the churches ever organized, with but few exceptions, are recorded and their progress noted. The work of the benevolent societies, schools, publications, and other general topics will be found in their appro- priate places. The sketches of individual lives are necessarily brief. In some instances the person is merely mentioned because other facts could not be ascertained ; and there are, no doubt, many most useful workers, particularly among the laity, who have been omitted entirely. We would not, by omission from among the two thousand and more whose names appear, detract in the least from the honor due the worthy men and women in all the churches, the record of whose deeds of devotion and love is written in Heaven. Nearly all the illustrations are new, having been made expressly for this work. In a few instances persons have furnished likenesses taken at a younger age. Our most unremitting pains- taking has been employed to present accurately the faces of those whose names are household words. In the case of some prominent exceptions no likeness could be had. We wish to acknowledge the valuable services of the distinguished committee of the Slat office, who have materially aided us by the inspection of our engravings. We acknowledge also our great indebtedness to the able writers who have furnished articles for this work, making special mention of Rev. Dawson Burns, 1). D., of London, England, for the article on English Bqptists, and are grateful to the many who, after much research and correspondence, have furnished us valua- ble information. We would remember, too, the universal kindness of our brethren, their words of appreciation, and the confidence they have reposed in us, evinced especially by the action of the Conference Board,-all of which have encouraged us to persevere in our undertaking. If any defects occur, it is not because we have not aimed and toiled to have our offering for the denominational weal one without spot or blemish. In our service we have constantly received inspiration from the zeal that glowed, a holy fire, in the breasts of the Fathers, who toiled "not for members nor for money, but for grand principles, " for mankind and for the blessed Christ. We send our imperfect offering forth with the prayer that it may kindle in the hearts of all our youth a like zeal, with a great, strong love for the denomination which, through the Gospel, has brought to them Eternal Life. I JOHN T. WARD, August, 1889. GIDEON A. BURGESS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. (As we add the drawing to the web site we will clean up the below list) PAGE. LIST PAGE. Abbey, Rev. M. H 9 Allen, Rev. J. J 14 Anderson, Mrs. Anna Stone . . . 16 Angell, Prof. Thomas L 18 Anthony . Dea. L. W 19 Atwood, Rev. Mark 27 Auburn Church, Me 367 Auburn Church, R. I 571 Augir, Rev. F. P 28 Bacheler, Rev. 0. R 31 Bailey, Rev. J. M., D. D. . . . . 32 Baker, Rev. G. W 33 Baker, Rev. 0. F 34 Ball, Rev. G. H., D. D 36 Bangor, Me., First Church . 374 Bates, Mrs. Anne S. Dudley 43 Bates, Rev. S. D 44 Bates College: 1) Hedge Laboratory 46 2) Hathorn Hall, etc 47 Bickford, Rev. C. A 54 Bignal, Rev. James . . . . 55 Bixby, Rev. N. W 56 Bixby Mrs'. Ruby Knapp , . . 56 Blake, Rev. C. P 59 Brackett, Rev. N. C 67 Bradbury, Rev. A. R 67 Bradbury, Mrs. A. R 68 Bradley, Rev. William 69 Brewster, Rev. J. M 70 Brewster, Mrs. M. M 714 Brooks, Rev. N. . . 73 Brown, Rev. F. W 75 Burbank, Rev. P. I 81 Burgess, Rev. G. A 83 Burgess, Rev. J. S 84 Burgin, Rev. J. W 84 Burkholder, Rev. T. W 85 Burkholder, Mrs. Julia P 85 Burlingame, Mrs. E. S 86 Burlingame, Rev. M. W 87 Burr, William 89 Butler, Rev. J. J., D. D 91 Buzzell, Rev. Alvah 94 Buzzell, Rev. John 95 Cairo, M., Second Church 293 Cary, Rev. R, M 103 Chaney, Rev. John l09 Chase, Rev. A. it 110 Chase, Rev. L. C . . . . . . .111 Chelmsford St. Church, Lowell, Mass, , . Chelsea Church, 389 Mass. 390 Cheney, Rev. Martin II3 Cheney, Rev. 0. B., 1). D. . . . 114 Cheney, Mrs. 0. B 115 Cheney, Rev. Rufus 116 Christian, Rev. Peter 117 Clarke, Rev. Rufus 123 Colby, Rev. John 128 Coldren, Rev. M. J 129 Coldren, Mrs. M. J 29 Coleman, Rev. I. B 131 Copp, Rev. J. S I36 Cox, Rev. J. P 140 Crawford, Miss Lavina I41 Curtis, Rev. Silas I45 Cutler, Rev. G. R I47 Darling, Rev. J. W I49 Davis, Rev. J. M., Ph. D. . . I52 Davis, Mrs. J. Burnham 153 Day, Rev. G. T., D. D 155 De Meritte, Miss L. A 159 Dexter, Mrs. Clara F 161 Dexter, Rev. Lewis 161 Dickinson, Rev. E. 0 I63 Drake, Rev. T. H 17I Dudley, Rev. C. D I72 Dudley, Rev. David T73 Dunn, Rev. Ransom, D. D 174 Dunn, Prof. Wayland I75 Durgin, Rev. D. W. C., D. D 176 Durkee, Rev. J. H. . . I77 Elmira Church, N, Y 481 Erskine, Rev. J 187 Fast, Rev. John B 191 PAGE. Fernald, Rev. E. N 193 Fisk, Rev. Ebenezer I95 Fowler, Rev. S. J 203 Frost Rev. C. S 214 Frost, Rev. R. D 215 Fullonton, Rev. John, D. D 217 Fullonton, Rev. Joseph 219 Gardner, Prof. J: S 22I George, Rev. F. D 226 Gerrish, Rev. A, L 229 Given, Rev. Arthur 232 Gordon, Rev. G. A 235 Gordon, Re,. H. S 235 Green Mt. Seminary 24o Church, R. I 567 Greenwich St. Church, R. 1. . 570 4 Gtiffin, Rev. Z. F. 241 Griffin, Mrs. Libbie CilleY 242 Haning, Rev. I. Z 246 Harding, Rev. F 249 Harmon, Rev. L. L 250 Hayes, Rev. B. F., 1). D 255 Hills, Mrs. M. M. H 263 Hills, Rev. 0. C 264 Hillsdale College: 1) Original Buildings 265 2) Present Buildings 266 Hilton, Rev, C. A. 268 Hoag Rev. I. J 269 Houghton, Rev. A. L. - - - 277 Howard, Rev. G. N 277 Howe, Rev. J. A., 1). D 279 Hutchins, Rev. Elias 283 Jackson Church, Mich 403 it kson, Rev. Daniel 3 4 Jenkins, Rev. Herman 307 Jenness, Rev. R. V 307 Jordan Prof. Cyrus 311 Kayser, Rev. J. M 316 Keith, Mrs. It. C. 317 Kingsbury, Rev. L 323 Knowlton, Rev. Ebenezer 327 Laconia Church, N. II 462 Lash, Rev. J. B 331 Lawrence Church, Mass 389 Lawrence, Richard M 332 Libby, Rev. C. 0 336 Limbocker, Rev. H. S 339 Linderman, Rev. G. P 34o Lord, Rev. R. D 345 Lovejoy, Rev. A 348 Lowell, Rev. J. A 349 Lyndon Institute 3 350 Mack, Rev. Enoch, M. D. 352 Maine Central institute 379 Wain St. Church, Lewiston, Me. 366 Malvern, Rev. John - - - - - 380 Malvern, Rev. Lewis. . . . - 381 Manchester Church, N. H. 467 Manning, Rev J S 38I of India Mission -Field. - Map of India. n 1 . 4 Marks, Rev. David 384 Marshall, Rev, A. J. 385 Mauck, Prof. J. W 390 McKenney, Mrs. A. A 394 McKenney, Rev. B. F 394 McKenzie, Rev. Jas. A 395 Meservey, Prof. A. B 399 Messaros, Rev. Waldo 400 Minard, Rev. 13. - 411 Minneapolis, Minn., First Church 412 Morrell, Rev. A. H 437 Mosher, Pres. G. P 44o Mosher, Mrs. F. S 44o Moulton, Pres. A. A 441 Moulton, Rev. A. K 442 Moulton, Rev. 0. T 445 Musgrove, Rev. G. N 448 Newbold, Rev. Joshua 45I New Hampton Institution 469 North Berwick, Me., Second Church 362 Olneyville Church, R. I 569 Page, Dea. E. W 5o4 Pagee' Rev. J. B 506 Parker, Rev. B. P 508 PAGE. Park St. Church, R. 1. . 570 Parsons, Rev. J. W 510 Pascoag Church, R. I 567 Patch, Rev. 0. D 511 Peckham, Rev. F. H 514 Peden, Rev. Thomas R 514 Penney, Rev. C. F., D. D. 5I5 Perkins, Rev. C. S 51 Perkins, Rev. Gideon 5I9 Perkins, Miss S. A 52o Perkins, Rev. Thomas 52I Phillips, Rev. Jeremiah, D. D. . . 525 Phillips, Mrs. H. C 526 Phillips, Rev' Mowry 527 Phinney Rev. Clement 529 Phoenix. Church, N- Y 483 Pierce, Rev. Waterman 53o Pinkham, Rev. C. L 531 Pittsfield Church, N. H 456 Place, Rev. Enoch 533 Pope, Rev. J. R 537 Portland Church, Me 359 Prescott, Rev. K H 542 Printing Establishment 1) Building at Dover 544 2) New Star Office - - - - - - - - 545 Quinhy, Rev. Hosea, 1). D. - - 550 Ramsey, Rev,. G. P 554 Ramsey, Mrs. V. G 555 Rand, Rev. James 556 Register, title page I829 565 Rice, Rev. D. I 572 Ricker, Rev. V. W S73 Rio Grande College 575 Rochester Village Church, N. H. 46o Root, Rev. F . ' ' ' ' 579 Rowell, Rev. N. L- D. . I . . 581 Runnells, Rev. John 582 Russell, Dea. A. C 582 Russell, Dea. A. L- . 583 Saco Church, Me 361 Salley, Rev. A. 'V 585 Sharp, Dr. L. N 592 Sinclair, Rev. J. I 598 Smith, Rev. A. A 602 Smith, Rev. A. D 603 Smith, Rev. B. B 604 Smith, Mrs. 1). I 604 Smith, Rev. S. F. . 607 Smithville Seminary 6o9 Spooner, Rev. Thomas 611 Steele, Rev. J. C 614 Stewart, Rev. 1. D., 1). D. 619 Stiles, Rev. F. 13 621 stiles, Mrs. F. B 621 Stinchfield, Rev. Ephraim 622 Storer College 626 Straight, Rev. F. W 628 Tasker, Rev. L B 637 Tibbetts, Rev. F 645 Tracy, Rev. Jonathan 652 True, Rev. F 655 True, Rev. 0. H 655 Wade, Rev. Charles 674 Wade, Mrs. M. R 675 Ward, Rev. J. T 678 Waterman, Rev. D 680 Wesley, Rev. F. ( 687 Westley, Rev. J 687 West Virginia College 688 Whitaker, Rev. R. B 691 Wbitcher, Rev. H 692 Whitefield Church, N. H. . . . . 465 Whitestown Seminary 696 Whitney, Rev. G. W 696 Whittemore, Rev. D. R 698 Wiley, Rev. F. L. 7 Williams, Rev . A . D. D 701 Winnebago City College 7o6 Winsor, William, Esq 707 Wire, Rev. S 708 Wood, Rev. It. F 7I4 Wood, Rev. John 7I5 Woodman, Rev. J. M 716 Woodman, Rev. Jonathan 7I7 Wright, Rev. R, N 720 (c) 1998 Courtesy of the New England Old Newspaper Index Project of Maine Please site our web site PO Box 152 Danville, Maine 04223 ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.