Danville, Maine Town Records: Documents Pertaining to Highways 1802-1818 from the files of the Androscoggin Historical Society by the late Charles Starbird of Danville, Maine 187 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO HIGHWAYS 1802 Pejepscot Nov 29, 1802 selectmen of said "To the Pejepscot "Gentlemen we the subscribers Inhabitants of said town do hereby Request of you to Come and Layout a Road from Dingleys ferry southwest toward New Gloucester as far as Can be Convenient for a Road and will accomidate us the settlers on said Road "Dominicus Libby John Martin James Ayer Anthony Murray Andrew Mckenney Isaac Libby Humphrey Libby Ebenezer Jordan W illiam Mckenney 7i11iam Elwell Gideon Haskell Jr Ephraim Dingley ,ley Edward Plummer Ephraim Crocket Moses Larrabee Ebenezer Cleave, "Courses and bounds of a town way laid out from Isaac McKinnys land to Durham line Begining at the most westerly corner of land occupied by Humphry Libbee - thence on the dividing line between said Libbee and Thomas Murrys land S43 E173 rods to the most easterly corner of Dominicus Libbee's possession " thence S45 E to Durham line - to be three rods wide, one half on each side of said line Surveyor and Andw R Giddinge Agent for the town to lay out town ways Accented by the town Attest AR Giddinge Moderator of the town meeting Augt 26 1802' Pejepscot May. the 7 1803 "We the undersigned inhabitants of Pejepscot a Road Might 'Be Laid out on the Range Line' Between Daniel Brannan and. Benjamin Dyer until it strikes the Rode leading from James Nevens Daniel Brannan John Stinchfield Daniel Jordan George Leach William Dingley Jacob True Ebenezer Jordan Elias Staten ACCOUNTS 0N BRIDGE `WENTWORTH SURVEY Pejepscot March 2bth 1804 "Pay joseph Dresser Ten Dollars and Sixty five cents it being due to him for Labor done at 67/100 pr Day on a Bridge built in Samuel S. Wentworths survey Lemuel Dyer Andw R Giddinge selectmen Treasurer of the of Town of Pejepscot. Benning Wentworth Pejepscot" (other orders of came date and in amounts specified as follows Benning Wentworth $3.90 Matthias Vickery 5.13 Phinehas Frost 1.06 Primus Shapleigh 1.93 Jacob True 11.91 1804. ,Pejepscot July 5 day 1804 to se how is willing to have a Cross road from James nevens to Mister John fog and therat a Cross Mister Benjamin Dyer and therat a Crost Mister Richard Hollis and therat a Crost Mister Lemuel Dyer and right A Crost be tiixt Ebenezer Jordan and Mister William Peables to the other road that leads from newgloucester to Mr William. Dingly fery "Edenezer Jordan Joseph Eveleth John Fogg Samuel Eveleth Benjamin Dyer Humphry Jordan Philip Mills Daniel Jordan John Walker Joseph McKenny J a m e s Wagg S Joshua Rowe John Stinchfield Moses Hanscom Daniel Brannan Oliver Wiswell William T Peabbels Andrew Mckenney Thomas Murry Humphry Libbee John Martin Amthony Murry Solomon Larrabee Wm Plummer Edward Plummer John Brooks Jr 189 DAMAGES FOR COUNTY ROAD MINOT To FPEEPORT "At a Court of Sessions of the Peace for the County of Cumberland, began and holden at Portland in said County on the third Tuesday of June A.D. 1804 Whereas the Committe appointed to lay out a Highway from Minot to Freeport have; in their return thereof, estimated and assessed as damages in the town of Pejepscot the sum of one hundred & fifty eight Dollars and in particular to Abraham Pearce the sum of Twenty Dollars. "Therefore ordered that the said sum be paid by the said town of Pej epscot to the said Pearce on or before the 23d day of September next, and in default thereof, it is further ordered that on application of the said Pearce the Clerk issue a Warrant of Distress for the same, agreeably to a law of the Commonwealth in such cases provided Attest Sam Freeman Clerk (similar orders In favor of) John Goss "Thirty three Dollars Joseph Eveleth "Eighty Dollars" Ezekiel Whitman Esqr "Twenty five Dollars" LETTER OF EZEKIEL WHITMAN. In Gluter Augt 14 1804 Gentlemen In the report of the Committee who laid out a road from "Minot to Fre eport running through Pejepscot there was an allowance to me of the sum of twenty five dollars for damage done me by tne running of said road thro my land If that, report has been accepted I am entitled to a warrant of distress against the town of Pejepscot whenever I have a mind to take it out for -that sum. But wishing to make no more costs for the Town of Pejepscot than necessary I have that proper not to take it out till I had first notified said Town, After this information I cannot dout their paying proper attention to the report I am Gentlemen respectfully Yr &c Ezekiel Whitman" 190. 1805 "Pejepscot Jany 19th AD 1805 " To Lemuel Dyer-Treasurer of the town of said Pejepscot pay Prinus Shapleigh three-:Dollars due to him for timber ,to build a bridge on the county Road near his house. Andw R. Giddinge Selectmen of Benning Wentworth 1806 "Pay the Bearer Dan 'Read three dollars and fifty cents for services done the town In surveying roads two Days Mr True Woodbury town treasurer Pejepscot Nov 7th 1806 Phinehas Frost) Selectmen'! Benj Arnold ACCOUNTS ON BRIDGE NEAR McKENNYS. Pay Sollomon Larrabee two Dollars and thirty three Cents for Labour done on the Bridge Near Stephen Mckeneys the year past Mr True Woodbury town treas, George Leach Selectmen Pejepscot February 21st 1807 Benj Arnold o f t o nwn (Additional orders) Ebenezer Cleaves William Plummer 5.67 Anthony Murray 9.00 James Jordan Gideon Haskell 1807. Pay Jacob True twenty five Dollars it being due to hire for money Received of him to nay the fine on the New County road to Colonel Wate - Pejepscot December 7th AD 1808 Mr True Woodbury Treasurer of Pejepscot Benning Wentworth, Selectmen John Witham of pejepscot" 191 ACCOUNT 0N JAMES WAGG BRIDGE* "To Mr True Woodbury treasurer of the town of Pejepscot pay Phinehas Frost Five Dollars it being due to him for labor done on a Bridge near James Waggs on the County Road Pejepscot June 21st 'AD 1808 Benning Wentworth selectmen of John Pejepscot". Additional orders Joseph Waterhouse $0.75 David Crocket $3.37 James Elwell 8.13 Matthias Vickery Jr $8.00 Matthias Vickery 2.25 George Leach 3.77 James Vickery 5.00 James- Wagg 3.75 John Penly 16.69 Samuel Wagg 4.86 Joseph Penly 3.75 Ephraim Crocket 3.75 1808. "To the Selectmen of the Town of Pejepscot the undersigned respect- fully submit "That In our opinion a road laid out from the Curved line near the corner of John Merrills land and where the land left from a four rod way by the owners of the Gore and between the land of Mr Job MOO Lane and Tammy Goss and Ebenezer Witham to Mr Withams most northerly corner will be of great use to the Town and to many individuals living near We therefore request that an article may be -out in the warrant for the next town meeting to take the sense ofthe Town respecting said road "March 8th 1808 Samuel Tarbox "Moses Smith Thomas Finson True Woodbury John Thorne John Nevens Moses Fitz John Stinchfield Pelatiah Smith John Walker Moses Rowe." 192. "Pejepscot October 5th 1808 Gentlemen to the selectmen of said Pejebscot Not having any Road leading to the center of "We the subscribers said town or any there Except through Durham to Freeport do pray that you would come and layout a Road from that Road that is laid out for Mr Joseph Mckenny & Martins between said Martins and the Mrssrs Libbees & Mr Grosses to Durham,:line and your petitioners are in duty Bound and will ever pray George Leach Lemuel Dyer Richard Hollis Samuel Haynes John Martin Benjamin Dyer Isaac Martin William Wentworth Peabbels Stephen Larrabee. Ebenezer Jordan Joseph Mckenny David Gross 1809, "Pejepscot April 4th 1809 To the Selectmen of the Town of Fejepscot, We the Subscriber doth beg the favour of granting a Sufficient sum of Money in order to Defray the Charges In building a bridge a Cross the brook that is on road that is laid out from James Ayerss to the town line. Also to Clear the rhode so that the sd Ayers & Hollis may have som benefit of the town privileges of the Town rhods for we Labour under a great Disadvantage in getting out or In without going A Cross other peoples mowing groud which often times proved A Damage So we the Subscribers Doth pray Your Honors would take In Consideration and grant the Above request Solomon Hollis James Ayer Ebenezer Cleaves Gideon Haskell William W. Peabbels Lemuel Dyer Humhrey Libbee Samuel Haynes Daniel Pain George Leach "Mr True Woodbury town treasurer of Pejepscot Pay Andrew Robinson Giddinge Esqr on Dollar and fifty Cents due for Surveying a town way near Daniel Paine to John Pearces Mill John Selectmen Jacob True of Pejepscot 193 "Pejepscot Nov,* 27, 1809 "We the subscribers hereby notify* that we have this day preambulated the line on the N E. end of Dominicus Libby's land find that the town way there laid out of which he prays for a discontinuance does in no way intrude unon the said Libby's land agreeable to the Information of Joseph Mckenny, William Mckenny and John Martin who have ever been acquainted with bounds ever since the land was first settled,. Oliver Herrick, Surveyor John Witham Selectmen of LemueI Dyer Pejebscot 1811. Pejepscot March 6th 1812 "True Woodbury, Town Treasurer of Pejepscot. "Pay Ebenezer Witham Fifty Dollars due to him for damages done by a road going throug his Land laid out by the Selectmen agreeable to a Vote of said town John Witham Selectmen Pelatiah Smith of Pejepscot 1813. "To the Select men of the Town of Pejepscot "Were the subscribers do Request that you would lay out. a Road from the post Road that leads to rowes ferry Near the land of Stephen Rowes to the land of Richard Gosss and through the land of Robert Maxwell near Philip Mills in to the road that leads by John Walkers It would be of great utility and convenience We therefore pray Your Honors that you would lay out a road in that rout where you should think it the most convenient as soon as may be and laid before the Town at their next meeting for acceptance Robard Maxwell "Daniel Brannan Philip Mills John M. Maxwell 'Goss Richard" Joshua Goss John Walker John Nevens True Woodbury Samuel Haynes,,_ John Stinchfield John De Finson Amos Tucker." 194. "Courses of an Alteration in the Town way leading from Mr True Woodburys by Mr Samuel Royalls to New Gloucester by Mr Zebulon Rowe to the Lower Corner in said New Gloucester Beginning, at a -stake in the old way near the passage through the bars leading to Solomon Atwoods - thence South Eighty 'six degrees about "twenty one Rods thence North thence north eighty five degrees west twenty four rods seventy, nine degrees West thirty rods - thence South eighty five degrees West fourteen rods-- to the beginning of the alteration of the "same way In New Gloucester whole distance, eighty nine rods said Alteration to be three rods wide one.half on each side of said line - "Surveyd by Andw "R. Giddinge Surveyor - "Laid out under the inspection of the subscribers, Selectmen of Newgloucester "November 8th 1813 " Recorded as the law directs by John Witham.Town Clerk "And submitted to the town for their acceptance by John Witham, Selectmen of Pejepscot "Pejepscot January 29th 1817 "Mr Ebenezer Jordan, Treasurer of said town - Please to pay Mr. Job Lane two hundred and seventy five dollars., it being the sum due to him for extra work on the bridge he lately built over Little Androscoggin river "Elias Banks Selectmen of John W. Jordan Pejepscot". Pejepscot November 3d 1817 Ebenezer Jordan, Treasurer of the town of Pejepscot Please to pay Mr Robert Hunnewell fifty dollars out of the money raised for town charges - the same being due to him for damages awarded to,.him for a highway or road located through said Hunnewell's land last year Elias Banks Selectmen William Plummer of said town" Pejepscot May 20,1818 "Mr Ebenezer Jordan, Town Treasurer: Please to pay Major Pelatiah Smith five dollars and sixty two cents out of the money raised for town charges - it being for work done on Royal's River River bridge as agent for the town in the year 1816. Elias Banks Selectmen John W. Jordan of Pejepscot l95 1 817 BRIDGE OVER LITTLE ANDROSCOGGIN, "Pejepscot, October 4th 1817 Mr Ebenezer Jordan., Treasurer of said town - please to pay Major Pe1atiah Smith three dollars out of the money raised for town charges - It bein for his services as agent for the town in regard to Mr Lane's bridge (so called) Elias Banks Selectmen William Plummer of town said "Pejepscot, October 4th 1817. "Mr Ebenezer Jordan Treasurer of said town - please to pay Mr Josenh Waterhouse three dollars out of the money raised for town charges - it being duo him for hie services as agent for the town In regard to M Lane's bridge, co called Elias Banks Selectmen Wm Plummer of said town" Pejepscot Feby 27, 1818 "Mr Ebenezer Jordan Treasurer of the town of Pejepscot I .?lease to nay Mr. Ebenezer Jordan Jr six-dollars out of the money raised for town charges - it being for money paid to Dan Read and Winslow Ames, Esqrs for setting on the reference between the town of Pejepscot & Job Lane respecting the building of the bridge over Little Androscoggin River Jany l6th 1817 Elias Banks Selectmen of John W. Jordan Fejepscot "Pejepscot, May 12, 1818 "Mr. Ebenezer Jordan,) Please to nay Mr. John Stinchfield three Town Treasurer ) dollars and seventy five cents out of the money raised for the repair of the highways it being for work whick he performed on Royal's River bridge, for which he never had credit by the surveyor of his district Elias Banks Selectmen Pelatiah Smith of Pejepscot". 1818. "Pejepscot August 24, 1818 "Mr Ebenezer Jordan ?lease to nay Mr Nathaniel L Town Treasurer of Pejepscot Ingersoll sixteen dollars and sixty two cents out of the money raised for town charges - It being for money he collected to pay the cost on an- indictment against the town for not keening the roads goods Elias Banks Selectmen of John W. Jordan Pejepscot 196 Pejepscot September l6, l818 - please to pay the widow "Mr Ebenezer Jordan, Town Treasurer for town -Elizabeth Vickery two dollars,Out,of the money raised charges - it being-for timber furnished for the bridge near Elder Roberts Elias Banks Selectmen of Pejepscot. John W. Jordan Pejepscot, Nov 2d. 1818 Mr Ebenezer Jordan, Treasurer of Town . Please to pay Mr Stephen Rowe twenty-five dollars out of the money raised for town charges it being due to him for damages in laying out a road through said Rowe land to Col Thomas Goss land. Elias Banks selectmen Pelatiah Smith of Pejepscot Pejepscot December 4, 1818 Ebenezer Jordan, Town Treasurer Please to pay Edward Little Esq - ten dollars out of the money raised for town charges; it being, the sum awarded to to Thomas Murray by the committee who laid out the road through the farm on which Anthony Murray lives- the said Thomas Murray having transferred the above sum to the said Little Elias Banks Peletiah Smith Slectmen of Pejepscot * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. 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