Cumberland County ME Archives History - Businesses .....Windham 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 6, 2007, 12:56 pm WINDHAM. Twelve miles N. W. of Portland. On Portland and Ogdensburg R. R. Settled, 1737, by Thomas Chute and Wm. Mayberry, from Marblehead, in Massachusets. [sic] Once called New Marblehead. Inc. June 12, 1762. Population-1850, 2380; 1860, 2635; 1870, 2428; 1880, 2312. Valuation, 1860-Polls, 535; Estates, $786,758; 1870-Polls, 540; Estates, $1,014,877; 1880-Polls, 702; Estates, $819,839. Postmasters- Center, Alley Hawkes; South, Endora T. Swett; North, Charles Rogers. Selectmen-South, J. W. Read; Center, Edwin A. Bodge, C. N. Morrill. Town Clerk-Frederick S. Hawkes. Treasurer-Frederick S. Hawkes. Collector-Center, Samuel V. Haskell. School Committee-South, Cyrus A. Jordan, Nathan H. Wood. Clergymen-Luther Wiswall, Cong.; vacant, F. Bap.; Elijah Cook, Friends; South, vacant, Univ.; North, supplies, Meth.; vacant, Cong., Union church. Physicians-Center, J. A. Parsons, B. F. Dunn; South, J. H. Cushman, All; North, A. E. Cobb, All. Lawyer-South, Lindley M. Webb. Justices-Chas. Jones, Oct. 8, 1879; Lindley M. Webb, Jan. 18, 1878; W. H. Varney, Aug. 1, 1878; Albert R. Hawkes, Quorum; Chas. Rogers, Aug. 13,1879, Trial. Merchants-Center, Alley Hawkes, Mrs. A. J. Morrill; North, Wm. F. Hall, Leonard S. Freeman, F. P. Sposedo, general stores; L. Rogers & Co., millinery and fancy goods; South, William Bickford & Co., general stores; W. Hawkes, dry and fancy goods; Miss E. Hanson, millinery and fancy goods; B. F. Bacon, meats and provisions; Mrs. E. T. Swett, dry and fancy goods, drugs, coal, etc. Manufacturers-Center, Oliver Robinson, Albion Senter, boots and shoes; Thos. Varney, staves, boxes and shook; Thos. Wright, harnesses and carriage trimmer; A. B. Snow, carriage-painter and trimmer; Joseph Elder, boards, shook and shingles; Wm. F. Hall, clothing; John Keen, grist and wool carding; Geo. B. Hanson, clothing; L. N. Hawkes, smith; W. H. Boothby, butcher; Elbridge Lord, mast hoops and jib hanks. South, Oriental Powder Mills, E. E. Newhall, agent, J. H. Williams, secretary, powder; E. T. Smith, carriages; Chas. Nichols, coffins; Sebago Wood Board Co., Charles A. Brown, treas.; S. T. Dole, boots and shoes; Mallison Falls Mill, Thos. L. Robinson, prop., woolens; James Lombard, Jacob N. Morrill, smith; B. F. Bacon, butcher. North, Rogers, Jordan & Co., Mann & Nason, A. T. Nason, clothing; North Windham Manufacturing Co., cooperage; W. A. Ames, carriage wood work; Amos Mann, smith; J. A. Hammond, harnesses. North Gorham P. O., J. M. White, long and short lumber; Clark Cannell, wagons and sleighs. Livery Stable -South, B. E. Bacon; North, Oren P. Chaffin (and sale). Asso'tns-Masons-Presumpscot, Sat. on or before full moon; P. of H. -Pleasant River, No. 35; I. O. G. T -Friendship. South-I. O. G. T.- Light of Home, Fri.; K. of P.-Oriental No. 17, Tues. North-I. O. G. T. -Pine Tree; K. of H.-Windham. Hotels-Pleasant River House, Jacob B. Morrell; North Windham House, B. C. Gay. Additional Comments: Extracted from: MAINE STATE YEAR-BOOK, AND LEGISLATIVE MANUAL, FOR THE YEAR 1883-84, FROM APRIL 1, 1883, TO APRIL 1, 1884, BY EDMUND S. HOYT. PREPARED PURSUANT TO ORDERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. PORTLAND: HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, 193 MIDDLE STREET. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb