Royal River Valley Families (Old North Yarmouth, Cumberland Co, Maine Families) compiled by David C. Young e-mail bases in part from the records of the later Rev Allen Greeley of North Yarmouth & Turner, Maine copyright 1997 by David C Young NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents.

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RICE Benjamin Rev b ????? d ?????? married Lucy ______ children: William Whitney b 7 Mar 1826; Lucy Ann b 26 Sep 1827; Charles Jenkins b 2 Jul 1832 {New Gloucester ME VR page 136] RICE Daniel b ???? d ???? married Sarah P ______ children: Mary Jane b 23 DEc 1832; Solome H b 2 Jan 1837; Margaret Ella b 18 SEp 1839 {New Gloucester, Me page 137] RICHARD Benjamin 1-3-3 Freeport 1790 RICHARDS Francis b ????? d ?????? married Abigail ________ children: Mary Ellen b 9 May 1840; Justus H b 24 June 1844; Eunice M b 27 Sep 1848 [New Gloucester ME page 137] RICHARDSON Benjamin - Born ??, d ??, m Abigail ______. Children: Benjamin b 14 Nov 1782; Caleb; Abigail; Joseph; Elena; Catharine; Bradbury; Sally; Mary. [VR p 39, Freeport, ME] RICHARDSON Bradley b ??? d ???? married Jane _________ children: Bradbury b 23 Nov 1832; Marquis La Fayette b 20 June 1835; Jane Elizabeth b 1 June 1841 [New Gloucester, ME page 137] RICHARDSON Joseph L b ????? d ???? Julia _______ children: Franklin E b 5 Oct 1855; Mary Olive b 1 June 1858 [ New Gloucester, ME page 137] RICKER Hannah (Bartlett) - Born 10 Nov 1838 - Kingsbury, ME, or born 10 Feb 1839, came to New Gloucester in 1852, then left, came again 16 Sept 1873 from Skowhegan with her husband (Edwin) & daughter (Abagail Frances) seeking another priveledge; 21 Sep 1873, departs with her husband for their home, They leave their daughter behind; returned 22 Dec 1875 with her husband, Edwin & two children; on 28 Aug 1876, returned to Skowhegan with her husband & four children . [Shaker NOMINUM] RICKER Joseph Rev b ??? d ??? married Ann J _____ children: Howard Clark b 21 Feb 1844; Sarah Jane b 12 Jul 1846 {New Gloucester, ME page 138] RIDOUT - see rideout RIDEOUT, Benjamin b 10 May 1764 s/o William . Benjamin m Susannah Knihghts 17 Nov 1791 she was born 9 Dec 1767 Children: William b 28 May 1795 m Hannah Parsons; Susannah b 27 Feb 1802 d 26 Mar 1846; MArtha W b 16 Aug 1808 m Reuben RIdeout; RIDEOUT Nathaniel & Catharine _________ children: Benjamin Allen b 10 Jul 1815 at North Yarmouth; Perez Bradbury b 25 Nov 1816 at Pownal; etc see VR page227 Pownal] RIDEOUT Nathaniel b ???? d ????? married 1st, Ruth ________ m(2) Rachel P ________. Children: Harriet; Bethial; Deborah Blanchard; Serena Allen; {Chidren by 2nd wife}: Annie Pennel b 17 Feb 1858 [New Gloucester ME page 138] RIDEOUT, Nicholas I married Mary Ingersol Children: Benjanim b 15 Jul 1730; William b 24 Oct 1733 m Mary Blackstone 15 Dec 1756; Mary b 3 Aug 1735; Nicholas b 17 Feb 1738; Hannah b 21 Feb 1739; Abraham b 27 Dec 1741; Zeviah b 13 Dec 1742; Prudence b 16 Sep 1745; Abraham 2d b 4 Jan 1748; Betsey b 12 Nov 1749; Nathaniel b 29 Feb 1752; Mark b 5 Aug 1754 RIDEOUT, Nicholas II b 14 Jul 1768 d 4 Jan 1855 s/o William & Mary (Blackstone) Nicholas Rideout m Susannah Shaw d 7 Mar 1842 ae 82y Children: Mary b 24 May 1788 m Elijah Huston; Nicholas III b 7 Feb 1795 m 28 Feb 1844, Mary Steele Buxton, who d 31 Jan 1853, widow of Jeremiah (who was the s/o William Buxton Esq RIDEOUT, Nicholas III b 7 Feb 1795 s/o Nicholas He m Mary Steele Children: Mary Susan b 27 Mar 1845; Julia Buxton b 11 June 1846; Elizabeth Jane b 7 Dec 1848 RIDEOUT Nicholas b ??? d ???? married Charlotte _______ children: John Woodman b 1 Dec 1856; Blanchard N [New Gloucester ME page 138] RIDEOUT, William b 24 Oct 1733 d 26 May 1779 m Mary Blackstone 15 Dec 1756 , who was b 21 Apr 1735 d 20 Jul 1788 Children: William b 25 Sep 1757 m Ruth Rideout, his 2nd cousin; Hannah b 30 Dec 1758, d 11 Apr 1775; Nicholas b 11 Oct 1760 m Susan Shaw; Nathaniel b 14 Jul 1762 died 14 Jan 1795; Benjamin b 10 May 1764 m Susan Knights; Mary b 31 Jan 1766 d 23 Oct 1774; Jane b 2 June 1768 d 1 June 1836; Prudence b 22 ____ 1771 m Beza Blanchard 14 Feb 1792; Martha b 4 Feb 1773 d 8 Jul 1783; Reuben b 10 Oct 1775 m Priscilla Merrill; Elias b 9 June 1777 d at sea 1803 md Mary Sandbon RIDEOUT, William II children: William ; Susan m Bracket Marston; Benjamin m Lavina Pride; Elias; Jacob was at Augusta 1851; Elbridge; Ruth; Mary m Joseph Clough; RIDER, James lived on Gloucester Road, came from Middleboro (MA) married Hannah Paddlefoot Children: Nancy m Benjamin Hutchins; Mehitable; Jonathan m _____ Rollins; Samuel m Nabby Morse; Polly m David Morse; Jabez m Nancy Dodd of Falmouth, Me RING Andrew came from Kingston ( ) d cira 1744, married Zeruiah Standish, who was born about 1706. She m(2) Andrew Gray Sr 19 Dec 1745. Children: Susannah b 3 June 1730 at Kingston ( ); Hannah b 10 Jan 1733 at N Yarmouth (Me); William b 17 May 1735; Sarah b 2 Sep 1737; Eleazar b 7 May 1740 at N Yarmouth m Olive d/o Col Jno Mitchell; Deborah b 21 Jul 1742; Elenezer b 22 Sep 1746 RING Andrew b 16 Mar 1768 s/o Eleazar & Olive (Mitchell) married Lucy d/o Levi Loring children: Loring lived in PA; Dorcas m Daniel Boston; Jeremiah m at Lubec (Me); Eleazar m Marcia d/o William Stockbridge; Lucy RING Andrew md children: i Jeremiah md Jane Oakes d/o Nathan Oakes RING Bachaldier married (may be) Mary, who was b in North Yarmouth, 5 Nov 17?? children: David b 10 Apr 1773; Susannah b 3 Mar 1775; Sarah b 19 Sep 1777; Thomas b 18 June 1780; Nathaniel b 25 Sep 1782; Kezia b 9 Sep 1786; Comfort b 20 Aug 1789 [Durham VR by Hall] RING Edward (prop surveyors) N Yarmouth md Mary Scales (d/0 William)* 26 Apr 1733 both joined church 30 Apr 1738 children: i Peter b 28 Oct 1734 ii Thomas b 11 Jan 1736/7 iii Susannah b 7 Jan 1739 iv Abigail b 21 Mar 1742 William b 13 Oct 1748 Samuel b 26 Apr 1751 *[OTNY page 1158 states that the family name is KING not RING ??????????????? RING, Eleazer b 7 May 1740 d 22 Oct 1821 s/o Andrew married Olive d 18 Oct 1773 ae 23y 10m d/o Col Jno Mitchell m(2) 1 Apr 1778 Mary d 19 Mar 1807 d/o John Sweetser Sr. children: Andrew b 16 Mar 1768 m Lucy Loring; Hannah b 14 Dec 1772 m(1) _____Bray m(2) ____ Gooding; Jonathan b 16 Sep 1770 drowned at sea ae about 30y; Children by 2nd wife: Eleazar b 12 Mar 1779 lost at sea with Capt William Young ae 25y on 6 Mar 1804; Reueben b 7 Aug 1781 m Sally Davis; OLive b 11 Dec 1783 m Capt William Young; Mary b 5 Apr 1784, not m 1854; Elizabeth b 9 May 1786 m Asa Humphrey 1806; Martin m Jane d/o William True RING Martin b 7 Nov 1794 s/o Eleazer & Mary (S) married 19 Apr 1821 Jane d/o William True Children: Henry M b 12 Aug 1822; Mary S b 6 APr 1824 d 26 Dec 1843; Susan B b 6 Apr 1824 (twin of Mary); Asa b 24 Feb 1826 m Leza Lewis Jan 1854; Betsey A b 27 Sep 1827; Alonzo b 1 Oct 1829; Francis J b 29 Jul 1831 m William Favour 4 May 1852; Eleazar b 6 Feb 1834; Charles W b 18 Dec 1837; Horatio C b 28 _____ 1841 d 25 Mar 1844. RING Reuben b 7 Aug 1781 d 7 Aug 1824 ae 43y s/o Eleazar Sr & Mary ( ) married 24 Oct 1805, Sarah [Sally] d/o John & Martha (Walker) Davis.[EA issue 8 Nov 1805] His widow m(2) Richmond Loring 24 Apr 1834Children: William b 6 Jul 1806 m Content Titcomb; Harriet b 22 Feb 1808 d 3y; John Dutton b 27 Mar 1810 m Ruth Townsend; Martha Davis b 27 Sep 1812 m Justin MMerrill; Ammi Loring b 5 Oct 1814 d in Mobile; Timothy Hilliard b 24 Apr 1817 m Sarah Fish; Samuel b 24 Apr 1819 m Lydia Lovell; Amos Osgood b 8 May 1821 m Sarah ______; Reuben Gage b 27 May 1823 m Loiza Lovell RING/King William married _______ ch: Elizabeth bap 1762; Sarah bap 1762 [OTNY page 1158] RING, Edward (prop surveyor) married Mary Scales 26 Apr 1733 both joined the church 30 Apr 1738 Children: Peter b 28 Oct 1734; Thomas b 11 Jan 1736/7; Susannah b 7 Jan 1739; Abigail b 21 Mar 1742; William b 13 Oct 1748; Samuel b 26 Apr 1751 Royal River Valley Families (Old North Yarmouth, Cumberland Co, Maine Families) compiled by David C. Young e-mail bases in part from the records of the later Rev Allen Greeley of North Yarmouth & Turner, Maine copyright 1997 by David C Young NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents.