Cumberland County ME Archives History - Businesses .....Bridgton 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 30, 2007, 7:23 pm BRIDGTON. Thirty-eight miles N. W. of Portland. On Bridgton & Saco River Railroad; on steamboat line from Sebago Lake Station on P. & O. R. R.; also on stage-lines from Norway and Portland. First settled, 1770, by Capt. Benj. Kimball. Named from Moody Bridges, of Andover, Mass., a large proprietor, and incorporated Feb. 7, 1794, the eighty-fifth town. Previously called Pondicherry. Post-office established in 1800. First representative to general court, Phineas Ingalls, 1819. Contains 23,000 acres. Bridgton Academy incorporated March, 1808. Population-1850, 2710; 1860, 2556; 1870, 2685; 1880, 2,863. Valuation, 1860-Polls, 617; Estates, $697,148; 1870-Polls, 667; Estates, $855,197; 1880-Polls, 730; Estates, $1,102,613. Sandy Creek, formerly Pinhook, a village near the center of the southern half of the town. Post masters-C. E. Gibbs; South, T. B. Knapp; North, Edward Kimball; West, Orin H. Hibbard; Sandy Creek, Theo. E. Lang. Selectmen-Thomas P. Kimball, Edwin Ingalls, G. A. Cushman. Town Clerk-Mellen Plummer. Treasurer-M. Gleason. Constable and Collector-T. S. Webb. School Committee-N. Lincoln, W. A. Pratt. W. B. Hague. Bridgton Center Village Corporation-E. A. Littlefield, Clerk; F. P. Bennett, Treas.; T. S. Webb, Collector; P. P. Burnham, Chief Engineer; A. Stevenson, Abel H. Harriman, Assistant Engineers. Clergymen-Vacant, Cong.; William A. Pratt, Universalist; A. R. Sylvester, Meth.; vacant, Bap.; North, N. Lincoln, Cong.; South. W. B. Hague, Cong.; Sandy Creek, C. W. Foster, F. Bap.; West, B. C. Chadbourne, F. Bap. Physicians-N. P. Potter, J. H. Kimball, J. B. Bray, Webb & Mitchell, All.; W. B. Perkins, Hom. Dentists-W. H. Haskell, W. L. Haskell, J. K. Bickell. Lawyers-D. P. Chaplin, A. H. Walker, George H. Westcott. Notaries-W. H. Haskell. August 17, 1876; Augustus H. Walker, July 13, 1881. Justices-D. P. Chaplin, Dec. 5, 1877 ;E. R. Staples, Feb. 1, 1877; Geo. S. Farnsworth, Feb. 9, 1876; Geo. G. Wight, July 2, 1879: H. D. Corson, May 24, 1877: J. F. Chute, Nov. 7, 1877; Edward Kimball, Jan. 5, 1881; George H. Westcott, May 12, 1880; A. H. Walker, Jan. 26, 1881; P. P. Hilton, April 27, 1882, Quorum; W.W. Cross, Feb. 6, 1880; E. R. Staples, Sept, 22,1882, Trial; G. E. Chadbourne, Dedimus. Merchants- Apothecaries-J. H. Kimball, F. H. Hazelton & Co. Agricultural Implements-Chandler & Wales, L. W. Bradstreet. Books, Stationery, etc.-F. H. Hazelton & Co., J. H. Kimball, B. W. Stevens; North. Kimball & Co.; South, Knnpp & Sanborn. Boots and Shoes-H. G. Larrabee, Bridgton Boot and Shoe Co., Lothrop & Downing; North, Kimball & Co. Butchers-North, John Hill, C. W. Hill. Carpets and, Room Paper-F. Gibbs & Co., Lothrop & Downing. Cattle Broker-Wm. W. Cross. Cigars and Confectionery-A. J. Noone, A. Harmon, B. W. Stevens, T. Brown. Clothing-J. F. Libby, Thomas Brown. Crockery-W. A. Stevens & Co., Lothrop & Downing, F. Gibhs & Co., W. M. Staples; North, Kimball & Co.; South, Knapp & Sanborn. Drugs, Patent Medicines, etc.-F. H. Hazelton & Co., F. P. Bennett. Dry Goods and Millinery-P. P. Burnham. Dry Goods and Groceries-Lothrop & Downing, Frank Gibbs & Co., A. Harmon, W. M. Staples; North, Kimball & Co.; South, Knapp & Sanborn. Flour-Daniel Weston. Furniture-Lewis Smith; North, Luke & F. H. Brown. Groceries-W. A. Stevens & Co., W. M. Staples; Sandy Creek, Theodore E. Lang. Groceries and Provisions-A. Harmon, F. H. Gerry, Lewis M. Marois. Hardware, Stoves, and Tinware-Chandler & Wales, L. W. Bradstreet. Horses, Matched and Fancy-C. B. Kneeland. Jewelry-J. H. Caswell, B. W. Stevens, W. W. Ward. Meat and Fish Market-F. D. Hanson, D. Ballard. Merchant Tailors-D. C. Saunders; South, C. F. Staples. Millinery and Fancy Goods-Mrs. M. E. Cook. Milk-M. B. Stone, J. Bennett. Mowing Machines, Rakes, &c.-Chandler & Wales, Wm. Pease. Music and Musical Instruments-B.W. Stevens. Paints and Oils-Lothrop & Downing, W. A. Stevens & Co., Frank Gibbs & Co., George E. Murphy; North, Kimball & Co.; South, Knapp & Sanborn. Restaurant-George Miller. Sewing Machines-B. W. Stevens, P. B. Waldron, J. P. Stevens; North, I. S. Webb. Sporting Goods-F. H. Hazelton & Co. Manufacturers-Bedsteads-North, Luke & F. H. Brown. Boat Builder-Isaac Chase. Boxes, Wooden-E. A. Littlefield, J. O. & G. F. Knapp. Cabinetmakers-Geo. E. Murphy, Lewis Smith; North, Luke & F. H. Brown. Carpenters-Jesse Murphy, George E. Murphy; North, J. Mayberry, Wm. Foster, Wm. H. Foster; South, D. C. Johnson, Alvah Johnson; Sandy Creek, B. Winn, Samuel C. Proctor. Carriages-A. B. Pratt, I. K. Littlefield, G. W. Douglass. Carriage Smiths-Geo. H. Willard. Carriage Trimmers-E. G. Wilder, J. F. Bennett; North, I. S. Webb. Cigars-A. J. Noone. Clothing-Thomas Brown; South, Knapp & Sanborn. Coffins and Caskets-Lewis Smith. Contractors and Builders-George E. Murphy; North, William H. Foster; South, J. O. & G.F. Knapp. Coopers-William S. Quincy, John Fields. Canned Goods-Winslow Packing Co., A. H. Burnham, agent. Doors, Sash and Blinds-Jesse Murphy, Lewis Smith, Bridgton Sash Co., Geo. E. Murphy; South, J. O. & G. F. Knapp. Dressmakers-Mrs. E. A. Twambly, Miss Jessie F. Hill, Miss C. A. Murphy. Furniture -Lewis Smith; North, Luke & F. H. Brown. Earthenware-North, R. T. Kitson. Granite Monuments and Curb Stones-B. Howard, Lewis Libby; North, Isaac E. Allen & Sons. Grist Mills-South, J. R. Foster & Sons; West, Warren Brothers; Sandy Creek, Abner Allen. Hair Work-North, Mrs. N. J. Mead. Harnesses-E. G. Wilder, J. F. Bennett; North, S.Webb. Lumber-A. H. Harriman & Co.; North, Luke & F. H. Brown; South, J. O. & G. F. Knapp, J. R. Foster & Sons; Sandy Creek, A. G. Berry & Son. Marble Workers-Howard & Steadman. Machinists-Forest Mills Co.; North, R. T. Bailey (and die maker), Osgood Bailey. Masons-M. D. Herrick & Sons. Millwrights-Sandy Creek, A. G. Berry & Son; South, A. G. Berry jr. Painters-George A. Ham, George W. Newbegin, O. E. Barker, A. F. Scribner, Charles W. Brown (house): North, John Mead & Son (sign, ornamental, and fresco); Sandy Creek, J P. Ingalls (carriage); South, Alvin Ingalls. Photographers-E. M. Berry, CHAELES W. HEARN (see advt. colored page). Plumber-Lewis W. Bradstreet. Printers-H. A. Shorey, A. F. Gerrish. Saw Mills-A. H. Harriman & Co.; North, Luke & F. H. Brown; South, J. B. Foster & Sons; Sandy Creek, A. G. Berry & Son. Shoemakers-F. M. Larrabee, D. P. Larrabee, T. M. Kenniston; North, Wm. K. Webb; South, S. N. Gould; Sandy Creek, L. S. Newcomb. Smiths - Douglass & Moors, Levi Douglass, G. Robinson, L. D. Corser; North, Charles Glines; South, L. W. Frost; West, B. M. Fernald; Sandy Creek, R. A. Long. Soap-Stephen Pattee. Stair Builder-North, Wm. Foster. Staves and Shook-A. H. Harriman, W. A. Stevens; Sandy Creek, A. G. Berry & Son. Stone Cutters-L. M. Libby, L. D. Corser, J. A. Trumble, William Trumble; North, S. Riggs. Tannery-Luther Billings. Taxidermists-G. A. Chase; North, J. C. Mead. Tinsmith-L. W. Bradstreet. Upholstery-E. S. Warner. Water Wheels, Machinery, &c.-Bridgton Machine Co., Wm. F. Perry, manager. Woolen Goods-Pondicherry Co., Rufus Gibbs, president; Wm Iredale, supt., fancy cassimeres, repellants, cloakings, blankets, etc.; Forest Mills Co., Wm. F. Perry, pres., cloakings, fancy cassimeres, etc. Auctioneer-North, I. S. Webb. Barbers-Staley & Gerrish, D. Draper, S. Brown; North, F. H. Glines. Insurance- Geo. G. Wight, fire, life and accident. Livery Stables-G. W. Newcomb, C. B. Kneeland, R. A. Cleaves (hack); North, I. S. Webb. Music Teachers-Mrs. J. P. Webb, Nellie E. Gibbs; North, Annie P. Blake. Surveyor-D. P. Chaplin. Veterinary Surgeons-Geo. Miller, Frank W. Jewell. Halls-Gibbs Hall. Rufus Gibbs, proprietor; Central Hall, A. Stevenson, agent; Bennett's Hall, J. F. Bennett, proprietor. I. S.Webb, agent. Libraries-Bridgton Public Library Association; Circulating, F. P. Bennett, prop.; Ridge Library, Edward Ingalls. president; North, Literary Association, John Mead, president; South, Literary Society, Mrs. A. G. Kimball, president. Schools-Bridgton High School, established 1873, A. F. Richardson, A. M., principal; Bridgton Grammar School, established 1872, George W. Norton, principal. Academy-North, BRIDGTON ACADEMY, J. F. Moody, A. M., prin. (see advt. back of book). Steamboat Line-Sebago Steamboat Co., Chas. E. Gibbs, proprietor, during spring, summer, and fall months, connecting Harrison, North Bridgton, Bridgton, and Naples with Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad at Sebago Lake station. W. U. Telegraph-E. C. Chamberlain, operator. Asso'tns - Masons - Oriental, Saturday on or before full moon; I. O. O. F.-Cumberland Lodge, Monday; Mount Pleasant Encampment, No. 14, first and third Wednesday. K. of Pythias-Highland, No. 10, Fri. Bridgton Cornet Band-Frankie Cash, leader. Shakesperian Club-Tues. South-South Bridgton Cornet Band-Frank Frost, leader. North-P. of H.-Highland, No. 116,1st and 3d Saturday. Hotels-Bridgton House, Mrs. M. M. Davis; Cumberland House, Marshall Bacon; North, Lake House, J. B. Martin. Summer Hotel-E. A. Gibbs; Ridge Cottage, W. G. Kimball. Banks and Newspapers-See listing. Additional Comments: Extracted from: MAINE STATE YEAR-BOOK, AND LEGISLATIVE MANUAL, FOR THE YEAR 1883-84, FROM APRIL 1, 1883, TO APRIL 1, 1884, BY EDMUND S. HOYT. PREPARED PURSUANT TO ORDERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. PORTLAND: HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, 193 MIDDLE STREET. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1883, by HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 10.4 Kb